removed reddit link, against reddit rules

I'm talking about Rockin Android, the publishers of the recently released Acceleration of Suguri on steam.

They promised on greenlight to give previous purchasers steam keys, and now they are not honoring that promise and deleting whatever is written against them, banning all who talk about it.

Promise 1:

Promise 2 which specifically talks about indie royal purchasers:

Confronting them on greenlight:

Then they deleted my post with out replaying:

This is not just the case with me, this thread for example has all replied deleted and its now locked:

To create confusion and and make promises seem out of context, they edited their first promise (which is deleted along with the proof of it not being out of context):

Why I was banned: why others got banned: and

Update: this isn't the first time they've done this, with their game " Bunny must die ", they specifically promised keys to users. Everything is removed/deleted now, Some of it still remains on greenlight page:

10 years ago*

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How many of these people will actually play the game if they end up getting it on Steam? Why does anyone care?

10 years ago

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I got involved from time to time in those threads, mostly out of principle. (Sometimes for games I don't even own anyway, but I'm willing to put some of these developers on my black list.)

Many times, it's not about the game but about the dev's conduct. This time it seems it started as a miscommunication from the dev about who would be getting keys and it went downhill from there. If they locked the offending threada and just made a new one with explanations instead of deleting/banning the I don't think things would have gone sour as they're doing right now.

10 years ago

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yep, i think that the devs need to hire some guy to plubic relationship, because normally they suck at that

10 years ago

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They don't always have the funds to afford such a position.

10 years ago

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Why do you care enough to butt into situations completely unrelated to you? I have a strong sense of principle too, but there are far better causes and principles to fight for than shitty devs not giving out keys they might or might not have promised.

10 years ago

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I guess it just irks me to see some shitty devs mistreat their customer base. in this particular case it's mostly about how the devs have mishandled the situation with the bans and the deleting of threads. They're within their right if they do not provide Steam keys for previous buyers, however some goodwill will usually be very helpful for a company's image.

I don't spend that much time on theses issues anyway. I'll post a few things here and there and then do something else. I might come back late to see what other people or the devs themselves had to say, mostly if I'm subscribed to the threadรฉ

10 years ago

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Fair enough. I guess it doesn't hurt to have one more person supporting the consumer. They most certainly have mishandled the situation. Excessive banning is never good.

10 years ago

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Well it gives playfire rewards right now, so maybe more than you think.

10 years ago

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Oh really? Sounds like that might be playing a big part in all the madness surrounding the issue...

10 years ago

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Only one reward for first play. Cards are supposed to be on the way so that might be it too.

I played a bit of it but there's a bug with the Steam version where if you run it fullscreen you sit at a bright white loading screen for over a minute before the level loads. They have pushed out a couple of updates so far so they're aiming to fix bugs quickly at least.

10 years ago

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Seriously that game looks stupid. I don't even know if it's worth $1 in a HIB package.

10 years ago

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Oh, when I saw the title I was thinking it'd be another NEStalgia fiasco, though maybe they actually learned and changed after all these years...

10 years ago

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It looks like one of the devs were misquoted, and the reddit guy bugged them too much. I think that quoting that they will "reward the fans for their support" means giving steam keys is stupid. If they said all previous purchases will get a steam key, then some of this may be understandable, but I have a feeling that there is a lot of out-of-context stuff in that post.

10 years ago

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I got a retail copy of the game a few years back, and while getting a key for Steam would be nice, it's hardly anything to lose sleep over. All these people complaining about how they're not getting keys for steam cuz they got it in a bundlle before it ever went up on Greenlight are acting like entitled assholes. Not only did the majority of them get what they paid for already, they got it at a FRACTION of the price. Quit whining and go play the copy you already have if you want to play it so damn much.

I swear, people these days...

10 years ago

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Awesome profile pic.
*high five*

10 years ago

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the cats :e

10 years ago

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All Chii, all the time.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Are you the one from their team?

10 years ago

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do i need to be part of a team for laughing at people begging for free games?

10 years ago

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Dracule didn't even mention free games, you troll.

10 years ago

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not in this comment but trust me he has, also i like to point how ridicously is the "looks shady" just because he said his game was good

10 years ago

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yay pr

10 years ago

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Who cares? The game is just a failure. I wouldn't play it even for free. All hail the true creators amongst developers, who raise their games as an art and keep their word, not those who look at you as if you were moneybags.

10 years ago

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but they never promissed free keys...

10 years ago

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Uh yeah actually, they did.

10 years ago

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They did for Groupees and they delivered.

The rest is taken out of context and presented as facts when they aren't..

