+1. They were 3-4 euro here 10 years ago. possible more now. i don't go to places like that.
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Bullshit? Sometimes and you are wondering, they buy stuff because they like it... I dont understand the prices too, but i can understand when people buy this stuff. Its like a picture of Michelangelo oder DaVinci. For me its a picture (very expensive one), but others see something in the Mona Lisa i`d never see
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So you think that some people see CS:GO knife as some expensive golden egg? I think they still see it as a knife, but they just like the colour'n'stuff, nothing special. Why I'm saying that they want to show how rich they are? Because you rarely use your knife and when you do use it, basically nobody will see it. They show it at the beginning of the round and won't use it anymore (Well, you may do a knife-kill but it's really hard) I'd rather buy M4A4 Howl, AWP Asiimov or M4A1-s Master Piece because I can use it most of the time :P
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1-Bet on dota2lounge.com and win A LOT of money.My personal record is 27 keys in one match.Yes, you can get rich by betting and winning that DC Hook.
2-Wait till the price gets high, sell it again.DC Hook is a limited number item and it'll never get a price discount so buying one and waiting for the price to go up might be a good investment.
3-Mostly in F2P games, some people can't use market since they don't know Steam rules about how to activate the market.I once bought a $40 item for a guy and sold it to him for $50 Paypal.He said he couldn't use market and asked me to just accept Paypal, I couldn't refuse.
4-IT'S A FREAKN DC HOOK, IF I HAD THAT I'D PLAY PUDGE ALL THE TIME.When you have such an expensive item, people assume that you're a pro and play accordingly.You might get an advantage with mental pressure toward the enemy.But I'm afraid MOST of the expensive item owners are retarded noobs.
I'm actually really happy to see such expensive item trades on the market, it encourages me to invest more in Steam Market to get some profit ^^
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Okay then go do something else. These people are spending their money the way they want to, who are you to tell them what to do?
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Hey, you don't need to get aggressive. I'm just trying to understand why some skins are sold at that amount of money, and you'd agree 200€ is a lot. I'm not telling anyone what to do, or at least that's what my comment sounds to me, i'm not english native speaker so there may be some misunderstanding. If there were an impersonal form like the one in my language, i'd use it instead of "you".
"nella vita si deve essere se stessi" "in your life you should be yourself".
and i should have taken into account people getting offended for a possible little misunderstanding due to the limitations of the language, my fault...
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Why the hell are they sold at such high prices? I never got into the market, apart from cards, so i'd like someone to explain.
I understand that some skins may be bought for a few cents or euros, i understand that keys are used as some kind of steam currency for trading, but how can some items be sold at 100-200€ and more?
for example this one http://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/570/Dragonclaw%20Hook?l=english it's just a stupid skin and yet, just today, more than 20 people bought it for 170€. You can get 4 AAA titles at day one for that amount of money, or a mid range video card, or 170 big macs to feed our lord and saviour Gaben, or whatever else. Please someone explain. Are people shitting money from their arse?
Ok, it's not actually 170 bigmacs, i don't go to mcdonalds. Setting a price of 4€ per unit it's around 43 bigmacs*. And no, they're not enough to feed our magnificent lord and savior Gaben, not even for his midnight snack.
*prices may vary according to your country
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