To be honest, I think threads like this should be banned along with steam making this against their rules.

Do we really need another "Day One: Garry's Incident" or "Guise of the Wolf" on steam?
Remember to judge games on greenlight not only by concept but whether they have already achieved the concept or are capable of achieving it.

The debate whether steam needs to have some kind of quality control has points on both sides but having a game greenlite just because it's giving free keys to people who vote for the game is complete nonsense and just defeats greenlight's concept completely.

What are your thoughts on this?

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I agree. Steam is slowly changing into some kind of Google store, in bad way.
On other hand, more free games = more cards = more card/game trades = more normal games for me = me happy

1 decade ago

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Steam is waaaaaaaaaay better than Google Play. The Play Store is ridden with rip-offs. Every time a new app becomes popular, you can be sure in a few days you'll see dozens of shameful rip-offs (sometimes they just change some art assets and the name, they add "FREE" when the main version is, well, free).

1 decade ago

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+1 Or at least it need a radical change.

1 decade ago

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and you still participated in a lot of greenlight voted free games...please get serious next time

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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You get a free game, fair enough.

1 decade ago

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Congratulations! You just gained a "stupid" badge!

Why would you want something you have no interest in?

1 decade ago

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Because bigger library, because compensating for somethingsomething.

1 decade ago

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Why does it matter? If you don't want the free game, don't sign up for the key. Nobody's forcing you to buy every game that comes out on Steam.

1 decade ago

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Nobody's forcing you to buy every game that comes out on Steam. I've never said that.

1 decade ago

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bigger library = bigger e-peen. AMIRITE, LOJIK?

1 decade ago

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I always vote no but I lie and say I voted yes :P Best case scenario i get a free key, worst case scenario I don't get a key for what would have been a crappy game.

1 decade ago

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That's sad. Other people at least can stand up for their own thoughts, whether it be to vote or to deny voting at all. Some people's votes are bought by keys, which is kinda sad.
And there are people who can't even undertake the fact that they did it for the free game - I just can't understand how can somebody sink so low they even lie about a free thing just to get it...for free. Liar and cheapskate, two in one.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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OMG Someone lied on the internet!!! It never happens in real life but it happens here??? May that person who dared ruin my innocence burn in the fiery pits of hell!!! rofl

1 decade ago

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Lieng on the internet, and lieing in real life.
They may seem completely different, however it still goes to show the person behind it is dishonest.
It has very little to do with your ruined innocence, but more your abilities for others to continue putting their trust in you.
Laugh it up.

1 decade ago

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Lying on the internet or "in real life" is exactly the same. You are simply being a dishonest person, unable to stand up to your own thoughts.

It's not about ruining anyone's innocence, we all know there are liars everywhere. It just goes to show who you are as a person.

1 decade ago

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LOL. this would actually be funny if it didn't encourage the behavior and other users also voting yes.

1 decade ago

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Lol,I did not consider that, but since we're playing the "let's be judgmental" game (see above) if people vote yes because I claimed I voted yes, they are nothing but sheep people, Sheople! :D Next time I will Add "I voted yes, even though it's a crap game :P"

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I was actually gonna ask if anyone has received keys cause I haven't. Question never asked but answered, thanks for saving me the effort lol :)

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I also didn't get one initially, but there was a reservation thing they made after they posted the thread here, and perhaps you, like me, didn't see it until much later. See this thread for what info they need and the email address to send a query to. It may be too late, but it's worth a try, that's how I got my key.

1 decade ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

1 decade ago

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I have received all. I'm still waiting for those that are still not released...
I just see the trailers, if it's good, why you'll downvote it just because they try to promote it?

1 decade ago

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Can't say much about the received keys bit of that, honestly can't remember all the ones I've upvoted that offered any, or if they've even been released yet.
But +1 to all the rest of that.

1 decade ago

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I've received a bunch and know of at least half a dozen others that did end up giving out keys. All of these were either offered via WGN or required joining a group.

None of the "vote and post a comment"-type ones I voted for gave keys, and it's not surprising: even if the devs were genuinely intending to dish out keys (I have my doubts), it's almost impossible to manually supply keys en masse and automating comment checks is a lot harder than a group membership check.

