Just wondering what games you all like that people might not know about.

Some games I loved, but that seem to be lesser known:

  • The Nancy Drew PC games (my favorite is Shadow at the Water's Edge) - These are quirky, fun, mystery games that are similar to HOGs but not exactly the same. The whole series is pretty fun, but Shadow at the Water's edge is my favorite because I'm a weeb I really liked the Japanese setting.

  • Freedom Planet - Easily my favorite platformer. It is a sort of spiritual successor to the old Sonic games on the Sega Genesis, but IMO a lot more fun. I don't know if the story is good because I skipped it (I don't care about story in a game like this), but the platforming and gameplay is top notch.

What are your "lesser known" favorites?

7 years ago

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Was a poll really necessary here?

View Results
Lol no
A potato is probably necessary

Freedom Planet is awesome, I know that feel!

Maybe the Bit.Trip saga, although nowhere near perfect I love the games. Most probably only heard of the Runner games but the rest of them are pretty fun too.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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There should be many, but the peggle series comes to my mind right now :)
Also, Quest for Infamy!

7 years ago

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I still play peggle.

7 years ago

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Xenoblade Chronicles for Wii. You should figure out a way to play it if you haven't got a Wii.

7 years ago

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that game is not unpopular or unknown

7 years ago

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One of the best RPGs I ever played, 100 hours to complete - it was epic!

7 years ago

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It runs very well on Dolphin.

7 years ago

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Looks like no one wrote it so far....
so I will go with Bloodsports.tv
less than 100 reviews on steam.
The game is made by Fatshark, thus abandoned after first free dlc they gave it.
It's a Co-op Hero Line Defense type of game, with above character type of look, something like PvE MOBA? Idk how to describe it properly.

7 years ago

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Two Worlds 2, you can even read my "review" here.

7 years ago

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I'm having high hopes for the upcoming update. Started out a couple of times but for some reason I've never been able to come to grips with some quirks in the interface

7 years ago

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I guess it would be a piece of cake for developers to fix all the mess if they had players' feedback and money for their new addon.

7 years ago

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If only i would remeber how to name links.. Ohhh well!

Maize: Super fun comedy puzzle/adventure game. Never liked being called an idiot as much as i did in this game :P !

Dreadout/Dreadout Keeper of darkness: Remeber the fatal frame games? This is a indie version and most important.. It is on PC! It has a few things that aren't great but i liked em quite a lot.

The Cat lady + Downfall: Great story driven adventure game with some really dark parts. A friend suggested the first game to me and i didn't look it up for a year or so but when i instantly got it and once i was done i bought the second one right off the bat.

Day of Infamy: A mix between Day of defeat and red orchestra made by the devs behind Insurgency. Really fun WW2 shooter that should really be more popular.

Singularity: I was expecting a crappy console shooter but it was actually really fun! The onlu negative things i can say is that you will know it was made for console and at first you think you will be low on ammo just to have more ammo than you could ever use. Still fun tho!

7 years ago

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Comment formatting help
Should also be in the help menu if it's not from one of my scripts :)

7 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning™

A Story About My Uncle

[Playing it since the Beta - It's my most played game with 888h playtime. But unfortunately the community is getting more and more toxic...]

I totally forgot AQUARIA !
I love this game ^^

7 years ago*

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Aquaria is a classic. My big regret was losing my save file near the end; I've never mustered up the time to play through it again. T_T

7 years ago

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Yeah, I know exactely how you feel, because the same happened to me. I was somewhere after the Sunken City (so near the end) and then I lost my save file ;_;

Hmmm...maybe I will give it another try :)
But I really don't like to go through The Abyss again xD"

7 years ago

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I don't really pay much attention to which games are "lesser known" and stuff, but Critter Crunch doesn't have many reviews on Steam (Maybe because it was originally for other platforms) and it's an awesome game, imo.

7 years ago

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Blood 2.

7 years ago

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Yes, I have to agree with this. I even prefer Blood II over Blood

7 years ago

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State of War
Krush Kill N Destroy Xtreme
Pursuit Force
Pursuit Force Extreme Justice
Twisted Metal Head On
Resistance: Retribution
Delta Force Land Warrior's m
Ghost Recon Warfighter
Star Hawk
Act of Aggression
Sonny 2
Sift Heads: World
Burnout Legends
Silent Hill Origins
The Sabouter
Thrill Kill
Sunset Riders
Doom Troopers
Zero Tolerance
The Lost World: Jurrasic Park
Quack shot Duck
The Flintstones
Desert\Jungle\Urban Strike
The Typing of the Dead: Overkill
The Haunted: Hell's Reach
Death Skid Marks
The Godfather
The Godfather 2
Scarface: The World is Yours
GTA Liberty City Stories
GTA Vice City Stories
Arctic Combat
District 187
Battlefield Heroes
Crush The Castle
Daytraders of the Dead
Toxie Radd
Infectonator: Survivors
Larry and the Gnomes
ECHOES: Operation Stranglehold
Streets of Rage Remake
Red Faction Guerrilla
Def Jam Fight for NY
Carmaggedon: Max Damage
Street Riders
King of Fighters 14
Warfare Online
Eternal Champions

Can't think of any more...

