I haven't experienced anything like this thankfully. Closest I have come is seeing someone create a giveaway and in the text accompanying it they stated that they hoped the winner would mark it as received within a few hours.
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You would think that "rude" or "obnoxious" would be connected to the manner of communication rather than simply getting in touch with a person. P
When it comes to "delivery," I have had both extremes. I have had a couple of people bombard me with messages, emails, comments, et cetera immediately after the giveaway ended, and I have had people who failed to respond at all, even after 10 days of my attempting to reach them. (I think Dys was referring to the former.) Most commonly, however, my winners will go offline shortly after they win my giveaway, and they will stay offline for almost a week. At the last minute, they will reappear and ask me why they haven't received their game, yet.
Rude? Perhaps. Being polite takes effort and training, and not everyone is up to it. Personally, I try not to be goaded by rude behavior. I put up giveaways to give people a chance to win a free game, not to improve their character. I don't "push" people to meet artificial deadlines, and I don't hold their excitement against them.
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The way the door opens, right after, adds a nice touch.
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I can remind in rare cases via email or steam profile after 3 days after win but only to remind nothing more.
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I have resigned myself to expect people 5 days to respond with replies on SG. Most people use SG everyday but occasionally I can't contact them for almost a week.
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True, but it's not something I expect to see. I guess from now I'll have to expect that though...
I get it that people want to level up to get in a GA, but if you do so, you must be prepared for someone not noticing it immediatly. You can't expect everyone to be on 24/7. The 7 day wait period is not there without reason.
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Don't think i've had an experience like that, even though i've seem several GAs with discription like that.
You have a week for responding, so whether you take a minute or 6 days to activate doesn't matter. If you want a fast response, then make it especially for people you know can respond to your timely likings, otherwise don't expect to have it done quickly. Had barely any cases where activating and marking took more than 2 days, but not everyone has much time a day to check the site for wins.
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It's not even checking SG that's the issue in some cases. If I'm working I can check the site and see if I've won but if they send a key I can't redeem it till I get home. If as a giveaway creator you want speedier redemption then limiting yourself to gifts is one option.
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You shouldn't mark any game as received until you've activated it on your account. If a giveaway end s when I'm at work and they send a key I can't activate it as I don't have access to the steam client whilst at work. If they send a gift though I can accept it through the website and then mark it as received.
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sometimes it sucks, when you do 1 hour ga and wait 2 days to get it marked as received.....sometimes i felt stressed, that they dont activate it right away, but now i dont care, 1 ga cant give me fast level.....and still it was not so rude answer for him, he just let you know, that you should feel ashamed :D
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I'll be the first to admit I'm impatient with that stuff. Most of my giveaways are 1hr long, so I like a prompt response. Though I don't get annoyed unless I see the person on and still not activating.
The only time I said anything though was when one guy had been online, had activated the game, but hadn't marked received (took several days). Like above that was holding me up for some giveaways :(
If I had to do it again I'd probably mention that I'm looking for a prompt received because of Reasons, just so people entering know.
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I think it is useless to write such an answer, even if the giver is annoyed (or what ever). Because by the time the answer is send, it is obviously to late, so why make the winner feel uncomfortable? It doesn't change a thing. And I think it is rather unpolite.
Instead of being annoyed of the winner, maybe one should be annoyed of the other GA with a certain lvl restriction.... ;)
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I never had issues with impatient winners or impatient giveaways creators. I don't mind it if people take a few days to mark a gift as received since I'm not available all the time myself. In fact, during workdays, I only have access to Steamgifts for about 4 hours a day, if that.
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I haven't had any issues so far, with either impatient winners or impatient ga creators.
on work days I'm only able to acces steam and / or sg for about 5.5 hours... so I can understand someone not activating their win right after the ga ended. also, not everyone lives in the same timezone or has the same work hours.
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I've only had slight impatience from my winners, nothing big luckily. I even had one very patient winner who waited full 7 days and even then didn't contact me. I contacted him and found out that the email hadn't gone through for some reason. Sent a new email and all was well.
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I've experienced such behaviour before and I think that you can't impose something on the winner, really.
Thanks for the train, it was a nice ride. :)
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After 2-3 days, I'll send an email saying something like "Hi, I just wanted to let you know you won my game X on Steamsgifts. Please verify the key is working, and mark as 'Received' if all-good. If there is an issue, let me know and I'll resolve quickly. Thanks,'. I haven't had any negative responses from it (so far), usually I get the "Thanks for contacting me, I was not on Steamgifts lately/sick/working/ some other reason..." and it ends well for everybody (or so I like to think). I've had suspended people win, and I emailed them saying if they respond to my email (let me know they planning to come back to Steamgifts) I will hold the key for them until unsuspended and had others not respond to my email and hit 'received' after day 6 or 7. I figure 1 email halfway'ish through the week, and one more on day seven is plenty (but I've never actually had to do the day 7 email reminder).
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Well, well. I'm one of the GA creators. As of me i've sent you my email 32h after you won as i've seen you hadn't logged into steam nor steamgifts for a prolonged time so that seemed perfectly reasonable. I still wish i'd send you the email after you won. You probably would have reacted sooner. And yes i added my time constraint into too (that was 37h after you won) which i don't think of it beeing rude if possibly a bit pushy. I know very well that you could take upto 7d to activate it so i'd rather had it accelerated by notifying you. You acclaimed it btw 38h after about 1h after the GA ended which needed the whitelist special entry rule. You can read the original thread here: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/sN2rf/first-puzzle-lv3-ended#j0yhGH1
For reference thats what i've wrote (i'll let everyone decide if i used rude manners)
"Congratz you won the game i put up as a private giveaway.
Can you login into steamgifts, redeem the game and mark it as received
by 13 o'clock today? That would be awesome."
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Sending the winner a reminder after a couple of days is fine. I've posted on profiles after about 3 or so days to let them know they have won something, but I do not insist on it being marked as received within a certain time.
The problem in your case is that after the winner marked it as received and thanked you (within the allowed time), you decided to complain about not being able to enter a giveaway and blame them for it.
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Really? Strange, my email says it arrived earlier then that. If that's the case, I'm sorry for any missunderstanding. I guess somewhere my email fucked up and sets the time differently. I'll keep an eye out on that.
But that "time limit" came over a bit rude (especially since I was still a bit sick and in a pretty bad mood due to that).
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Can understand that. I wanted to merely inform you and didn't intend to push. But then i'd probably had reacted same if there was a time given in the email even when i was nicely asking.
For undoing the fuzz let me sweeten it up by letting you the first entry of my latest whitelist GA and this time it surely has plenty of time :D
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A couple of days ago I was pretty sick, so I didn't check my pc. When I got back I saw I won two games. Obviously I activated both and left a thank you on both GA's. So a bit later I saw that I got a reaction to one of my thanks messages. I thought, cool someone bothered to congratulate me. But he wrote this:
Now, it's not that bad on it's own, but then I checked my email and saw a mail from a while after the GA ended, saying that I should mark it as received before a certain time (I was sick, so I missed it), not even stating a timezone or whatever.
I was kind of surprised by this behaviour to be honest. Anyone else had a similar experience?
I only wrote this of course since I wanted to make a little train, so here you go (LVL 2+):
Hop on!
The GA creator appologized for his reaction to me and also cleared up that he send the email after 32 hours (while my mail said it was earlier, so somewhere that fucked up). I'm glad it was resolved this way.
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