I need 2 people with wich i could play :) (please only friendly and please use :3 ^^ :) frequently :P)|
availability in 0GMT even if iam in 2GMT|
work days availability - 17:00-22:00 (0GMT) 5 hours in total|
weekends availability - 6:00 - 10:00 then 18:00 - 22:00 (0GMT) 8 hours in total|
ADD ME! ^^ steam://friends/add/76561198021176531 |

| at line end since theres no new lines here..

12 years ago*

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What happened to the person you found yesterday?

12 years ago

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meh nothing just that hes almost never online... since he shares account
btw what did u send?

12 years ago

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I don't quite know what you're asking by "what did u send", if you're asking about the link it shows you how to properly format your posts.

I still believe that if you actually gave some information about what your goal or focus with the server is, then you'd have a better chance of finding someone.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by previoususer.