There are no malicious adds or pop ups on this site mate, youve picked up something nasty elsewhere. Clean your system, Malwarebytes is always a good start.
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There've been plenty of other people with the same issue with Google ads [even just here on SG, I've seen several users mention it], especially on portable devices. Personally, on top of the extra lag they inherently add, Google ads occasionally completely break my tablet's browser or the apps which have them enabled (requiring me to refresh the browser or app), which is one of the reasons I've had to disable ads on Steamgifts (though there are other reasons, such as them occasionally covering the site even on PC, and not being well-positioned [at least, by my considerations] to start with).
I've had this problem since I got the tablet, and I doubt it came with malware pre-installed. Then again, it's an Amazon tablet with power-on ads enabled, and I've had wacky issues related to the power-on screen ads (such as them auto-starting audio on videos, auto-opening Amazon Store, or so forth), so I guess I can't be entirely certain of that. :P
In any case, for now, maybe give a bit of allowance for alternative options to malware being the sole cause of such issues.
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It doesn't have to be malware. The site causes a few seconds of freezing for me too when I'm on mobile. Those adds take a second to load and prevent the rest of the site from loading in the process.
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@bigbud 13
As said in the original post, I am using Steam Overlay. I use it only for Steam. And I work for an anti-virus company, so no need to advertise products here. I don't have malware. It's just that the ads changed to videos now which do not load completely and freeze the Steam Overlay from in-game.
Yes, the Google Ads are really bad now... I don't know if SG can switch them though... I am using the in-game Steam Overlay because it's easier to log-in instead of using a normal browser. Saves me time and I also do it, because being logged in a normal browser might be a security risk.
Sad that you are getting them, too, but at least I'm not the only one with the issue if that's any consolation...
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I had the recollection that you could disable advertisement in account settings (did I confuse that with the referals, maybe?), but it looks like that's tied to Patreon users only. Well, look for an adblock program, I guess..? If you're somehow connecting through Steam itself, that just seems like a bad idea to start with, since it's laggy and poorly featured from the get-go, so the presumable lack of an adblock program for Steam is really just an extra stress on top of a list of them. Similarly, loading browser as a non-steam game, which'd be the more likely way you'd be going about it, still seems a rather bizarre choice. Adblock should still work fine in that instance, however.
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I get in a Steam game and use the built-in browser, which is limited and has no choice to have extensions added. At least it's an older version of Chrome (I think it's updated quite less often then the normal Chrome browser).
That is an interesting option (running a browser as a non-steam game) - I might try that. Thanks!
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Pi-hole (and other similar products) is a DNS based ad-blocker, you install it once and simply configure all your devices/home-router to use it as DNS server.
There are similar products you can install on Windows if you want that, but Pi-hole on a cheap Raspberry Pi is a popular combination.
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No it seems you misunderstood how this works, your ISP has nothing to do with it...
Instead how about just using AdGuard DNS, it's really easy to setup with nothing to install just configure DNS on your router/device.
Pi-hole does the same thing, only you are running your own DNS server while offering you more customization options, statistics, and monitoring with pretty graphs :)
Of course with AdGuard you are trusting them with your DNS traffic, so if you don't like it that's another reason to use Pi-hole.
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No, I haven't misunderstood. I know what a DNS is and how strict my ISP is about using their DNS servers. If I don't use their DNS servers, you are marked as a spammer and cannot access the Internet and you have to call them to unblock you and they change the DNS settings back (which is 1 Google DNS server and their own backups).
I don't have a router or a network device on my own, I have a Ethernet cable plugged in directly to my PC which is tied to a switch in the building and so on. And I won't or don't need to buy devices as I am using the ISP that provides services to all other ISPs in the country (which is not open for the masses, but rather for corporations etc).
At work I have all kinds of devices, but I already have defenses and such things set there. I just have never heard of Pi-hole before and thought it is a software limited to the OS.
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If I don't use their DNS servers, you are marked as a spammer and cannot access the Internet
That sounds ridiculous!
What's next, you are not allowed to use ad-blockers ?!
I don't have a router or a network device on my own
Like I said you don't need any, just open TCP/IPv4 settings in Windows and specify the AdGuard DNS servers. It won't block all ads, but it's better than nothing :)
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Well, I am on PC and I have amazing Internet. I have never had trouble before - it's just that the ads don't load and freeze the whole site.
A Google ad freezing a whole site shows that the ad is badly implemented and the site itself needs fixing, too, but can be the inherent Steam browser (older version of Chrome).
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That's a lot of extensions. Just use ublock and set up additional rulesets. Basically knocks off 1,2, and 4.
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It's pretty damn efficient. The basic rule-sets are pretty through out of the box, but if you fancy tinkering you can quickly add additional rule-sets to stop the most subtle of ads. Make sure you use uBlock Origin rather than uBlock tho, that's the better fork. Also does a great job stopping youtube ads.
The basic settings are clean and easy to use, the advanced stuff is a bit bland but still usable.
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It's got a right click block element tool, or a pick to block tool, so either can block overlays.
