Would you like to live forever? Personally, I'm fascinated by the idea of living forever, but I think immortality would become boring after a few thousand years.

1 decade ago*

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1 decade ago

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I haven't seen anyone raise the problem which bothers me the most: having to support myself. Unless I had some guaranteed income I'd have to go to work for the next million years, and that would be hell.

1 decade ago

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If you were immortal and were nothing but homeless in all that span, then you did something wrong. It shouldn't be hard to invest money and make absolute bank on the interest.

1 decade ago

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This. Compound interest is a very powerful thing. Its how most of the 1% of the world retain their wealth. Many movies and books have explored or touched on such things for being immortal.

One problem that isnt mentioned in this thread is how would you remain unknown? Op also doesnt in what state your mind/body would be in after say 500 years. Do you continue to age? Or do you kind of stay 25ish?

1 decade ago

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In a reply by the OP somewhere it was said that you could be any definition of immortal you choose. Remaining unknown might be a trick if you went that route, though juggling offshore accounts might make it easier. or at least we are led to believe from such theories applied to hypothetical situations where vampires would continue to live among us. Personally, I'd take on the role of Guardian of our race. Build up a repository of knowledge, help people with all I learn in time and just take the rest as it comes. You might make enemies that way but what is immortality if you spend it all hiding?

1 decade ago

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Would depend how you currently live your life. If you desire attention or if you wish to live in peace would be factors. Comming out to the world would paint a giant target on you. Chances are you would be captured and studied like a lab rat. More so if you were also invincible, such as Hulk or Wolverine and so on.
The only ability you have though is you live forever. Your bones can still break, you still feel pain, you cant lift a car over your head and so on.

1 decade ago

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Mmm, it is a gigantic risk no matter what you do. By the time the people began to discover that you were not aging though I'd hope that you've already built up either a following or some way of defending yourself from any who might wish to dissect you. It is quite difficult to determine what would or would not happen, but I believe that it would be manageable to someone who was truly prepared for the task in the first place. Few fit the bill, but it's not out of the realm of possibility.

1 decade ago

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No matter how much of a following you have, the prospect of learning how to live forever and or be immune to all forms of cellular damage would have unknown implications for the human race. Untold riches for any pharmaceutical company that managed to synthesis even a portion of the effects. Religious sects would undoubtedly either follow you, or label you as their anti-god, a threat to all they know and hold dear. Entire country's armies might invade whatever land you are in just to try and find you so their own scientists could study you and give/sell their newly created anti-aging/disease cures on their citizens or more likely their leaders and soldiers. These new super soldiers would then invade and conquer the globe with little effort. The risks involved with being found out would far outweigh the reward if any.

Personally, I would control progress in the shadows. Surfacing every 50 years or so often as some political leader and help shape and form countries. Try and better the human race and steer them away from war.

1 decade ago

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Mind you that is but a possibility out of all possible outcomes, and an extreme one at that. It also falls back to whatever type of immortality you were granted and what it entails. Living in silent control may have some advantages to it, though existence and position would be questioned as well in time, possibly leading to the same persecutions. Especially if you're a political leader and not just some sort of company executive. There is both safety and danger in every possible choice if you really fan it all out. I've given the subject great lengths of thought in the past though I'm sure I could do better had I a reason.

1 decade ago

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Its not that extreme or far fetched actually. Between religious zelots torturing people simply for a difference of belief, what do you figure would happen when you actually threaten their entire belief structure?

Corporations would pay millions in black op bounties to find you so they could attempt to synthesis your DNA and gain the affects.

The human population is based on greed and fear. Wasnt that long ago we would burn people at the stake because it happened to rain when they whistled.

1 decade ago

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no, i want to know what is death xD

1 decade ago

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death is immortality

1 decade ago

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fuck logic

1 decade ago

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Gotta complete all these games somehow!

1 decade ago

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No way !

1 decade ago

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I'm against it.

Some nanites that live in your blood and help prolong lifespan to 200-500 years would be acceptable, but only if that is needed for interstellar travel. I guess that would be one boring trip. Otherwise, to live longer just because I can... heck, I've seen way too much crazy shit already.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Everything is less meaningful when you live that long, personally I'm perfectly fine being mortal.

1 decade ago

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Would depend. By immortality do you simply mean, baring some grieves injury such as a car accident, you would live forever without aging past a certain age like say 25-35?

1 decade ago

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Yes I would love to be immortal. It would be hard too (you can never live in the same place for too long, have to fake your death or simply vanish after a while so no one notices).

