You realise that people can simply click on your name to visit your profile (and realise for themselves that considering your estimated wins figure, you'd be significantly luckier than the average bear to have managed even a single win at this stage)?
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that estimated wins figure is just a useless number imo
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it should be 0.00 coz i havent won anything and its "number of wins to date divided on the days to date" and its basically 0 divided on 40 and no matter what you divide 0 with its still 0
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"it should be 0.00 coz i havent won anything and its "number of wins to date divided on the days to date" and its basically 0 divided on 40 and no matter what you divide 0 with its still 0"
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yes i do and thats why im telling you its BS digits and nothing more
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You clearly don't if that's the way you think an estimated figure is derived.
The "estimated wins" figure is a pure statistical figure, based on an amalgamation of the individual probabilities of you having won each of the giveaways you have entered, derived from the number of entrants and number of games on offer in each instance. It's far from BS, unless by that you mean "Blindingly Straightforward".
My point stands. If you had won anything by now, you'd be significantly luckier than average. No amount of failing to understand elementary statistics is going to change that fact.
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Sorry for interrupting your "woe is me" thread with hard facts..
You have my sincere and heartfelt apologies.
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Blacklist...blacklist everyone. get everyone inside blacklist
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LMAO, petition to change zelhadis name to Francis from the movie Stripes. LOLOLOL! I picture him as tthis guy sitting around all day trying to rule the interwebz. I am hoping this post will get me on his "list" in bold, 24 font, maybe even double listed.
ROFLMAO at the thought of someone bothering to make a list. One thing to argue with someone, its another to make a list and try to remember an interwebz argument so you can "get even" with them. Good luck with that!
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IDK what you're getting at - a lot of of users on this site use BlackLists. And it's totally different thing than keeping "a list and try to remember an interwebz argument" and to decide who you don't want to get games you're giving for free which you bought with your own money.
Also I would gladly blacklist you, but it turns you're already blacklisted for quite a time already. sorry :( can't grant your wish :(
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LMAO your black list is EXACTLY Francis from the movie Stripes. except with the incarnation ofthis guy. You have an interwebz disagreement with someone, so to "win", you black list them as if not being in one of you silly giveaways somehow hurts them. I can't think of how you could be more Francis.
Good luck winning the interwebz Francis.
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How to recognize4 idiot on the internet? When answered to his stupid post with actual arguments, his tiny brain is incapable of pocessing them, so instead of referring to anything you write he will simply use the same statements he used before ;)
Using anything other than two same links and ALL CAPS LOLOLOL and LMAO, not to mention referring to arguments of the second side is clearly beyond your mental capacity ;)
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+1. I guess blacklists make their creators feel somehow important.
You know what's funny? Most of these people do only group giveaways and I'd never join a group with any of them. So yeah, enjoy your blacklists. They're pointless anyway.
Also, I don't remember arguing with zelg. And even if I did remember, I'm not a hateful sad person to make a blacklist just because of some argument. I guess people use blacklists as some sort of revenge. Though unlike them, arguments are more like regular discussions for me. When the discussion is over, I move on and don't think about it anymore plus I don't take anything personally. I'm not gonna maintain a blacklist just because I'm talking with random strangers over the internet :D
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I don't use BL for my group GAs, I manage it for event/puzzle GAs.
And about Most of these people do only group giveaways and I'd never join a group with any of them. So yeah, enjoy your blacklists. They're pointless anyway. - yeah... Out of my 279 GAs (including 2 currently running) 148 were public, puzzle/event privs, dropped in public SG chat ort accessible to public groups. So basically 47% of my GAs were accessible to more or less anybody including people I simply don't want in my GAs and that's what BL is for.
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He is a sad person isn't he. He didn't like something someone said on the internet, so he "blacklisted" them. And then, to show you how important his black list is, he publishes it. ROFLMAO! As if anyone cares. What else does he do, write down the license plate number of people who take two parking spots then write them a note saying they are black listed?
On top of that he refuses to see how obvious it is he is Francis. The first 16 seconds of the video the guy tells people he keeps a list then yells "you made my list".
As Sgt. Hulka says in the video, relax Francis. No one cares about you or your list or remembers why or how they made your list. Good luck winning the internwebz. lolz!
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You don't give arguments, you just shout and stomp your feet like a petulant child and then scream how you will black list and even go so far as to black list someone. Your number 1 reason for blacklisting someone is they have a different opinion than you. ROFL!
Just relax Francis. Mo one cares about your black list but you.
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Bugger me sideways...
So uh... Mr Scouserise... what's the probability of this balsa wood motorway bridge you've just constructed collapsing during the next 100 years? The first motorbike just crossed, and I swear I heard something break...
