Under the weather?
Fret not, for it is group puzzle time
Gifting is my specialty
Making puzzles is in my blood
Fun is the spirit
Merry Christmas!
Work together to get through this labyrinth
Click 21736991 to start


  • Do NOT share itstoohard quiz or giveaway links
  • Sharing puzzle methods and quiz answers is encouraged (in fact is pretty much required if you want to make it to the end)
  • Addendum: Sharing character quiz links is ok
  • Addendum 2: Sharing only the latest unsolved quiz(zes) is okay.

Other Notes:

  • All giveaways end on January 8th.
  • Solve the "B" stage trivia for a hint on the puzzle portion of the next stage.
  • As in my last group puzzle, each question number is for a different platform across the quizzes
  • If you ever need to use the steam store for anything, use the US version
  • Here's a giveaway.
  • Character quizzes only need first names

Special thanks to Demosthenes for donating a couple of games (and giveaway slots, because I ran out). Also, if you happen to find a Doujin quiz, know that it was not my doing!!
Also thanks to Jexel, for this awesome itstoohard site (we need editing powers!), and for inspiration from his group puzzle earlier this year (Some things may look familiar!).
PS: The number of giveaways in profile aren't necessarily the number of gifts. There may be more!



All answers are located in the following documents:
Stage Quizzes
Character Quizzes

Stage Puzzles

Stage 1

Use Character Quizzes A and B. Take the first letters of each of the characters in A and add them to the first letters of the matching question in B. Use the following code:
A=1, B=2, C=3, etc.

Add the letters together to get the bit.ly link like so:

    .. 11 20 04 20 07 01 13 19 12
  • 11 20 04 19 10 03 16 16 13
    .. 22 40 08 39 17 04 29 35 25
    = V N M Q D C I Y

And so the link you get is: http://bit.ly/vNHMQDCIY

Stage 2

The next itstoohard quiz code was hidden inside of the Moo code. Simply replace all instances of M, m, O, and o with a space and you'll get the characters to the next quiz: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/kXyXB1QS. In case none of you noticed, this puzzle was a reference to an old crypto-puzzle.

Stage 3

This was a simple gift chain. The first game in a list was something I won, followed by something the gifter won, etc. Take the first letter of the gifter of the games in question. The complete chain solutions are as follows, with the letters in parenthesis the first letter of the gifter:

<= Homefront <= Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition (D) <= Natural Selection 2 <= The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition <= Warhammer 40000: Space Marine
<= Bioshock 2 <= Max Payne Bundle <= Closure <= Shadowgrounds Survivor <= Nuclear Dawn <= The Ship - Complete Pack (L)
<= Towns <= The Darkness II <= Binary Domain <= Zeno Clash (R) <= The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim <= Oddworld Pack <= Costume Quest <= The Walking Dead
<= The Ship <= Dustforce <= Hitman: Absolution <= Titan Quest Gold <= DiRT 3 <= X3: GoldBox <= The Ship <= Broken Sword Trilogy <= X SuperBox (O)
<= Quantum Conundrum <= Waveform <= Swords and Soldiers HD <= Max Payne 3 (C) <= Din's Curse <= Deponia
<= Anno 2070 <= Red Faction: Armageddon <= Warhammer 40000: Dawn of War II <= Avencast: Rise of the Mage (X)
<= Altitude (D) <= Metro 2033 <= War of the Roses <= Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money <= Tomb Raider: Underworld
<= Nexuiz (U) <= Worms Crazy Golf <= Serious Sam 3: BFE <= The Binding of Isaac Collection <= Magical Diary

The solution is then: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/DLROCXDU

Stage 4

Each of the games has some amount of DLCs. Use this number and convert into a letter as with the stage 1 puzzle.
? = 8 = H
? = 20 = T
? = 4 = D
?+? = 10 + 1 = K
? = 12 = L
? = 1 = A
?+? = 12 + 4 = P
Note that I specified to include all redundant DLCs, only those released before Dec. 25, 2012, and using the US store. The link you get is: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/HtDkLA0p

Stage 5

All character codes given were steamgifts giveaways. Each line corresponds to the Steam games in a specific indie bundle. Take the first letter of the missing Steam games to construct the quiz link. Use the letter/number conversion table given on the bottom for the numbers.

  1. 0 - Osmos in Humble Bundle for Android
  2. i - inmomentum in Indie Gala 1
  3. w - Weird Worlds in The May Hurray Bundle
  4. O - Oil Rush in The Fall Bundle
  5. D - Dino D-Day in the XMAS Bundle
  6. G - Gemini Rue in The Launch Bundle
  7. 1 - Irongrip: Warlord in Build a Bundle 2
  8. O - Osmos in Humble Bundle 2

The solution is thus: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/0iwO6G1O

Stage 6

Pretty simple. Just use the number of characters in the titles of the games and convert to a letter as in the Stage 1 puzzle. If the requested character is a number, just use the number of characters.

