In my opinion, the best thing to do is ignore it and don't sweat it. Don't let stupid shit get to you. I understand being a bit miffed over the whole thing, but by tomorrow you'll have forgotten all about it.
If the OP is going into people's giveaways raising a stink, he's digging his own hole, so just let him. ;)
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Not my direct intention, no, and this is not so much about the original topic anymore even. I don't see why I would be digging a hole though, if I'm going to be blacklisted by someone just for having a discussion, then there's not much I could have done in the first place.
You're right about not sweating it though, the number of comments makes it all seem bigger than it is.
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Their reaction was weirdly hostile, that's what made me start to feel suspicious, but it is probably nothing, I just got a bit surprised and wanted some general input about it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
(Doesn't change the fact that they are giving away games that probably have nothing to do on Steam in the first place though, but who knows, someone might actually get value out of one of the games in question?)
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Have you checked if there is a recent bundle that includes all these games?
Edit: Maybe the dev of those games is selling cheap keys on some 3rd party site and the user you talked to wants to farm CV.
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There could be many reasons.
Could be some dev with many fronts for asset flips leveling his personal account. Could be someone involved in one or more sites that deals with keys or make giveaways.
Could be just some user who buy cheap bundles (btw many can be bought in bulks) that simply wait for keys to accumulate before making all their gas at once.
Im not into buying bundles of games i won't play just to GA or bulks of bundles- but i like to let my keys accumulate and do GAs in bunchs (normally ending at the same time) so i only have to deal with where is such key and delivery once in a awhile.
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If someone starts asking questions about my giveaways being asset flips, people tend to get quite defensive and thus the reaction would not be that uncommon. With some many bundles offering these types of games, a lot of the games given away on this site are going to be of that type of game. I wouldn't call it suspicious but people don't like being questionned about games they have spent money on being given away. To each their own.
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One really should grow up and take responsibility for what they buy, be it good or bad. If one doesn't like to be ridiculed for shit games, they shouldn't buy shit games. Or embrace the fact that yes, they are doing this for the sake of CV or to pump up the number of giveaways. On itself it's nothing one should be ashamed for.
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Hardly, ive seen these games around, there is very little CV to be had when most games cost 1€
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Hmm, so little CV to be made, little money spent, crap games that always(?) gets abandoned right at the start (Survival Z, Coin Pusher a.s.o.), one has to wonder what really is the motive then? I mean, sure, who wouldn't rather gift people something when they think they see a good opportunity, than not do it, but if there was nothing else to it than the fact that games are given away by someone for free, I personally would like to think myself to be a bit more restrictive with what games and/or bundles I buy as gifts to people (at least or especially considering the person bought the same bundle at least twice)...
The reason why it all seemed so weird is that while I can understand one or two more "budget-y" games being given away by a person is nothing weird, they can be leftovers from a bundle or from a "Buy 'X' get 'Z' free of charge" thingie, or whatever, but when it is deliberately bought by someone multiple times I can't seem to wonder why, even though the answer could be as simple as "Oooh, a dirt-cheap bundle! = Win!
Also, I don't think it is a weird question to ask someone whats with giving away multiple "games" with notable fishy business seemingly going on around it, all of a sudden. Hard to phrase a question too, I mean, either they become hostile because they have ill intent, or they become hostile because of the percieved suspicion being laid upon them when they are in fact genuine, it's a lose-lose for me.
TLDR: Giving away games is great, but when giving away games that are not bundle leftovers or similar, but actual deliberate purchases of specific games just for the sake of giving them away, maybe taking a minute to check what it even is that one is buying could be a good habit, no?
Or something like that...
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they probably got them from DIG and SteamGround, Steam implemented a limit on the minimum price, but that doesnt stop them from selling the game, for the ammount their worth. With games that can cost as little as 0.04€.
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And I sometimes buy IG bundles during happy hour from a group buy for 1 or 2 games and give away the remaining trash, that IS trash :D But I stopped caring about entry numbers, and I don't get comments about their quality - if someone wants the game, will enter.:P
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I would call it suspicious if someone keeps asking for my giveaways, no Problem if he would did this in the comment section, but adding me for that? I would think this must be some scam attempt, especially with that Ratio of won/sent giveaways. Sorry mate but I Can fully understand the creator of those giveaways. Should be no offence to you, sorry if it Sound like that.
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I'm not sure who you mean by this 'someone'? Me? Just an example?
In any case, all I did was making 1 comment on 1 of their GA's asking "What's with giving away all of these Asset-flip games?", nothing else.
When I got a (for that situation) unusually hostile comment back, of course I get suspicious.
As it is now I'm not even sure your comment could apply to me and just stating the fact that you understand the GA-creator certainly isn't offensive in any way, so don't worry, no offense taken :)
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Sorry, my bad. I misunderstood your first post, if you just wrote a comment, then everything is fine.
