Do you think even more AAA publishers will start skipping Steam as well?
"Do you think even more AAA publishers will start skipping Steam as well?"
Sadly, yes, which makes it even worse that the epic exclusives are the least of my worries now. At least after a year, those might come to Steam, whereas the new Ubi and Bethesda games probably won't ever come to Steam. I'd switch to console gaming and only buy used so I'm not supporting the jerks, but, load times on ps4 are so freaking bad :(
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Because Valve doesn't have a captive audience. Apple, MS, Sony, etc. all control the platforms. You can't put a game on you iPhone unless you use the Apple store or jailbreak the phone. I can stick as many games on my PC as I want without taking a second look at Steam. Valve have been milking things for a while now and they will need to adapt if they want to be around in 10 years. Probably the next thing they can do is to add some sort of subscription.
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Before Epic store gamers didn't give a shit about 30% tax. But now everybody suddenly has a bleeding heart for the devs. It's especially hilarious here in SG where some people probably haven't bought any game for full price in their entire lives or buy entirely from G2A/Kinguin/cheap bundles/exploit regional prices on Steam with VPN/etc
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That's true but I guess it also by default it also goes to the devs because they get hired again to make more awesome games. You're right about self-publishing though and some of the games I've enjoyed the most over the past few years have all been self-published.
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So, first they got money from Epic for the exclusivity deal, then people preordered from their store, which means they don't have to divide profits with anyone.
Epic win... for Ubisoft. And now, we can safely say goodbye to any chance to get their future releases on Steam.
As to whether other publishers might follow their example, it's hard to say, since Ubi's case is a rather specific one -they have their own store and make their games available on others-, so that would only apply to those with proprietary launchers/stores, like Bethesda, Rockstar, maybe EA...
Not a big issue right now, but it definitely sets a dangerous precedent in the industry.
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You forgot Activision - since they will be moving over more stuff to most likely. (I'm still surprised they waited until Destiny 2 to start doing that...)
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I don't really mind. AAA games dropped in quality significantly in the past several years and indies are the way to go (innovations, mechanics, themes, prices, e.t.c. are superior and even graphics are AAA-level on some indy projects). That said AAA games are a significant source of income for Steam and it might hit Valve really hard, i wonder what will their reaction to that be, lowering the cut (possibly only for AAA titles, which would be disgusting and afaik they already did that to some extent)?
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Very this. Fuck AAA's. There are barely any AAA franchises left that I am looking forward to anymore at this point. In fact, the game I want the most right now is an indie..
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I always get Ubisoft games on Uplay because they need Uplay no matter where you get it anyway. Why double dip on DRM?
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I play Ubisoft's games on their own platform anyway, so it doesn't change anything for me. As long as they still sell their games on GMG and other sites, I don't mind. Plus their download servers get me double the speed I get on steam, which is pretty helpful when all their major games are 20-80gb ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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yeah yeah sure :) isn't a way to sell games "hey look ! tons of people preorder the game ! come ! "
why ubisoft did a new offer with one game(in a list of three) free for pre order division 2 ? If you buy some amd stuff (gpu or cpu ) division 2 is free too .
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Yeah... because Ubisoft games are known for selling great on Steam... and like UPlay doesn't exist or even that it's the main platform...
Look, I personally think that this isn't because of these retailer decisions. The Division was hated before release. Ubisoft was also hated. It wasn't an established franchise, MMOs were becoming less popular and everything about it looked fucking awful since it was shown when Ubisoft had a hard-on for simulated gameplay, where they had scripted gameplay while pretending it was natural.
The Division redeemed itself later.
If it didn't sell better even in these situations, then they'd be majorly fucked.
Good on them though. I bought The Division 1 and I have been having a whole lot of fun with it.
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3 Ubi games on platinum, 1 gold, 1 silver and 2 bronze. That's a lot of copies. Their games do sell really well on Steam They made Valve a lot of money last year, but I do agree, Ubisoft turned The Division around and the failure of Destiny 2 probably helped as well. However, The division 1 and other ubi titles sold well on Steam, so it's a huge blow to them.
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R6: Siege is the modern CS:GO these days, so that makes more than sense. Especially after the Starter Edition release.
Far Cry 5 was touted as the revival of Far Cry after 4 and Primal didn't do that well. Same with Odyssey, since Odyssey was basically Origins but better.
I am however surprised that Origins still did that well. Otherwise though it's not a big surprise considering it's still Ubisoft and that they're currently in a market where there aren't that many fleshed out AAA releases in the spotlight. 2018 was pretty weak for it compared to the period of 2005-2012 or so.
But yeah, you have a solid point.
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I saw that they are gifting a AAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, for buying the division 2, that, would clear the minds of those who doubt to buy the game or not, to a yes more than a no.