1 decade ago

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You could live out in the woods or something and hunt/live off the land. Living forever, it would become kind of natural to eventually be pulled towards seclusion and find yourself repulsed by other people. Might find a friend or something every so often to break things up though.

1 decade ago

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There's a movie like this called The Man from Earth.

1 decade ago

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I have that movie. Good movie.

1 decade ago

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I don't know why people find that idea so appealing. We'd still have to work to be able to afford things like games and the Internet, wouldn't we? So, instead of having to work for, say, 40 years, we'd have to just keep on working until the end of time itself? I certainly wouldn't want that.

1 decade ago

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Compound interest. If you worked and saved, you could save for 60 years, and live off of the interest. Assuming you didnt need large expenses every 70 years. Also, since you live forever, you could play the markets very well, buy up tech/medical start ups and then cash the stocks out later, or buy up a house and sell it for 2/4times what you paid.

1 decade ago

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That's sad.. You do realize that you could run the business instead? If history is to repeat itself, this civilization will destroy itself eventually. You could have a hand at creating the next civilization. Maybe you'd have learned from the mistakes and create something better then a life of work.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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YEAH! Life is the whole point of life.

1 decade ago

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Play Lost Odyssey. You don't want to live forever

1 decade ago

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the looming thought of death is what drives me to be good in life.

1 decade ago

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to think that i can't die by any mean, i will use the ability to do things i would never do irl. it dont have to be boring if your mind doesn't stop thinking/

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Only if you want to see how all the people you know and love die, and later when you are all alone in this world you can't event kill yourselft

1 decade ago

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so much this^

1 decade ago

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I got so many games yet to play that immortalty cannot be boring at all! And if I got tired of games, I can do a lot of other things, like composing music or something. I just don't want to age because if your health gets worse and worse you can wish death easily XD

1 decade ago

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All of that are short-term prospects. In a long run Earth will be engulfed by the Sun which will the collapse upon itself. In the meantime Milky way will collied with the Andromeda Galaxy most possibly resulting in destruction of the Sun altogether. If you lucky not to be smeared over the surface of some black hole, you'll be left in vacuum without any computers or means to compose music or something.

1 decade ago

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From what I know, the probability of Sol being destroyed in our future galactic merger with Andromeda is astronomically (hue hue) low. You underestimate the amount of empty space between stars. Found a source

Although the late stages of the universe are bleak, red dwarfs (which are the most common type of star in the galaxy, and perhaps the universe, and which also have a habitable zone) are thought to live as long anywhere from ~1-10 trillion years.

And yeah, the Earth will be engulfed by the Sun, hopefully mankind progresses enough to provide the means to migrate to other habitable worlds, which is by no means a likelihood with some of the problems we have knocking on our door already :P

1 decade ago

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Now I'm sad.

1 decade ago

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Forgoing humans destroying themselves though war, plague, or just pollution and greed, the earth has about 3-4billion years before the sun engulfs the planet. You could learn how to and then build a spaceship complete with everything you would need for a journey to another planet.

1 decade ago

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Yes but people need to ask an important question
What exactly happens when when die?
If something terrible happens in the afterlife I rather stay immortal

1 decade ago

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i would love to be immortal IF i would get money without working, GAMING 4 EVAH

1 decade ago

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Savings, stocks, compound interest. Investments earn people money without doing extra work.

1 decade ago

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Coming from an atheistic perspective, immortality is an easy choice if it were possible. I mean once you die, that's it, there is no going back.

It's time for us to evolve into a non-senescing organism, that's right, we'll become....Hydra people! We'll never die and we'll have neurotoxins. We'll basically be like GLaDOS, but with a soul.

1 decade ago

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To see all my loved ones die? No, thank you.

1 decade ago

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Easy yes. The 'negatives' I see posted lack perspective. So what that people you know will die.. The same is true about any pets you own now. People would just become... like pets. You know them for awhile, enjoy the time, then move on. It doesn't stop you from getting another pet. How many people do you know who kill themselves cause they can't cope with the loss of their pet. The argument is that pets are not at the same level as a person. The same is true would you be an immortal.

So what would a person do as an immortal? Well.. You'd do things that people don't do. Like what? Well, that's exactly why I say this would be an easy yes for me. I'd like those new experiences, I'd like to find out what new things I'd like to do. Even when those new things become old things, I'd be able to adapt. That's what immortality is. Embracing the change that takes place around you, and changing yourself in ways you would never have thought of as you are now.

1 decade ago

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Heck yes

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by NoSideStep.