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uBlock allows you to disable javascript too, although that can have collateral damage
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I already use origin, but uMatrix seems pretty intense. Does it have some ready made rulesets? And anything to stop the anti-adblocker frames?
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I work in the security sector.
I have been using ad-block programs for 10+ years now.
Thanks for your choices, but Adblock Plus is the worst - many times it has had vulnerabilities found in it.
I use uBlock Origin now as it seems to stop all kinds of ads, like flash, gif, other animated ones and normal ones and can be configured to a high extent.
I haven't joked about using the inherent's Steam browser and I use it for security reasons, convenience and to support SG by loading the ads.
With one of the best Internet in the whole of Europe (top 3), I have never had trouble with it. Sadly I cannot add extensions here and some emoticons don't sow up, but I have not had trouble with SteamGifts for 6 years now, so now it's a problem for me.
And come on - if an ad is preventing for the whole site to load, maybe the ad and browser aren't the only problem? Maybe there is a setting that needs to be tampered with within the site?
And about ublock Origin not for beginners - it is easy setting it up once you start reading and tinkering with it. Very intuitive, so you can pick it up quickly. I haven't tried uMatrix - that might be even better.
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I keep getting full page add for pharmaceuticals...
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Either you install some kind of ad blocker (Even though these days those things ain't as good as before) and script blocker (this one might break a few sites though...) or you run malwarebytes and any kind of software to remove the nasty bugs that clinged on your pc
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its what i use, and never really had a problem...i do know of other tools, but since i don't see any problem so far i don't dwelve deeper on that rabbit hole....
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The top 15 anti-virus programs that stop zero-days almost always before anybody else, like G-Data, Kaspersky, Norton, ESET, TrendMicro, Cylance, F-secure, Emsisoft, SpyHunter, Avast, Avira, Fortinet to name some. Even Microsoft's own AV is better (the one in Windows 10 and Microsoft Security Essentials).
Sadly, no AV maker can stop every zero-day threat all of the time...
Malwarebytes is actually really small compared to such giants, but a good complimentary tool for the big boys... Its just that m-bytes has really widespread advertisement and great marketing team that shoves ads and recommendations about it everywhere...
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I use adblocker on SG. I thought about supporting the website by leaving it off, and I did so for a few months, but then the video ads slowed down my browser so I figured it wasn't worth the inconvenience it caused.
If you want to support SG still, though, I suggest blocking ads and supporting SG through their Patreon instead. It's win-win for everyone.
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Sadly, I do not have much money to support anybody at the moment and won't be able to for the next 10 years...
Also, that is the 3rd reason I'm happy I'm using the Overlay.
And I am talking about the dumbed down version of Chrome that is placed in the Steam overlay of (most) Steam games...
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Oh, my bad - I missed that. Yeah, I don't like the type of advertisements being run on Steamgifts - I guess it can't be helped in most cases where ads are managed by Google Ads and such programs.
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My solution for now is the following:
I have set my mouse to 7200 DPI and to click fast on the site in the 1st second that an ad starts loading, regardless if its the thing I want to click or not. But entering giveaways is tough from Wishlist... I guess I will enter only for the ones expiring soon and hope that Google Ads revert to non-video ads, soon.
EDIT: Wow, I waited 4 whole darn minutes for the advertisement to load and now it shows a 10 second videoclip when I am on the main page of SG. It seems that it is now cached and the site loads fine. I hope there aren't more ads like this in the future, but I guess leaving the page open for 5 minutes is a good thing to note when such a situation occurs. Interestingly enough - the wider, horizontal ads of Google on the SteamTrades page are never videos and always load with the site within 1 second.
That would be my recommendation to SG - run the wider banner ads which are horizontal and wide like on SteamTrades.
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I thought the fast way to avoid this is simply edit the HOSTS file to redirect all google ads to so any browser will not see google ads anymore? At least that's how MVPS HOSTS is doing it.
The only downside with this approach is links from those "paid to be listed on top" of a google search will return error.
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You mean google search's "paid to be listed on top" links? Well the HOSTS will cause error if click the links directly but you can still copy&paste the link... besides, most of those "paid to be listed on top" usually will show again near top of the search results anyway, so I don't find it too inconvenient... at least compared with what you said about SG site's advertisement etc... (to be sincere I don't even know what those are since I've always been using edited HOST)
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Using the steam overlay browser is a nightmare when going to wikia. The ads on that site makes the browser chug like crazy.
I've basically given up and use firefox on my android (with ublock origin extension) to do any browsing while gaming.
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I am closing the topic as it seems that the ads have rotated and I haven't seen a single video-ad in the last day. Either somebody at SG listened or somebody at Google :D
If you want to continue the discussion, you can make another thread and contact me to link it in this topic.
Cheers to everyone who helped in giving recommendations, sharing experience they've had etc.
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Can we please remove the movie/video advertisements?
They are making the site to freeze and it was a pain getting into here and writing these by clicking on stuff for millieseconds just to load the create a topic page...
I am using the Steam overlay and these ads ruin it...
EDIT: My recommendation to SG - run the wider banner ads which are horizontal and wide like on SteamTrades.
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