I bought The division 1 for 70€ (ps4) (pre-order, bad quality t-shirt of a man with a weapon that can't be seen clearly now...) but I won't be buying the division 2, not because is not in steam, but because I don't have a console anymore and I don't have the same time to play video games, ( When I play, I like to take my time to play those)
If users keep bombing the games with negative reviews with nonsense, it will be just worse for steam and their published games xD.
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They did not provide any real numbers or actual sales figures. So, basically it is just a marketing, smart presentation trick.
Six times could be:
1k > 6k;
250k > 1.5M
Important part will be the actual sales (after release), it will determine which stores Ubi will pick in the future. However, it seems that right now, they have an agreement with Epic, so they have to put more games on Epic store (only a few games or all their games, that is a good question).
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If the additional sales from the Uplay store and Epic store wont make up for the lost sales from the Steam store they will be back in no time. Remember kids: Corporations have no ideals or morals. Only greed. They will do whatever gets them more money.
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lol so well done Epic? And good luck with everything
I won't lie, I prefer to buy my Ubi games on the Ubi store when they have good prices, if only because then I can get DLC and season passes (and there are tons of them with Ubi) at resellers stores on nice discounts. If you buy on Steam, you're stuck with steam prices for DLC and they are not usually competitive.
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they have fortnite for now but not forever if epic want to become a great store as steam, they need to make more epic games like valve done with steam in the beginning...
you cant attract people with only one game for infinite time...
in the other side when valve will back to doing games again that gonna hurt.
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What I'm wondering is if they included the copies bundled with hardware as preorders. For the last 3 months you received a free copy if you bought any of the following:
You can pick a free copy if you bought any of the following:
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If they even provided the key. The code included with the gpu only puts you on a waiting list. If its anything like RE or DMC, the ones i took, there is no preorder key, it should be given days after the release. If youre lucky.
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if you bought any of the following
In the selected shops :p
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Amazon Canada
Canada Computers
Memory Express
Best Buy
Micro Center
Rue du Commerce
Top Achat
Bora Computer
Saturn GmbH
PC Diga
Amazon - Spain
PC Componentes
Net On Net
CCL Online
Fierce PC Limited
Novatech Ltd
Overclockers UK
PC Specialist
Czech Republic
TS Bohemia
Plaisio Computer
Expert ZRT
Dante International
PC Garage
Online Trade
Enter Biz
DC Link
PC Case Gear
MD Computers
Vedant Computers
Prime ABGB
SMC International
The IT Depot
CoC Komputer
Galaxy Solusindo
Mega Surya Computer
Nano Komputer
PB Tech
PC Themes
Media Mart
Makefine computer
VII PC Trade
IT City Online
Frontosa House
Mustek Ltd
Pinnacle Micro Pty
TVR Computers CC
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Welcome to Steam, the house of really old games, old hits and most indie crap.
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Alright, here we go. Firstly, comparing the first game of a then unknown franchise (which was tainted even before release due to misleading E3 trailers) to its sequel of a now established franchise is beyond ridiculous. Secondly, they didn't disclose the number of pre-orders, which could mean it went from 100 to 600 or 1m to 6m. Thirdly, they are offering the game for free (and have been doing it for months) with the purchase of multiple AMD graphics cards, and they don't mention if these are included in their math or not. Fourthly, they are offering one of the three games for free with a pre-order of The Division 2: Ghost Recon Wildlands, Watch Dogs 2 and Far Cry Primal. Getting Ghost Recon Wildlands for free is a pretty sweet deal.
But yeah, I guess Steam is officially dead. Hail Epic. Hail Uplay.
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More pre-orders in Uplay. That is true. The Division 1 the people pre-order in Steam. The Division 2 not be in Steam. The people pre-order in Uplay instead EPIC Store.
That is becouse The Division 2 has more the pre-order in Uplay than its predecessor in Uplay.
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unless steam will do something about they huge fees than yes, AAA publishers will go away
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This whole thing is starting to get me worried, I don't want it to become a situation where every publisher has their own launcher/client. Specially because every other store has some serious catch up to play when it comes to matching steam's functionality, and the only one that seems to be taking that part of "offering a better service" seriously is GOG.
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Ubisoft CEO said the Epic Store deal is good for Ubisoft's own store, and so far it's working out very well. Preorders on the Ubisoft Store are six times higher.
Thanks to the Epic store, people are now buying directly from Ubisoft. I think that was Ubisoft's plan all along and apparently, it worked really well for them. I think the odds of seeing new Ubi games on Steam are really low now and AAA publishers will definitely follow suit.
What you guys think? Which publisher might ditch Steam next?
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