1 decade ago

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I did got them for all of them so far

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Greenlight concept was flawed from the moment it was introduced - free keys have nothing to do with it. Yogscast game got greenlit in 1st batch without giving free keys at all - just because it was supported by Yogscast. And now it's cancelled with people who Kickstarted it getting shit. Anyone who has published anything on Steam before can bypass greenlight totally - so we're getting a lot of shovelware like Desert Gunner - games that does not even work! And with all that the biggest issue you have is that someone gets on steam with a working game just because he gave away free keys? Honestly I prefer most of vote-for-free-key games (btw, neither Day One nor Guise of the Wolf you mentioned had massive free-game-for-vote promos) over the shovelware shit we're getting from "trusted" publishers on a daily basis?

1 decade ago

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Threads should definitely be banned and Valve definitely need to do something about it. There are many solutions they can do: Remove greenlight, limit the number of votes each user can do, make you pay if you upvote too many (you ARE basically specifying that you would buy this game if it came out, so...), have someone review greenlit games before actually releasing them (to see if people actually like the game and it is worth releasing, or just something like the free key thing happened), etc.. What's weird is that it's not even against the rules... lazy Volvo...

1 decade ago

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If a game needs that kind of advertisement, in my opinion that already speaks about its quality.
On the other hand, promoting a game by creating a giveaway so people would go and check it out, that's perfectly fine. But buying votes with the promise of a free key makes me question the game AND the developer.

1 decade ago

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the problem is that at the moment most of greenlit titles are ones that were either in bundles promising free keys at release or from "vote-for-key" promos. You're talking about having good quality to get through GreenLight but it's really hard to do when 30-40 games from each batch of 50 were competing giving free keys, be it through bundle or promo.

1 decade ago

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That's a good point, and I think it describes a big flaw of the Greenlight system: anything, anyone can get in there without any kind of manual review.

1 decade ago

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Agreed. I usually downvote those games giving away free keys (not on principle but on the basis of the quality of the game). After all, if a game is of good quality it shouldn't need to buy votes with free keys.

1 decade ago

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I'm ok with crappy games, I don't need to buy them and if I get them for free, there might be some trading cards + I can try myself if I like that game ^^ But really, I only vote for those that look like I might enjoy them, some of them suck, some don't.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Why would people even WANT keys from crappy games?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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I only vote for games I think are gonna be good

1 decade ago

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I feel that no matter on your stance of crappy games, using the 'vote yes and get a free key' scheme really discredits the Green Light system.

1 decade ago

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Im waiting for the time when greenlight is deactivated and everyone can self-publish, with users rating/vote/critic those new games, and user shops(just like a wine connoisseur cherry pics good wines, but for games) you get a tiny cut of the sales(as SteamWallet money)

1 decade ago

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It won't stop cause "free". Gamers love to do things that bite them in the ass later and then complain about it. Just look at the sad state of DLC.

1 decade ago

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There are also those who vote yes on a lot of games because I quote "someone else may enjoy it". That sums up whatever is wrong with Greenlight right now. You'll have a lot of crappy games in the market if you give voting power to retards.

1 decade ago

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de gustibus non est disputandum (one cannot argue about taste)

1 decade ago

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The trend annoys me, though when I have free time I will go watch the trailer and read the materials for a linked game. The risk is that I will vote 'No' if it doesn't look promising, and most "we'll give you a key" games look really rinkydink. I've never come back and asked for a key, though, even if I voted Yes.

1 decade ago

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my thoughts on this is vote YES to everything on greenlight, so that steam gets flooded with crap games, leading to public outrage, forcing valve to shut down greenlight. I hate how greenlight is being used, and I hate valve for making it so easy to pollute their store with cheap poorly made crap, just so that valve can make an easy buck.

So vote for everything. every single soda-drinking simulator or crappy side-scroller you see. lets turn steam into a cesspool in the hopes that valve will finally wake up and move to protect its big money-maker and shut this crap down at the expense of quick profits.

1 decade ago

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I'm not sure if there is a way to view games in greenlight by popularity. Typically are free key for vote games taking the top spots, while other quality games are being passed by because they didn't make the cut?

A bad game in the market is easy enough to ignore, and doesn't really do any harm.

A bad game taking a better games place in the market, just because the bad game gave free keys, is something that would make me consider my votes a bit more.

I see the benefits a yes vote will do, and am not hearing/seeing any harm it's causing to other games in the program.