10 years ago

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It should have been stated as such, clearly. It wasn't. In fact, it seems deliberately vague.

10 years ago

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You know, I can hardly remember any game that was in Indie Royale without giving out keys after being greenlit. On other hand Groupees had a few (Driftmoon and Legend of Dungeon) as far as I remember. But the devs quickly stated that they are giving out the demo, not the full game during the sale, so the community went cool with them. So, it's the wrong PR or a shitty character, I don't know. Actually I don't even care about the game. Carlmundo and the crew from WGN? do right things - you vote for the game, you help it appear on store - you get reward for promoting. This is the thing done right, ain't it? But if you promote your game, actually asking people to push it to the market and then just shug their shoulders saying "Dunno. We never told you would get anything. It was your choice to upvote us"...

10 years ago

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they never promissed keys when you purchased the bundle except for groupees, thats why you should not expect to get any key
yeah they dont clarify very well on that post thats right but they clarify what they mean on that

10 years ago

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"they never promissed keys when you purchased the bundle except for groupees"

That, sir, it pulled directly out of your ass. That is not, nor was it ever the quote. It's what they are claiming NOW, long after the fact. It's shady, plain and simple. Given how they have (mis)handled everything else, it doesn't bode well. Rewriting history to benefit those who lied doesn't help you, either.

10 years ago

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as i said yeah they screwed whit his post, but they explained their mistake on that

No one in their right mind expects to buy a game from one service and receive it on another unless it's in the original purchase agreement. I do not buy a game on Amazon and demand a Steam Key later. I do not buy a game on GMG and expect a Steam Key UNLESS it's part of the initial purchase agreement. This is how retail works. Demanding anything past that point is irresponsible and childish on the consumers part. It's completely insane and until developers start sticking up for themselves and not caving to these people they will never go away..

10 years ago

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Only stupid people think that bundle purchasers value desura keys more than steam keys. And no one will promote shitty game for free on Greenlight.

10 years ago

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well i guess that everyone learn something from this, if the site where you buy a desura game (because that is what you paid for) doesnt say that the dev is going to deliver steamkeys (like groupees bundles) dont buy the bundle thinking that you are going to get a steam key

10 years ago

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I really don't get this logic.

You bought an IndieRoyale bundle. The bundle contained a Desura key for the game. You paid for the Desura key, you got a Desura key. The bundle did not have the promise of a Steam key attached to it. Sure, some devs did provide Steam keys for Desura buyers in the past. That's cool. But demanding a Steam key when none was promised is just silly.

Imagine this: you buy a loaf of bread in a paper bag. But before you leave, the baker decides to give you a plastic bag as well to put your bread in. Aww, that's nice of him.

The next day you go to the butcher and buy a piece of meat in a paper bag. But no matter how long you wait, the butcher does not give you a complimentary plastic bag like the baker did. And now you feel angry because the butcher did not give you something for free, even though both were not obliged to do this in the first place.

10 years ago

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saddly thats how people think

10 years ago

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The logic of people that also dont understand that if they get Desura + Steam they have to use it for themself and not split it...

10 years ago

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so they say that no steam keys were promised for the indie royale, and that the game was not even on greenlight at that time. if that is true - what are you complaining about?

10 years ago

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They have a right not to give out the keys, we have a right to disagree.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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You also have this right and I'm afraid you're the one actually using it.

10 years ago

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but disagreeing without any valid arguments is just stupid, don't you think? ;)

10 years ago

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Shitty service, deleting opinions of their customers, ignoring their questions - is it ok for you? o_O

10 years ago

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Escape Goat emerged in June Bug bundle in 2012 on Indie Royale. July - Greenlight announced. August - Greenlight service started. Many months later - keys for Escape Goat on Indie Royale. Dev is an awesome guy.

10 years ago

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That means dev of "Acceleration of Suguri" isn't an awesome guy...

10 years ago

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that's a nice move from the dev, a bonus. that doesn't mean that you can start a shitstorm, because you don't get the free game you are not entitled to get. what is a really dickish move is that they seem to delete posts and ban people from discussions. you just don't do that. but if they didn't promise steam keys for indieroyale buyers, nobody should get angry at them for not getting a never promised key.

10 years ago

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It's like a discrimination of customers. "You bought our cheap shitty desura game, but not the expensive steam version, shut up and take your game"

10 years ago

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there are so many retail versions of games, which later got on steam. for nearly none of them you can get steam keys. why does nobody complain about that? where is the difference? it should even be way worse, that you paid 60$ for a game and don't even get a key for the steam version, which was released years later. but in the case of a bundle game, which you effectively paid a few cents for, everybody screams out loud, how crappy the dev is and how he discriminates his customers. ^^

10 years ago

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By your opinion, customer will owe a debt to a generous dev, when he buys cheap bundle game and later votes for it on Greenlight ;-)

10 years ago

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it's really, really simple.

