As some of you may know, I was running a few experiments in my recent giveaways to detect bots / people who don't read giveaway descriptions. Here are the results:

Whitelist Giveaway: Grand Theft Auto Collection
Entries: 21
Valid Entries: 21
Blacklists: 0

Whitelist Giveaway: Max Payne Bundle
Entries: 25
Valid Entries: 25
Blacklists: 0

Whitelist Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 19
Valid Entries: 19
Blacklists: 0

Public Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 236
Valid Entries: 20
Blacklists: 216

South America Giveaway: Valkyria Chronicles
Entries: 540
Valid Entries: 104
Blacklists: 436

South America Giveaway: The Cave
Entries: 394
Valid Entries: 54
Blacklists: 340

Private Giveaway: Hatoful Boyfriend
Entries: 186
Valid Entries: 159
Blacklists: 27

Private Giveaway: Asphyxia
Entries: 168
Valid Entries: 142
Blacklists: 26

Private Giveaway: Loren: The Amazon Princess
Entries: 151
Valid Entries: 131
Blacklists: 20

Total Unique Entries: 1183
Total Unique Valid Entries: 363
Total Unique Blacklists: 820

If you were blacklisted and you wish to be removed, leave a comment here including something orange. It can be anything, but it has to be orange because orange is the new black. :P Show me that you read and pay attention.

The experiments will now continue to some private giveaways and the results will be posted in this thread after the giveaways have ended. I hope I won't have to reach the blacklist limit. It's 1k, right? Anyway, begin your ride here. Whoever enters a giveaway and doesn't leave a comment in that specific giveaway with the specific keyword will be blacklisted.

Edit: Updated the thread with the results of the private giveaways.

8 years ago*

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bump for bump

8 years ago

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I'm sorry, I messed up somehow :(

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Well, I'm neither in your blacklist, nor in you whitelist.

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8 years ago

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Im not on blacklist but im not too on whitelist ;(

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8 years ago

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Can't say I'm familiar with the show, but this seemed a relevant way to give you a bump.

YAY! I can read! :D

View attached image.
8 years ago

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You should, it's amazing.

8 years ago

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Wow. This is a sad result. Really sad. But thank you for sharing these statistics with us!

Also, something orange, just for the fun of it. Well, it's kinda orange.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Wow. So many people got blacklisted... Too many greedy people use bots I guess :\
And bump!

8 years ago

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is it possible to use bot in private giveaway?

8 years ago

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I don't know, to be honest. Those big numbers of blacklisted profiles which I mentioned are actually from public and region locked GAs. I think one has to deserve to be whitelisted and go through some kind of selection, hence there are fewer blacklisted people.

8 years ago

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bumpy ride :P

8 years ago

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Scary giveaway owner ;0

8 years ago

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Let's be honest I don't read the discription or comment on public GAs ._.

8 years ago

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I don't comment on any giveaways unless the creator says something in the description, or I have something to say, or I won. But I do think it's very important to read giveaway descriptions. It doesn't take more than a minute of your day. :P

8 years ago

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3 private GAs is a very small sample size to get a pattern right. Would love some more to test my pattern of keywords :)
Did not join any, but thanks nevertheless

8 years ago

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Always sad to be on a blacklist, therefore: orange box

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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so, were you actually count each and every comment?
that's alot of work, no way i'm gonna do that (unless paid lol)

8 years ago

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There's a leecher script that lists everyone who entered a giveaway without commenting. After that, I just browse through the comments to see if there were any bot comments.

8 years ago

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SA people can't read :3

seriously, it takes so much time to read and write a comment?
people pay for the games in their GAs and users can't even take 1 minute to appreciate what they do.

8 years ago

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There were a lot more comments in the SA giveaways than in the public Schein one though.

8 years ago

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Those results are definitely something. :s

8 years ago

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They really are.

8 years ago

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Cool stats, thanks for sharing them.

8 years ago

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No problem.

8 years ago

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This experiment is not very reliable in my opinion. Most of puzzlers read description because we are very sensitive on hidden things. But even in this group you will find someone who was in hurry or just forgot. In this case it wasn't hard because of sg downtime. Yesterday I even asked myself if I sent blue cat or just found picture and forgot to send it :D So i think that in blacklisted group there is 0 bots, just human mistakes :P

8 years ago

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Still, reading the description doesn't take more than a minute. It is possible that some people simply forgot, which is why I'm giving them a second chance in this thread, but most of the entries in public giveaways are definitely from bots or people that didn't even care to read the description at all. As I was going through the list of members to blacklist, I found hundreds of suspicious accounts.

8 years ago

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For public giveaway it can be true, but in fact maybe im just ignorant for this problem because I mainly dont care who enters my public giveaway :D In some cases I just make giveaways for groups which I wanna give sth back... Speaking about that I need to finish my puzzle >< It's harder than it looks...

I'm impressed how fast you do yours.

Added: Also I just note that this is not puzzle topic and giveaway is public. In this case experiment is more interesting :D Especially since we will be able to compare whitelist/public ratios.

8 years ago*

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bump !

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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humpy bumpy!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Yes, your WL comment was valid for the public one. :)

8 years ago

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I never been there... so I think I don't read because I can't. :'(
I may be in the blacklist but at this point I'm afraid to ask or look for it.
Since I can do nothing but bump, have a pertinent gif one.

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8 years ago

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You're not in the blacklist.

8 years ago

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Have a bump!
Do you mean orange as colour or orange as fruit? Because I like both
I always read comments, entered none of your GAs

8 years ago

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Well, oranges are orange, so they count too :P

8 years ago

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Bump for science!

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by rafaelgomesxyz.