Absolutely nil. Don't worry - I've been through the calculations several times, just to make certain.... Sure, there are a few alarming signs, but the chance should be 0.00 coz it hasn't collapsed yet and its "number of collapses to date divided on the vehicles crossed to date" and its basically 0 divided on 1 and no matter what you divide 0 with its still 0"
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You really think you are funny and thats the actual fun part. You cant even tell the difference between an architect and an engineer.
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I won the first GA i joined, but then this was the GA
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8554, then I hacked steamgifts and won 73 in a row.
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Ams anongimus.
I frgot nothign.
I hax yuo lots.
Egspekt me.
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no, but im pretty sure hardware, software engineering, calculus, electronics and analog devices grades and other subjects make me
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being ACTUAL IT engineer I can assure you that you cannot get your grade without passing not only technical subjects like the ones you mentioned but also basic academical math. It's also part of the studies, very basic one, which you have to pass actually from beggining of the studies.
Also you expect us to believe that you were able to pass specialist computer engineer subjects without knowledge of BASIC math? Impossiburu. No matter what specialization you would go to. Passing databases without knowledge of most bassic statistics? Software Engineering in which all the basics you learn on at the beggining are almost all less or more math related, as it's easier for begginers to relate to logical, mathemathical problems which are easy to translate to programming languages, than to relate to abstract problems from the start? Electronics or analog signals which requies as well physics as math to all the calculations? Not to even ention calculus?
You expect us to believe that you passed all these things without need to knowing math on the level of HighSchool at most? -.-
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oh common zel, either the op is actually engineer and want to troll, or still 10 year old one know, you dont; have to bother about that...go out side , start up steam and play something.. it wayyy much more productive
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apparently he needs to spam to feel productive, thanks for the point though
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"IT Engineering" is very laughable study to begin with. Basically you study 4 years for nothing, since everyone can pass a course for the same qualification you will get. Whatever.. Neither calculus or some form of Probability Theory studies have anything to do with the so called measure of estimated wins this site provides. So i don't get your point at all. I'm not saying i have A's or B's on all the subjects, but yeah...
Oh and just a thought - do you actually believe that the education system whenever you come from is the same where im coming from?
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Apparently probability doesn't teach you about probability. Okay.
So essentially you are saying your education is crap? Which means to say you can hardly be considered an "engineer"
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i didn't say its crap i said its not THE SAME, for example my friend in Germany has 1 calculus and i have 3 parts or calculus over the first 2 years
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Well if you took a Probability class and you don't know something that you should have learned in the first week of class, I'd say your education was crap.
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Still - we don't talk about advanced stuff here. Why I can imagine that not every engineer had classes from for example Abstract Algebra, I won't believe that in any western educational system anyone could get up to engineer degree without being taught THE MOST BASIC probability/statistics. Especially as in most educational systems these are being taught in highschool!
Any Engineer - be it architect, mechanic constructor, coder, bridge builder, whatever needs mathemathic basics for his work. And these are BASICS we're talking here about. It's like you'd claim having degree from English Literature while not knowing english and telling us "well, you know, in different countries they have different education systems".
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Since Estimated wins is just expectation from stochastics you don't even have to visit an university to learn that, you don't even need to be an engineer to know what it does. I learned it back when I was in school as one of the easier parts of probability (because there is nothing to's just the expected value...)
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Like I said numerous times in topic - basic highschool stuff is enough to understand it (well, you can pass highschool on low math grades without this knowledge, but I cannot imagine passing TECHNICAL STUDIES without it ;p) - the reason I went out with all university stuff was because OP claimed that he is engineer, finished Unbiversity and still couldn't understand it snd tried to tell us it's because "in different countries you need different things to become an engineer" xD
And actually to be more zpecific it's not probability, it's statistics ;) Based oin probability numbers but having nothing to do with the probabiliity itself ;) But since statintics genesis is probability - who cares xD
(sry for late response, was out of town for few days ;p)
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I think you mean "OP is a BS engineer"
BS does not mean Bachelor of Science in this case.
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Around 1,000 until my first win.
...and it was dota 2. When the site was flooded with them. But I didn't care. I just wanted to win SOMETHING. ANYTHING.
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not strange at all - it all depends on what GAs you're entering. if you enter 100 GAs 1000 entry each, your Estimated will be 0.10. And if I enter 2 puzzle GAs with only 2 entries each my estimated will be 1.00, 10 times more than yours, even if I joined 50 times fewer GAs.
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Just to reinforce what zel said and take the most extreme case: If I enter two giveaways and I'm the only entry for both of them, my estimated wins will be two. Thus my estimated wins will be higher than yours even though you have 1917 more entries than me.
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haven't yet and I was in two giveaways with only one other person... but meh just keep trying ^_^
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