  • the dev promised steam keys - you are entitled to get one, and if you don't, get angry and loud on the internet.

  • the dev didn't promise keys - you can consider yourself lucky, if you get one. but if you don't, you really can't complain about it.

i don't know how that is not clear to everybody. if you bought the game in the bundle without the promise of a later steam key, then you have no right to insist on getting one. now how am i wrong on that?

10 years ago

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Yeah, I agree with you, but like I said ^ :
"That means dev of "Acceleration of Suguri" isn't an awesome guy..." on
"Escape Goat emerged in June Bug bundle in 2012 on Indie Royale. July - Greenlight announced. August - Greenlight service started. Many months later - keys for Escape Goat on Indie Royale. Dev is an awesome guy."

10 years ago

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the dev promised steam keys - you are entitled to get one, and if you don't, get angry and loud on the internet.

^^^^ agree

the dev didn't promise keys - you can consider yourself lucky, if you get one. but if you don't, you really can't complain about it.

^^^^ Stomp on them and tear them apart. Make those bastards (Developers) feel Internet's wrath and true power.

10 years ago

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It is hard to track owners of physical copies (with a proof of purchase, especially), but very easy to give keys to digital buyers.

10 years ago

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how is the needed effort related to wether you have the right to get a key or not?

10 years ago

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I must agree with you, we really should press those big publishers to do what's right. But first you must think of how such distribution would be possible.

10 years ago

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send proof of purchase via email - get a key - done. it could be done. question is, do the customers have the right to demand a key, if there has been no indication of one before the steam release.

10 years ago

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Proof of purchase isn't the proof of ownership - physical copies can be re-selled several times. I heard of a dev who gave steam keys to those retail buyers who make a video of destroying their physical copy of the game (I also remember stories about people forging it). So, I don't see a way to prevent receiving key several times.

10 years ago

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Whatever. Do you think people have the right to demand a steam key, if they bought a boxed version of the game a few years earlier?

10 years ago

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First, explain how it would be possible.

10 years ago

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lol. it seems, you don't quite understand what needs to be answered first. so i ask you again: how is the needed effort related to wether you have the right to get a key or not?

So do you think people have the right to demand a steam key, if they bought a boxed version of the game a few years earlier?

EDIT: and btw, big companies could certainly give out a few more keys than needed. they wouldn't care much. if you ask for proof of purchase, only few people will try to trick you and ask for a key, although they don't have the box anymore. probably less than 1%. it really doesn't matter...

10 years ago

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Big companies don't care about a few more keys? Big companies refuse to give even a minimum amount. If they were so willing to give out keys as you imagine, there'll be no question.

10 years ago

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and you still don't answer my question. so for the third time:

do you think people have the right to demand a steam key, if they bought a boxed version of the game a few years earlier?

if you can't even answer this question, i don't see how we could possibly make any progress in this discussion. before we talk about how to do it, we need to evaluate if it is even nesseccary to do it.

10 years ago

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And before we talk about if it is nessesary to do it, we should decide if it is even possible to do it.
Also, I answered your question long ago.

10 years ago

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ok, got it. you're just a troll. took me a while, i must admit. congratulations.

10 years ago

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no, you didn't.

10 years ago

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Lots of whine from people who are mass buying bundles in the hope of getting free Steam keys in the future. They dont care about the individual games at all, just about another +1 to their library. Sad!

10 years ago

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meh i don't care

10 years ago

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Sorry, but if no Steam keys were promised you dont have a right to get one. Why you expect something from small Indie devs and not from Uplay, EA, GOG...?

When devs promise Steam keys they do that to increase their sales. Some still give you keys although they didn't promise them, but they don't have to. I met a few who were "I don't care where you bought it, if you don't like your current platform/drm free I can give you a key for other platforms", but that is so easily exploitable and I understand every dev who doesn't do that.

And when I read BULLSHIT like
"It's like a discrimination of customers. "You bought our cheap shitty desura game, but not the expensive steam version, shut up and take your game""

10 years ago

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How are they not promised? I don't get it? they clearly said, " Previous purchasers are going to get keys ". Being a "previous purchaser" I assumed I would get a key, that was said almost a year ago, don't look at the recent edit.

My main problem isn't about the "keys" my main problem is that they didn't even bother discussing this with people and will randomly ban anyone who is just asking about them.