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The only thing i wonder about is , why do you care ?
Asset flips like that are sold in shady places for like a cent a piece .
The guy probably got a 100 keys for a dollar or something like that , and didnt like it that you are throwing accusations at his face , or just the way you formulated your question when you asked him .... whatever you did ask him
nice profile btw .... interesting stuff
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"What's with giving away all of these Asset-flip games?" is what I asked them, once.
I care because it made me suspicious, and it made me suspicious because of the relativetly coloured response I got, combined with just having checked out the 4-5 games being given away and realized they have some shady stuff surrounding all of them (no updates since the start, reviews describing how the exact same games can be found on other websites under a different name or as an asset-pack for Unity, etc. etc. Just check one of the first reviews of this one, but it is fully possible that they indeed just bought some cheap-arse bundle (in fact, their own words were along the lines of buying a 10-something pack of bundles), but one has to wonder if that money couldn't be invested a bit better in regards to giving games away?
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Normally I'd agree with you, but not this time: First of all, I'm not getting anything, lol.
Secondly, have you even checked some of the games I've linked in the topic? They're literally just asset-packs sold under a different name!
I understand your point about free stuff and all, but to be perfectly honest (and probably a bit blunt), I don't feel like I owe someone thanks for giving away almost literal crap (free or not), especially not when I get a response that basically tells me to go **** myself (though they didn't actually write it in plain) it felt imbalanced when compared to the question being asked to them. Technically it wasn't even directly aimed at their specific person, though of course they will react since I wrote it on one of their giveaways, I can understand that.
I've never heard of a witch hunt where the witch is deliberately kept anonymous before, lel.
(Not so) TLDR : I asked a question that might bear some implications with it, got a weird and somewhat rude reaction without a chance to really explain myself, wondered why, considering the games in question. (Also: No matter their actual intention, I don't feel inclined to thank them for helping to flood this website with crap, even though it feels weird to say about someone giving away something for free, which wasn't even originally what this was all about.)
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1st :They are not breaking any rules. And that whole topic is completely pointless in its form therefore .
2nd: if you added his account name youd get suspended for calling out , so you cant really make the witch public anyway
3rd: Based on some of the stuff you won , you dont seem to mind winning literal garbage , yet for some reason judge the stuff the guy gave away .
4th: you dont own anyone thanks for creating giveaway for stuff you dont want / like etc .. i never said you do . technically if you mind bad games so much you wondnt enter giveaways for them right ?
And last but not least , the whole asset flip / trash game etc argument is flawed on many levels ...
The way people tend to buy games nowadays often depends on bundless , and often some shitty games or flat out asset flips get bundled along with like 5-6 completely worthless games and 2-3 good ones.
Normal person would buy said bundle ,activate what they want and giveaway the rest here to people who may be interested in said games for one reason or another .
The way you are wording your tough process , you are saying as person A , who goes on IndieGala for example and buy Some random bundle cause he want like 2-3 games out of the 8 in it , them comes here and makes a giveaway for the other 5 games ... he is at fault for giving them away cause you consider them bad ... and its not Steam's fault that they let that literal garbage be put on their platform.
Same argument stands with the asset flips . Its not my fault that the game is flat out a unity asset pack that they i hope bough and put back on steam for a dollar ... i aint activating that shit , but i can give it away here cause someone may want it as +1 to their steam library .
Am i doing something wrong ? Did i put that game on steam ? Did i approve of that game being sold on steam ?
See id love every giveaway we get here to be God of War or Nier ...but it aint gonna happen .
So save yourself the trouble , and just ignore such giveaways .
Cause you are pointing the gun at the wrong direction :)
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1 : Never said they were (did I?).
1a : You are absolutely right in the technical sense, but it had a point for me, since I was kind of baffled at that time.
2 : True, true, but then it's not really a "real" witch hunt, is it, also, a witch hunt is far from my intention, so I'm sorry it would seem to be that way.
3 : It's not that many, also I sometimes check out games that just 'could' be good (though asset-flips are a whole 'nother story, and even though I haven't checked through my library just for this specific moment, I don't think I recall having any asset-flips, but correct me if I'm wrong), just to spend those extra few points that might be left over after entering the 'big-time' GA's.
4 : Nowadays (and by that I mean since a month or so) I've started to check the games I enter a bit closer (Side-note: I stopped entering GA's for Kerbal Space Program because of the changes to their EULA [Not that it actually is a garbage game]), and while som low quality games might slip through the cracks (in the same vein as why people often don't read the fine prints: It is goddamn enervating!) I'd like to think I manage to root out the straight out asset-flips (are they even actually legal?).
4a: Bad Rats was just because it was a Meme to get it.
Last [5] : The way they phrased their answer to me and the fact that they gave away the exact same 5 asset-flip games (from the same dev by the looks of it) more than once made it sound like they deliberately bought a bundle(s) with only this type of game.
