As some of you may know, I was running a few experiments in my recent giveaways to detect bots / people who don't read giveaway descriptions. Here are the results:

Whitelist Giveaway: Grand Theft Auto Collection
Entries: 21
Valid Entries: 21
Blacklists: 0

Whitelist Giveaway: Max Payne Bundle
Entries: 25
Valid Entries: 25
Blacklists: 0

Whitelist Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 19
Valid Entries: 19
Blacklists: 0

Public Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 236
Valid Entries: 20
Blacklists: 216

South America Giveaway: Valkyria Chronicles
Entries: 540
Valid Entries: 104
Blacklists: 436

South America Giveaway: The Cave
Entries: 394
Valid Entries: 54
Blacklists: 340

Private Giveaway: Hatoful Boyfriend
Entries: 186
Valid Entries: 159
Blacklists: 27

Private Giveaway: Asphyxia
Entries: 168
Valid Entries: 142
Blacklists: 26

Private Giveaway: Loren: The Amazon Princess
Entries: 151
Valid Entries: 131
Blacklists: 20

Total Unique Entries: 1183
Total Unique Valid Entries: 363
Total Unique Blacklists: 820

If you were blacklisted and you wish to be removed, leave a comment here including something orange. It can be anything, but it has to be orange because orange is the new black. :P Show me that you read and pay attention.

The experiments will now continue to some private giveaways and the results will be posted in this thread after the giveaways have ended. I hope I won't have to reach the blacklist limit. It's 1k, right? Anyway, begin your ride here. Whoever enters a giveaway and doesn't leave a comment in that specific giveaway with the specific keyword will be blacklisted.

Edit: Updated the thread with the results of the private giveaways.

8 years ago*

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Public Giveaway: Schein
Entries: 236
Valid Entries: 12
Green Passes: 1
Blacklists: 223

sorry mate, but i believe this one is on you. Yes people should try to read giveaway description from time to time thats true, but then again you have hidden it behind a mini wall of text, and not many will get that far. If you really want to make people read your giveaway description, it would be nice to make it a bit shorter really :=) Not all of those 95% people who were blacklisted are evil, evil bots. Its named description afterall, and not giveaway book ^o,O^

And, id love to be proven wrong but you might as well make another few giveaways with similar (or even better make it same description) and youll probably end up with similar results, until the end of time, or until you run out of users to block :P

if you really want people to read all that, you make a topic about it, but for gods sake, try to keep giveaway desription short and people are much more likely to read it :P Just look at your other giveaway (hateful boy) and so far it looks like its doing much much better and im sure how short, and to the point description is doing its job. And you havent even mentioned blacklist in that one :)

8 years ago

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Lol wall of text? If people can't read that, which shouldn't take more than a minute, then it's on them, not on me.

8 years ago

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TL;DR obviously kidding... I despise that phrase ;)

8 years ago

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yes because your giveaway is the only one they are going to enter that day? Yeah this one is on them, obviously.

Not to mention you are still missing my point, if you made such a description in your forum post and then linked that gieveaway, id be totally ok with you blacklisting them. But not for a random, public giveaway whose sole purpose was to trap and blacklist people. I actually find that a bit... idk, cheap really.

For all i care, you might disregard my comment, and make another 40 public giveaways with same description, until you run out of people to blacklist :) Afterall, it was just 223 out of 236 people, so just like my fav teacher used to say "nobody is going to get a high grade in my class because you dont deserve it and failure rate of 95% is not something i should be concerned about".

8 years ago

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The least I can expect when someone enters a giveaway is that they are going to read the description. I enter hundreds of giveaways every day and I read all of their descriptions. Guess how much time I lose? None. It's very simple: you access the giveaway, read the description and enter. Doesn't kill anyone. If you're too lazy to do that, then yes, it's on you, because it will be you who will be missing out on my future giveaways, not me.

Sure, I'll just make a new thread every time I make a giveaway. The description is there to be used. 2 paragraphs with 2 lines each is too much for you? Then it's your problem, not mine.

8 years ago

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yeah you are right, please accept my apologies and i believe you were totally right to ban 95% of entrants.

not really sure why are you attacking me now though? Yeah i asked is it possible you dont think something might be a bit odd with that one, since its well 223 out of 236... i just tried to tell you how i think its a bit too high percentage and it might be a bit on you too, thats all. And just because you do something, that doesnt make it universally accepted rule. Yeah id love to live in a perfect world with no wars, where everyone is happy and everyone reads every giveaway they enter. But thats not happening is it :P

And i have never said you should make a new topic whenever you make a giveaway, just when you are trying to make trap giveaways like that one was.Because it was nothing else but a trap to make people get into your blacklist, and i suppose i didnt really like that part, hence why i checked your giveaway after seeing such a huge % of evil people who entered it.