7 years ago*

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I find it funny how many are picking "overwhelmingly positive" games in this thread :P

7 years ago

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I don't think that's so funny as seeing how many are picking games with thousands of positive reviews.... 'Overwhelmingly positive' game with <100 reviews is probably something more people should check out.

7 years ago

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Perspective makes all the difference I suspect. Also do you know that number of reviews a measure of how many are playing a game? It might be but I'm not sure that it is.

The "funny" part for me is eg. op picking Freedom Planet as an example, with 2k+ overwhelmingly positive reviews :)

7 years ago*

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Yes, FP does sound like an odd choice based on review numbers and its 'reputation'. ;) I remember the last(?) bundle it was in and everybody got so excited just for that...

The only numbers of Steam reviews vs. players data I've seen and can remember indicate about 1% of players leaving a review for the game. Whether that number is correct (now), I wouldn't hazard a guess. Sounds plausible.

7 years ago

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Well, it's not important, for me. I am a bit surprised at how often I hear someone stating that a game should have more reviews. I just don't understand why this is important.

7 years ago

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You're probably right, I guess I just never hear anything about Freedom Planet and the subreddit for the game has less than 500 people on it, so I assumed it was lesser known.

I didn't realize it had so many steam reviews, apparently it isn't as unknown as I thought it was.

7 years ago

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It's not a critique in any way, I just find the amount of overwhelmingly positive mentions in this thread a bit funny :)

My mentions aren't exactly unpopular either looking at the reviews these days but they were not very well received at launch for various reasons.

7 years ago

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Totally true, but at least he reminded me to download it finally :) I'm hoarding way too many good games and I tend to tunnelvision on a dozen or two, forgetting about the others.

7 years ago

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I'm entirely convinced that you're in good company, if that's any comfort :)

7 years ago

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I think Morphblade is woefully underrated. When it came around in last month's Monthly, there were a lot people giving it away and dismissing it as cheap 'shovelware'. 181 reviews?

I won the game on SG and I'm totally addicted! Very simple to learn, to pick up, but very hard to get good at. Amazing little strategy game which I will be giving away myself to spread the joy.

7 years ago

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I had so much trouble trying to describe it to someone. It's like a round-based strategy game about positioning and long-term investment - and despite it's simple looks it really has headscraching moments, thinking about where to move now :D
It's a really, really well-done game that was overshadowed by Total War Warhammer and the generally weak-ish bundle

7 years ago

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Reminds me of HyperRogue

7 years ago

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I think Morphblade would be much more popular if some form of multiplayer was added.

7 years ago

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The Cat Lady

7 years ago

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I'm a REALLY big loser so in my spare time I actually made a big huge spreadsheet (I love spreadsheets) detailing all the games in my steam library that I've played, and different stats about them - like, my rating, number of achievements, genre, etc.

One of the metrics I included was number of owners on steam. I was really interested in charting not just popularity of genres but of individual titles. These numbers are from SteamSpy, and are probably out of date considering I did most of this data searching about two months ago.

Here are games that I really enjoyed that have less than 21k owners:

Gravity Ghost is a really fun, unique physics puzzle game that isn't based on 'normal' gravity, but orbital gravity. You are, literally, a ghost in space swirling around planets and trying to send other ghosts home. It's adorable and fun and I loved it.

Sunset was mentioned before, but I want to mention it again, if only as a diamond in the rough. While the game could have been FAR better optimized, I do think fans of atmospheric storytelling and 'walking sims' have something to pull from this experience.

Higurashi When They Cry is a multi-chaptered slice of life/horror murder mystery VN where the culprits are either the curse of an enraged, demonic local god, a conspiracy of brainwashed rural townsfolk, or.... your best friends. Heartwarming, somehow, all the same. I personally don't really like the mangagamer sprites for this release, but there are patches that let you change the sprites.

Forget Me Not: My Organic Garden is "an avant-garde clicking game" where you grow and harvest human organs on trees. It is gorgeous and stylish and actually has some interesting little stories in it and you're playing a fucking clicker game where you grow hearts and kidneys for witchcraft and junk, it's good.

To Be or Not To Be is Hamlet as a choose-your-own adventure story, as written by Ryan North. You also can play as Hamlet Sr. and Ophelia. A bunch of people die, the writing is hysterical, and the piss is taken out of Hamlet for literally 99% of the book. While the humor MAY come off as twee, it works for me and I happily spent a few afternoons killing people - er, I mean, saving Denmark.

Amphora is a gorgeous little puzzle game where you play as magical smoke coming from an, you guessed it, amphora, and you help a family throughout different scenes of their lives. Incredibly stylish with good physics, this is a true overlooked gem.

7 years ago

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My two would be In Celebration of Violence and CrossCode.