(I never said the GA-creator is to blame for the games being on Steam or for putting them there, so even though they're just examples, they don't really make sense.)
You do raise some interesting points, and while I do not think I am pointing the gun in the wrong direction, but I might be using too large of a caliber, so to speak.
Thank you :)
PS. I can tolerate regular crap games (since someone might actually get a use out of them, for example), so long as a single person does not pump out a massive number of them, but straight out asset-flips are still a no-no in my book, especially these kinds that are abandoned the second they are put on steam, just existing for the fact that someone might buy it from time to time.
At least some of the games in question are also sold on other websites under a different name and the dev is just shady overall. Not the fault of the GA-creator per-se, but maybe they should draw the line somewhere and stop helping to spread games that are obviously not made for gaming? Would be a kind of nice thing to do at least.
As I said though, thanks for your input :)
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Ok then, totally missing the point (on purpose or not) even though I did try to reason with you, but if that's how it's gonna be ¯_(ツ)_/¯
it would have been nice to hear a more detailed reasoning though...or any reasoning at all (not just a "statement X about Y and Block"..)
(BTW, is more akin to a money-making scheme than a game, its not "just" low quality, which goes for most, if not all of that devs games, not the GA creators fault [as I've noted before], but they're still helping spread it.)
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I don't get the issue here. So the problem is that they gave away low quality games? And you asked why he's giving away asset flips to which he responded rudely and blacklisted you?
I mean, if I understood correctly then I'm confused as to why you'd even question it?
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That sounds just about correct (though the fact that they give away low-quality games isn't that much of an issue (even though 'low-quality' probably is a too kind of a thing to say about these games in this case, lel).
I'm not sure which of the inquiries you mean though, the fact that I just wondered where all the asset-flip fames were coming from all of a sudden? Or the fact that I question their reaction?
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That's at least half-valid, sure, but the games in question are not just low quality, they're outright rubbish.
And why not buy something at least over the quality of 'scam' (though that is of course not their fault), I highly doubt they have such low standards that they absolutely could not find anything else, especially when all of the games in the bundle they buy (or 10-pack of bundles, as they themselves said) seem to be of this particular type, that's all.
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(I blacklisted them too).
Why to waste your space? With 2-way blacklist he blacklisted himself.
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Nothing fishy about it imho. The rule of thumb on SG about giveaways is: my giveaways my rules, so it's up to the individual giveaway creator to choose both the kind of games and the method of making the giveaways. It's a simple as that. ^^
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I can respect that, but if you allow me to be blunt, I also do not have an obligation to respect it when it seems to just become an excuse for giving away garbage (though I'm not sure this particular person tried to do that in this case).
At first it was just me being surprised at the weird reaction for asking a question, but it seems this is (indirectly) turning into a discussion about the common thought that 'Free' automatically equals 'Good' or 'Nice'?
PS. To be honest, I'm quite surprised (in a positive way) at the fact that people who comment here actually at least try to explain their point of view, and not just start flinging insults as soon as they don't agree with something (a la YouTube etc.). Heh.
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id flip assets 2
But seriously people will blacklist or be rude for no reason, these are humans we're talking about. And not just any type of human, humans that communicate through magical text boxes :P
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Those kind of games sound like the ones you could buy in large quantities from DailyIndieGame at $0,02 a key, that's where usermade mass giveaways came from. And assuming the creator knows the games are asset flips is a huge leap that doesn't justify the accusation.
Is it suspicious? No. You said they were aggressive, yet they still answered your question plain and simple. And I wouldn't take the blacklist as an unjustified action either, being publically "called out" instead of having a private normal conversation isn't really everyone's cup of tea either.
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I couldn't find a way to contact them privately, and no I do not think I called them out, even though I made the comment on one of their GA's, because I asked why there was so many asset-flips all of a sudden, I didn't really accuse them of anything (even though I really think I should be able to ask such a question on someones GA regardless). I can indeed see why it might seem like I am calling them out though, but they could have handled it way better and at least let me even start to explain what I mean before assuming I was just out hunting for people. Kind of closed that door on me right from the start..
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289 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by shortyginger
I was checking out some giveaways for games I've never heard of and realized after a while that one user had created a lot of GA's with so called "Unity Asset-flip" games, and I proceeded to ask the person about it...2 minutes later they had changed all of their GA's to either 'Whitelist Only' or 'Group Only' (I didn't even know one could change that in the middle of the GA... EDIT: so maybe it was not so after all, they could have made multiple ones.., can't check now in any case as I'm blacklisted by them), and got a relativetly rude message back and got blacklisted (I blacklisted them too).
Does it sound as suspicious as I think, or am I just reading into things too much?
EDIT: Check the comment section below for different discussions and opinions.
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