10 years ago

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you should copy this discussion link and show the dev so that he could check and know what people have to say about what he has done, if he really promise steam keys and changed his mind he should had at least leaved an warning explaining the reason and an official sorry for the fake promise
if he delete your message again and still ignore you we can take the message as "thanks for the votes suckers 3:D"

ps:. sorry if there is something i did not understood right (2lazy2read) ;P

10 years ago

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Ah yes, that one pic that you never bothered to prove its context, and instead of posting the full discussion you just edited it even more to just include that one sentence.

10 years ago

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That's always how it works these days. Redact what condemns your case instead of using the beauties of language to discount it.

10 years ago

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It's the only case when dev can say something "Oh, you've misunderstood us - it's not Suguri game, it's "Acceleration of Suguri" - TOTALLY different AAA game! So no keys for ya sorry".

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 5 years ago.

10 years ago

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I don't need a key for that crappy game (and didn't pretend and don't have it on desura), I just hate really bad customer service

10 years ago

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The devs should be ashamed for deleting a shitload of threads and editting/removing their own comments.

And no I dont own any bundle the game was in so it doesn't matter what happens for me but not giving keys to previous owners is just a nasty move and deleting all those threads with answers was even worse (last night they finally left 2 threads open for discussion! So yay.)

10 years ago

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"not giving keys to previous owners is just a nasty move"


10 years ago

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Because it's a way to screw over your fans who got your game from day one, which isn't something I can support. I'm not only talking about indieroyale buyers tho, there are guys who bought it on other places and also wont get a key.

10 years ago

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And how are they getting "screwed over"? Did they not get what they bought at the time?

10 years ago

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Knowing they already bought it and that steam keys are free, yes the devs are screwing them over because they hope those will buy it again. Fanservice/proper customer service it's named, which is something these devs dont seem to provide.

Including all the deleted threads and banned users, it's plenty of reason to ignore their games (till it gets featured in a bundle with sliders or so :p). Many will disagree, whatever :p

10 years ago

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So any devs/publishers that don't provide your definition of proper customer service are "nasty" and screws everybody over and you ignore their games?

Funny how many games you own.

10 years ago

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If i'm aware about it before I buy it, obviously yes.. :p

Are you gonna use the +1000 shitty games I got in bundles as an example? I'm ashasmed about GRID autosport though, all their lies before the release tempted me. Oh well atleast it has a lot of playfire rewards :p

10 years ago

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This guy don't understand hysteria around EA games, for example, I'm sure :-/

10 years ago

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Whats EA? I thought they died since BF3, the last game I bought from them :p

10 years ago

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Well, it's some operator of Origin, as I remember...
Damn, I can't forget how they cheated me in Dragon Age Legends (their facebook app) for 30$ :-/

10 years ago

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People comparing this one event to EA's track record shows they don't understand said hysteria.

10 years ago

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They're on a right road to EA as someone can't understand

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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No proofs.

10 years ago

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Just because they aren't obligated to do it doesn't mean they shouldn't do it. I remember when KISS inherited publishing rights for a couple games they managed to get on Steam that were previously in bundles. They didn't receive a single cent of profit from those bundles, but they still provided keys to all bundle purchasers because they knew that consumer goodwill is important. They were under no obligation to do it. They did it because it made people happy and encouraged those bundle purchasers to be repeat customers.

10 years ago

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Meridian 4 is also providing Steam keys to people requesting them even though they're only responsible with the Steam distribution of many games and got no financial compensation.

10 years ago

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Pixel released Cave Story as a freeware without expecting any financial compensation. So, should we start a shitstorm for each dev who chose not to do the same?

Dangerous logic right there.

10 years ago

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What? Like Clockian, I merely pointed out that some companies went above and beyond what was required of them in the name of good customer service. They deserve the good publicity for being good toward customers.

Rockin' Android is under no obligation to provide keys for all previous buyers. We are merely saying that a gesture of good will do good for the reputation of a company, especially if they are not doing it out of obligation. In the end, it's their decision.

10 years ago

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If that's where you think that logic leads, you don't understand the logic even one tiny bit.

10 years ago

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In which world is this an argument? As I said, some do it, some don't do it. The point is that its up to the publisher

And by your logic: "Just because you think they should do it doesn't mean they really should do it"

10 years ago

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They only gave free copies for the groupees buyers. All others comments are taken out of context and you don't deserve a key whatsoever.

10 years ago

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Groupees buyers are master race. Great service :-/

10 years ago

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Groupees buyers got the complete edition, while the other bundles only contained one of the games.

10 years ago

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Yep, that seems to be problem. Devs promised Steam keys for Groupees buyers and only for them. OP failed to provide solid proof of devs saying otherwise. Guess he wanted to use all of us to make pressure on devs and make him change his mind. I'm sorry but I won't help this time, we need to be fair with devs too. Games are already cheap enough.