15 = O
20 = T
15 = O
06 = F
08 = H
06 = F
20 = T

The solution is: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/oTO8fhFT

Stage 7

The pivotal code is in Quiz Z. The string given there, TCNqVtlh, indicates both the capitalization of the quiz code and which other character quizzes to look in to get the correct link. So a T would mean to use the single H given on the completion of character quiz T.

Letters are hidden in Quizzes

Which correspond to the following chracters:
Q F J 6 E H 2

The solution is thus: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/HQ6e2hjf. Note that there were two extra letters in Quizzes O and R. These were only there to prevent brute-forcing of the quiz link.

Stage 8

Use the Character Quizzes to construct quiz links. The codes to use were hidden in various giveaways, but should not have been difficult to find.

The very natural piece of poetry in the OP:
U2 F1 G7 M3 F6 M9 W9 C1 = ukYxspPg

Hidden in the description of the game on the top of Giveaway 1:
C2 W1 L8 G0 E5 M2 I8 O7 = WIo9BCvY

At the end of the pastebin for the Stage 2 puzzle:
R5 S5 O4 J3 P8 O9 G7 H2 = GKe4VDy4

Given in plain sight in Giveaway 5:
C2 D2 U6 X7 E0 V9 R2 O0 = WzJB3Nm0

Hidden in the very first giveaway code on the 2nd page of comments in Stage 5:
R7 C4 C2 Q6 M4 N8 X2 D0 = 1uwklfk6

In plain sight on Giveaway 11. Just combine the letter-links with the number string on the bottom:
D4 I7 H4 S7 W0 U7 J5 Y7 = Tjny26Kr

Given in Giveaway 15:
H1 D0 M8 K9 W0 L9 U5 Z5 = Q6TL29fg

Given in title of Giveaway 32:
F3 T7 W5 I2 S4 O1 O0 L1 = O6BJjN0j

Each quiz leads to a key. Go to the gallery view of the pictures (delete the .jpg from the imgur link) to see a suspicious code in the description. Arrange the keys in a Rainbow to get the following message:

The picture of the treasure chest is actually a RAR file hiding another RAR file that is password protected. Rename the .jpg extension of the picture to .rar and extract. The password is laracroft as given by the keys. After extracting again, the picture file gives the next quiz link: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/SgRQ5NIV

Stage 9

It's a nonogram/picross puzzle. Use all of the images found at the end of most of the Stage A and B quizzes. Note that the font difference in some of the pictures don't mean anything - I had to manually reinsert some numbers because of an error. The final picture looks like this. And so the solution is: http://www.itstoohard.com/puzzle/ztEAudw5

Secret Giveaways

  1. Stage 1A leads here
  2. Stage 1B leads here
  3. Stage 2A leads here
  4. Stage 2B leads here
  5. Stage 3A leads here
  6. Stage 3B leads here
  7. Stage 4A leads here
  8. Stage 4B leads here
  9. Stage 5A leads here
  10. Stage 5B leads here
  11. Stage 6A leads here
  12. Stage 6B leads here
  13. Stage 7A leads here
  14. Stage 7B leads here
  15. Stage 8A leads here
  16. Stage 8B leads here
  17. Stage 9A leads here
  18. Stage 9B leads here
  19. Stage 10A leads here
  20. Stage 10B leads here
  21. QR code quarters in the Character Quizzes leads to this giveaway. Assembled QR code leads to here.
  22. The itstoohard quiz for the purple key in Stage 8 gives the giveaway code
  23. The titles of the imgur pictures in gallery mode for each of the keys in Stage 8 spells out the code for an itstoohard quiz. Answering it leads to the giveaway.
  24. Hidden in Stage 7A #10. Clicking the image leads to a gallery with 2 images. The 2nd image gives you the giveaway code
  25. The title of this thread is a code for the character quizzes. Place the first letters of each word with the numbers, which gives G8 p6 h6 G2 e6. Use the character grid as in several of the later stages to get to the giveaway. Note the the capitalization of the giveaway code depends on the capitalization of the words in the title.
  26. Listen to the #5 in Stage 9A all the way to the end. A voice will say 5 different letters. This leads to a giveaway. Note that the capitalization had to be brute forced. Originally I was going to use female voice for lower case and male voice for caps, but I ran out of time.
  27. Apparently one of the most difficult giveaways to find. It was hidden on the right hand side of video #9 in Stage 9A. It was embedded inside the image. Unfortunately, the program I used to upload to youtube severely decreased the image quality and it was barely noticeable. But hey, at least I gave you guys a break here - originally it was going to be bucket fill to find.
  28. Hidden in the youtube description of #3 in Stage 8A. Giveaway
  29. Clicking the image for #9 in Stage 6A lead to this gif. All but a single frame of the gif says "404 not found" if you bucket fill. The other frame gets you to the giveaway.
  30. Character code hidden in the description of this giveaway. This giveaway was a part of the Stage 5 puzzle and leads to this giveaway.
  31. Simply bucket filling all of the keys for the Stage 8 puzzle gives the code to an itstoohard quiz that leads to this giveaway.
  32. A freebie given in the OP.
  33. Clicking the link given at the end of Stage 9A leads you to giveaway #17, but copy and pasting the link leads here.
  34. The barcode pieces in giveaways 2,6,8,14 lead to this giveaway.
  35. The barcode pieces in giveaways 4,10,12,16 lead to this giveaway.
  36. The steam store descriptions in the odd numbered giveaways from 1 to 15 are important. The first letter of the titles of the games in the description spells out "red fishy" implying a red herring - this was done because the titles actually led to giveaway in my previous group puzzle. Instead, note that I removed words and sometimes whole sentences from each of the descriptions. You are supposed to count up the number of words in each description, then preform a decimal to ascii conversion to get to this quiz and subsequently this giveaway.
  37. The QR image quarter in Character Quiz K was given by a link rather than an imbedded image. The description of the image in imgur gallery view gives the code to this giveaway. Making it a non-embedded picture was actually a mistake on my part and I did not intend to put a giveaway there. But since a mistake was made, in order to disguise it, I added a giveaway :P.
  38. Bonus giveaway given in giveaway 20.
  39. QR Code from Character Quizzes leads to this giveaway.
  40. QR Code from Character Quizzes leads to this giveaway.
  41. QR Code from Character Quizzes leads to this giveaway.
  42. The bit.ly link identifier (bit.ly/xXXXXXXXX) in giveaway 1 actually lead to this quiz. Solving it lead to a Skyrim giveaway