1 decade ago

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I don't bother looking. If I don't do it, people wont stop. I might as well get a free game out of it while also making an amateur game dev's dream come true. I feel no shame.

1 decade ago

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But cards! Free key that earns you steam wallet!

1 decade ago

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Worthless 30 cents, with that you can only buy Bad Rats, Defy Gravity and some others I forgot...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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i prefer the cs go market still, way more cash (even though a bit more grindy at the same time)

1 decade ago

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I don't even own CS:GO yet :P

I hear you can make decent cash selling the weapon drops or crates or something? I might look into it one day, if I ever get around to buying the thing :)

1 decade ago

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Of course you can make a lot of money from selling cards, but the cards of a game that was given for free are worth approximately $0.06-8. So if you only got this game, that represents only 30 cents.

1 decade ago

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It all adds up is what I'm saying :)

A few cards here, and here, and here... x100 starts turning into some (somewhat) serious cash!

1 decade ago

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I get your point, but even if 'they' give me $0.3 I don't think I'd want to activate a game I'll never play. Matters of opinion, I guess :)

1 decade ago

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How often can you buy a game you`re interested in at the Weeklong Sales for about 1$ or 2$? I mean 3 or 4 free keys with trading cards and you got a game you would like to play. For sure you will never buy a good game like Borderlands, Divinity or something like that or you have to wait a looooooooong time with a lot of free keys and a library of 2000 xD

1 decade ago

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Never, or at least very rarely. My currency is Eur (tier 1): same numbers, more expensive. So even during Summer/Holiday Sales, there are not many games under 1-2Eur. And if there are, I probably already own them or I'm not interested.

But... with 1 TF2 key (which costs ~1.83Eur), I can buy 3-4 games via trading :P

1 decade ago

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Let's say there are 15 games from these free key promotions. Assuming all have cards, that's $4.50, a decent amount.

1 decade ago

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These games can also have playfire rewards occasionally.

1 decade ago

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Meh, I don't play games to get achievements to get money. I prefer playing games at my rate and not feel rushed by a countdown. I still love achievements though and am myself an 'achievement hunter'.

1 decade ago

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It wouldn't be so bad if the "no" votes actually counted for something. I don't know why Valve thought it was a good idea to neuter part of the filter from the filter system...

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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because the least thing they need is hoard of people revenge no voting other projects so to get theirs on top just for an example?

If you have seen how people misused steam tags/steam gl projects part, you would know why is it not a good idea

1 decade ago

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No votes don't have to be a "-1" counter against the up votes for the title, they can be used as an indicator that the product may need proper evaluation by some form of quality control within Valve to measure whether or not a game meets some level of standards before letting it through (which was what Greenlight was supposed to do in the first place before it was taken advantage of).

1 decade ago

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Same thing on youtube, the thumbs down are just a placebo

1 decade ago

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I don't know about greenlight, but Youtube used to (and I think it still does) consider dislikes as interaction, so they actually had a positive effect on the video when compared to a passive view.

1 decade ago

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"Remember to judge games on greenlight not only by concept but whether they have already achieved the concept or are capable of achieving it."
This is a terrible way to think about it.
I'm perfectly fine with the free keys thing, even if it may seem a bit greedy.
However I wish people would actually put some thought into it, look at the videos and screenshots, is it the type/genre of game you'd be interested in? Does it actually look in anyway decent? If it looks like it'll be fun, and might actually get finished, vote that right up.
But if you're upvoting it SOLELY to get a key from it, there's something wrong with you.
If you see that it looks terrible, you see that it's probably just a joke, maybe won't get finished, you see that it's quality isn't anywhere near Steam standards, don't do it.

1 decade ago

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Why do you care? Why should I care? I lose nothing.
I don't bother about Greenlight at all, but if someone offers free shit for a click, why not?
Most bundled game ends on my account as a trade card generator and I'm sure I'm not alone. Why don't you go against crap filler games in bundles?

1 decade ago

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If it looks like complete garbage I'll vote no but I vote yes for most of them, regardless of free or not. I spend some time looking through random greenlight games when I'm bored. If it looks like they put some effort into the game I'll vote yes, not to mention the 100$ they spent to put it up on greenlight.

1 decade ago

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+1, Up-vote games that look like they put some amount of effort into them, and seem like something you'd actually be interested in playing.
Vote no for ones that look terrible, boring, or like jokes.

1 decade ago

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