But it doesnt look like you care about what i have to say though, and im not really sure why do i care at all, except i think its a bit cheap tactics and i guess thats it :P

Edit: one last thing. Yeah giving a comment is somewhat nice but i want people who are nice to comment because, well because they are nice people and feel like doing so. I dont want to force people to be nice and comment in my giveaways. Not sure what would i accomplish by doing that though?

8 years ago*

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Sorry, but my blacklist is mine to use however I want it and I don't appreciate giving away games for people that don't bother to read giveaway descriptions or leave a comment. There is no "right" when it comes to whitelisting or blacklisting. Everyone has the right to add anyone to those lists. I never said those who got blacklisted were evil people, just that I don't want to give away games for them. That is my right, even if you don't agree with it.

I'm not forcing anyone to comment. I'm simply trying to separate those who care and those who don't.

8 years ago

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and im not saying you shouldnt do that. but what im saying is how theres a very high probability how more than 5% care, and given your giveaway result it looks like thats not the case so i thougt it might be a bit off :) either way i retreat from this discussion as i dont think its going anywhere :=P

8 years ago

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Of course there's a probability that some people that got blacklisted care and for some reason forgot to comment. And that's why I'm giving them a second chance in this thread. :)

8 years ago

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not only that special rule are no more allowed

8 years ago

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This is not a special rule. The game was correctly delivered to the winners, and some of them didn't have valid entries.

8 years ago

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eh im not really against what he did (trying to filter out bots or whatever), just against the way he did it though. Blacklist is here with a reason and everyone can use it as they see fit. Its a giveaway that was made with just one purpose, to add people to blacklist and well, im not surprised it worked that well, given the circumstances

8 years ago

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Well, i guess i'm not a blacklist! But also not a Whitelist, that's too bad! ㄒ-ㄒ

Lol, just joke!

8 years ago

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Obligatory bump for riding the train!

8 years ago

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I assume the forum invite only GAs will put fewer people on your BL than the public & South America ones but let's see.

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8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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What does bump in the night?
This post, that's what!
Ok... Its not actually night... Its the middle of the day... But its always night somewhere...

8 years ago

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It's the middle of the day here too.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 years ago

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Free bump!

8 years ago

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Bump for science!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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If you entered one of the giveaways, that is why. But if you want to continue there, then fine.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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You entered both Valkyria Chronicles and The Cave without commenting.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

8 years ago

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Hmm. did i enter this one.. i don't remember. lol

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

8 years ago

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Second chance given. Removed.

8 years ago

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My boyfriend get asphyxiated by a princess!!

8 years ago

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Bumpy bumpy ridey

8 years ago

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I almost got blacklisted. I entered for Max Payne and even though I read the description, I didn't comment because I thought the part that said "read the previous giveaway" had something to do with solving the puzzle that was posted in the description and I didn't feel like solving it at the time, so I didn't click the link.

Eventually I came back to try the puzzle and clicked the link thinking it was a hint for the puzzle. I then realized I was supposed to comment if I enter and I did, but it didn't matter at that point because I had already removed my entry because my backlog of games to play is too big. Even though I would like to play the Max Payne games at some point, there are many other games I would like to play first and I know it would be at least a year or 2 before I played them, so I figured I would let someone else win.

Oh, and that puzzle, no chance, lol. Way over my head.

8 years ago

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You definitely wouldn't get blacklisted. You're on my whitelist because you solved one of my puzzles. You definitely earned your way there. :)

8 years ago

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Yeah, I think I tried to solve one of your puzzles for about 6 hours and failed. I finally managed to get through one of them though. I have been skipping most of them lately because I have haven't had the time and when I do, I spend it working through my backlog. I'm trying to break my addiction to collecting and transfer that addiction over to playing.

8 years ago

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I'd write you a poem about oranges.
But nothing rhymes with orange.
Or did they come up with some new word that does?
I know I'm not on your blacklist, but I like following directions.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No need to post orange. :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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No need to post orange. :P

8 years ago

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So this means I am not blacklisted?

8 years ago

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Yes, you are not blacklisted.

8 years ago

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lol South America sucks.

8 years ago

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Couldn't agree more.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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That's my fault. I've been whitelisting everyone who I win giveaways from. I need to stop that.

8 years ago

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If I don't say the B word, will you...list me? :O

8 years ago

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If by B word you mean Britney, then yes.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Wrong place?

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by rafaelgomesxyz.