Both of them are indie games in early access that show exceptional promise. In Celebration of Violence is the top down Dark Souls and Rogue crossbreed that takes the strengths of both and combines it with a bleak, immersive, enthralling world with deep, reaction based gameplay. CrossCode is also great, but I've actually written a review, so I'll let it do the talking. It's for an older version of the game, and the developers have been adding content since; I've been putting off playing it so I can take it on in one sitting, but for a while I would rush all the content whenever there was a new patch and I was always impressed. I'd expect the full release this summer or fall.

Both of these games suffered from being bundled, so a lot of people own them, but not many have played; there are only 23 reviews for In Celebration of Violence, and while there are substantially more for CrossCode (about a thousand) both of these are treasures that I would rate with AAA games in my library.

7 years ago*

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The Deed. It's a short murder mystery with a twist - you're the murderer, and you need to hide the evidence and set things up well enough that someone else takes the fall. It's also one of the rare RPG Maker games that doesn't include any combat. It's got enough variety in the options that I enjoyed playing it through several times, and I rarely see anyone talk about it despite its "Very Positive" average review score.

7 years ago

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Devs made the Space Pilgrim saga as well that's a very Firefly-esque point and click story with RPGMaker engine. I got the first one as a gift then went out my way and bought every later episode because it was just so good :D

7 years ago

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ibb & obb for a super fun puzzley local co op game that relies on working together.
Flat Heroes SUCH a fun local co op game. Single player was fun enough too, but less intense. Co op was an absolute blast that had everyone crying with laughter and getting really into it.
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood I'm over halfway through playing it atm, but it's already one of my favourites. A really enjoyable puzzle platformer that looks like a Pixar film.

7 years ago*

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So Max is good you say, hmm. I started playing on xbox but couldn't really get in to it. I suspect a lot of that has to do with me sucking at playing with a controller though :D

7 years ago

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Ah that's a shame. :( Yeah I'm playing it with a controller as well, but I'm used to playing platformers with controllers. I can see where it'd be tough to get used to since movement is everything. Took me a little bit to get the hang of using the marker thing.

7 years ago

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I found Max to be easier for me with mouse & keyboard, especially when you have to quickly use the magic marker. Then again, I suck with a controller too.

7 years ago

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Pathologic - Very unique and creative, some years old, survival game about a mysterious village afflicted by a mysterious plague. The game does not take players at hand and gives only vague hints what to do, which makes it very difficult to access for beginners. That combined with a slow gameplay, lots of text to read and some technical flaws have been the reason why the game got lot of negative ratings around 30-50% when it was released. Fortunately people realized that behind the surface there is a fantastic setting, awesome dark and surreal atmosphere and a great story with surprising twists, so that the game got some better reviews and even a remake in the meanwhile. I've played through it several times, there are different storylines for the three characters and I absolutely love it. It's my sleeper hit number one.

7 years ago*

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Space Run- it's a really fun sort-of-tower-defense-but-with-a-twist game with some, in my opinion, nice humor in it. Barely anyone knows about it. :/

Rabi-Ribi- ok, ok, so it's a bullet hell/platformer/metroidvania hybrid which I'm pretty sure squeezes down it's potential fanbase... a lot. But it's a great game! And more people should try it out! (Even if it will brutally kick their ass!)

Creeper World 3: Arc Eternal (and, actually, the entire Creeper World series)- another interesting take on the tower defense genre in the sense that this is more of a tower offense with some interesting mechanics. Also the 3-rd game in particular has something along the lines of thousands of optional levels to do (and this is not including the potential for more community made ones since it has a level creator) so it has essentially infinite content.

Dustforce- a rather challenging but amazingly made platformer with emphasis on speed and a very... interesting premise to say the least. It has a small community but they've created a ton of extra content for it.

Orcs Must Die! series- it might be old but it's still super fun to slaughter a ton of dumb orcs with your maze of traps... huh, again a game with tower defense elements but with a lot of twists. Starting to see a pattern here...

Cargo Commander- I'm... not sure how to describe this one. It's sort of a platformer... but... arcade-y? I guess my best description would be "check the trailer". It also has some nice humor. Needs more attention.

SpaceChem- another one for the brutally difficult pile- this time a puzzle game with the goal being to design a pipeline for manipulating molecules. Also it has a really neat Lovecraftian style story in the campaign which is told through nothing but text and the occasional simple image between levels but still manages to be awesome.

EDGE- this one kinda speaks for itself...

Fairy Bloom Freesia- a very adorable brawler. Simple but fun and cute. ^_^

Every single other Bullet Hell game I've ever played... In particular this series.

And I think I'll just stop there before I start listing 90%+ of the indie games I've played. XD

7 years ago

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I am playing SpaceChem.

7 years ago

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Message Quest
It only has about 450 reviews but wow, short beautiful game with really great humor. I really loved every secong I played of it even though it was quick to beat.

7 years ago

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Supercharged robot vulkaiser,i just love the god damn opening music

7 years ago

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Risen Yes Jul 30, 2013

It's actually very nice RPG game. :3

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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