List of All Giveaways:

  1. Magnetis
  2. Majesty Gold - HD
  3. Prototype
  4. Supreme Commander 2
  5. Rome: Total War
  6. Quantum Conundrum
  8. The Last Remnant
  9. Hearts of Iron III Collection
  10. IndieGala X (Above Average)
  11. Red Faction: Guerrilla
  12. Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
  13. Transcripted
  14. Just Cause
  15. Bioshock 2
  16. Deus Ex: Human Revolution
  17. Hitman: Blood Money
  18. Just Cause 2
  19. Homefront
  20. Prototype 2
  21. IndieGala 9 (Above Average)
  22. Nation Red
  23. The Club
  24. 4 Elements
  25. Gettysburg: Armored Warfare
  26. King Arthur Collection
  27. King Arthur II
  28. Victoria II
  29. Perimeter 2: New Earth
  30. Humble THQ Bundle (Below Average)
  31. Nexuiz
  32. Mad Riders
  33. Anna
  34. Roller Coaster Rampage
  35. Alan Wake's American Nightmare
  36. Indie Gala 9 (Above Average)
  37. Legendary
  38. Saint's Row: The Third Franchise Pack
  39. The Darkness II
  40. RAGE
  41. Fallout: New Vegas
  42. Skyrim
12 years ago*

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Im pretty sure i can't solve it. But thanks!

12 years ago

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Warning, this is alpha version. I accidentally clicked "create discussion" before I was ready >_>
It's actually a couple of hours away from being finished, not to mention that I've barely tested. But that's okay, you guys are the alpha testers!

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks jatan, love group puzzles. :) Merry Christmas and happy new year to ya!

12 years ago

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I'll borrow your post to make this noticable. :)
List of platforms
Q1 - NES
Q3 - N64
Q4 - Gamecube
Q5 - Nintendo DS
Q6 - Sega Mega Drive
Q7 - Sega Saturn
Q8 - Dreamcast
Q9 - Windows
Q10 - Playstation

12 years ago

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What? There's clearly a quiz hiding somewhere that I haven't found yet

12 years ago

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I am thinking the same thing. What are the platforms for? o.o

12 years ago

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For all the main quizzes. You guys weren't around for the last one and clearly didn't read the instructions up top.

  • As in my last group puzzle, each question number is for a different platform across the quizzes
12 years ago

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I think Q7 is Sega Saturn, not PC.

12 years ago

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I was a bit unsure about that. Edited it.

12 years ago

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Holy epic puzzle. I can't wait to get home in two days to dig in to this. Hope there's still plenty of puzzle left to solve!

12 years ago

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Q6 - Rings of Power

12 years ago

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Q1 - Ring King
Q2 - First Samurai
Q3 - Turok: Dinosaur Hunter
Q5 - Honeycomb Beat
Q7 - Area 51
Q9 - Rayman
Q10- Devil Dice

12 years ago

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Well that was easy.

12 years ago

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Q8 -Iron Aces

12 years ago

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Q4 - 1080° Avalanche

12 years ago

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I was a generation behind (or ahead depending how you look at it) for that one. (1080 for N64)

12 years ago

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dont share solutions plzz, delete the comments, its a respect fault for jatan11t

12 years ago

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This is written in the notes:

  • Sharing puzzle methods and quiz answers is encouraged
12 years ago

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its not fun/difficult, copy paste the solutions

12 years ago

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It does start getting less obvious as you advance though, from what I've seen so far.

12 years ago

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believe me, you wont finish the puzzles without help. i remember the last puzzle made by jatan, it was impossible (we were like 10 users and took us more than 3 days to get to the final stage)

12 years ago

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Sharing quiz answers and puzzle methods is totally fine. In fact, if you want to make it to the end, you will need the help of others. You can't do it on your own.

12 years ago

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The very first words of this are [Group Puzzle]. This is how jatan does them.

12 years ago

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(Checks profile.)

36 private giveaways?!?!?!?!?!?


12 years ago

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Plus 5 more

12 years ago

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5 more? Where?

12 years ago

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Read the post again.

12 years ago

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It says that there may be more gifts than what's shown in the profile, but I can't find exactly how many more.
But nevermind that and let's enjoy the puzzle.

12 years ago

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It also says special thanks to someone for donating giveaway slots.

12 years ago

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That would be me. Also created one of the quizzes, although that's pretty much entirely separate from the string of group puzzles.

12 years ago

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Yeah. Sorry I didn't give credit... I'm mobile right now.

12 years ago

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It's all good, just letting cams know.

12 years ago

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This shall be fun

12 years ago

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At the special thanks part, do you mean Jexel create that site?

12 years ago

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Yup, that's why he had so many convenient quiz links during his group puzzle - he could edit them. Unfortunately, I didn't have such great luck :(

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Thanks for this :) Must have took you a long time to set up, not to mention plan!

12 years ago

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Character quiz A Q3 doesn't seem to be right...

12 years ago

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Donkey. I had the same issue >.>

12 years ago

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oh ok, damn was trying dk, kong, donkeykong lol nothing worked. Thanks!

12 years ago

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haha I know the feeling. No problem ;)

12 years ago

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Thanks for the puzzle! I'm currently stuck with 2 characters, one in Quiz A and another in Quiz B.. @.@ I have the bad luck of always finding these late at night.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

12 years ago

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Same here. I'm missing Q6 from Quiz A and Q5 from Quiz B :<

12 years ago

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Q5 from B is Jill. did you figure out Q6 from A?

12 years ago

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It's "Aya".

12 years ago

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waiting for puzzles answers

12 years ago

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You can find the answers for 1B, Character Quiz A and B in the other giveaway :)

12 years ago

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Character Quiz B:
1- Kirby
6- Crash
8- Pikachu
9- Mario

12 years ago

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4 is Spyro

12 years ago

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2- Tifa
3- Duke
7- Phoenix

12 years ago

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5 is Jill

12 years ago

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i am Stuck in the Q6 :c

12 years ago

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thanks for the comp

12 years ago

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q6 A is rings of power

12 years ago

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how do i get to the second part of the puzzle

12 years ago

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You know... there's an edit button for a reason...
In any case, once you fill out all the answers to the first quiz it'll give you a link to the first giveaway. From there on it should be pretty obvious.

12 years ago

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The link to stage 3A is hidden im MMoo puzzle.

Don't know what letters at the end mean though ;P

12 years ago

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So many puzzles so little time D:

12 years ago

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It's getting harder and harder, looks like we all stuck a bit :)

12 years ago

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Added a poll on top. If you guys could fill it out, I would appreciate it.

12 years ago

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About the poll - Not sharing links - especially giveaway links - this way we will have every single one forum lurker enter every giveaway even if he didn't do anything at all. About links to the puzzles I'd prefer not direct links, but it's not so bad. But hints for links I see ok ;P I did hint to Stage 3A (removing letters from MmOo) myself yet still not many ppl enter as they wait for plain answers to enter giveaway ;P

12 years ago

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Thanks again for the group puzzle, jatan! I'll try to help once I'm back home.

12 years ago

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Done the poll (:

12 years ago

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Bump for holy schnikes! I'm in quiz heaven.

12 years ago

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End of Day Two Update
Stage 1A: 141 solvers
Stage 1B: 80 solvers
Stage 2A: 64 solvers
Stage 2B: 29 solvers
Stage 3A: 24 solvers
Stage 3B: 17 solvers
Stage 4A: In Progress

12 years ago

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A little bump for the morning. Stage 4A and 4B have been solved. Stage 5A is in progress.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by jatan11t.