10 years ago

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Can anyone tell me what the Corporate Lifestyle Simulator 'fiasco' was?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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This is just as bad as the time when Mass Effect was ported to PC, but I didn't get a Steam key even though I already owned it on the 360.

10 years ago

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And I owned it on my Venus Playstation on the Moon and want it free too

10 years ago

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Yes, this is a very good point. When I purchased "Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Ring" on VHS, why didn't I receive a free copy of the DVD also! The film studios need to pay me back NOW!! [s]

10 years ago

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Yeah, it's almost the same information carrier...

10 years ago

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There is a huge difference between what you are suggesting and what the OP is posting about. While I think it is definitely not a major issue you are just being facetious and that isn't really warranted.

10 years ago

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While I think it is definitely not a major issue

It's neither major or serious and that is why this isn't facetious.

10 years ago

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Keep waiting buddy, I'm still waiting fo my copy of Mario Galaxy 2 even if I still have proof of purchase for Mario Bros. for the NES, back then when I was a kiddo.

10 years ago

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wait, so it wasn't on greenlight at the time they supposedly promised greenlight keys?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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riiiight.....use your words
you just relinked the picture of the post they are saying happened after that other bundle.
and given me nothing that says they're wrong.

10 years ago

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Still no context proof that dev was indeed talking about previous buyers in general.

10 years ago

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After editing original post with promises?

10 years ago

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the edit added a note. they didn't change anything, if i am wrong and they did then show me

you are being deliberately misleading with your phrasing/statement

10 years ago

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An no context proof that he wasn't either. That's the problem with deleting posts and threads.

10 years ago

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And honest devs don't cheat and messing with deleting threads and posts of their players

10 years ago

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thats stupid, theres no proof i never promised to give you $10k either.

...besides, at least with some forums(i think the steam group pages among them) things that are "deleted" are more hidden than actually gone. could probably be recovered or viewed by admin ranks, so steam should be able to work that out if they could be arsed too...

edit- @OP(not at zomby2d, just putting it here to share) cut the shit meowish, the "first promise" was NOT deleted. retsukun just linked it. you blatantly lied because in context it HURTS your story. saying it was deleted allows you to use only the narrowly cropped screenshot out of context. smarmy. so why should i believe you over them? (ps i can totally see why you were banned. that ban was legit, your own screencap shows you were harassing and making threats (not to mention deliberately misrepresenting information even then))

10 years ago

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Yeah, I found out about the post still being there afterwards. In all honesty though, the wording is confusing enough. If I had read that before all the drama started to unfold, I would have totally expected a key for my Indie Royale purchase too.

The real issue though, is the dev starting to delete threads and ban people when asked about it.

10 years ago

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"The real issue though, is the dev starting to delete threads and ban people when asked about it."
It's ok for TheGannet, he trusts the dev anyway for 100%

10 years ago

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no, i just don't trust meowish

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Even if the keys promised was taken out of context what did they actually mean when asked specifically about Royale and they responded with all fans will be rewarded. What is the reward ? Why delete a comment asking a perfectly reasonable question ?

10 years ago

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The whole story with promises and keys looks fishy. Like one of the devs wanted to give keys to all buyers, and other dev changed his mind.

10 years ago

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if all you have is that one post in a vacuum it also looks like that one dev was mistaken and didn't know what you were talking about. or that some vital context has been stripped away to twist his words. did you ask about it right after the bundle they're saying keys were promised for? on a forum associated with it? it could be anything the way its presented. i asked about dates and got a picture with no additional information.

why did you crop it? what was the context? where can i see this post for myself?

10 years ago

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Edited 24 minutes ago
Read it twice. Or three times, if you can't understand editing by other person from first study.

10 years ago

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yeah, again you answer nothing. i asked some very specific questions you have neatly ignored.

what was the context? show me what it was replying to it is very obviously a reply so where is the context?

and again I ask: that edit apparently did nothing to alter the original post, what are you claiming they altered?
Reading now it seems nothing sneaky happened there, nothing was changed or removed. a note was added and that is all. is this correct?

10 years ago

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Have you read it again? What can you understand from this pic?

10 years ago

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there is no way to say it any clearer. so i'll try the big annoying letters





10 years ago

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So, what have you seen from his post again? Why did he wanted to edit it?

10 years ago

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fuck it. you're doing this on purpose

10 years ago

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Find the difference:
Original message: "Hello, today we're gifting free cars for all!"
Edited message: "Hello, today we're gifting free cars for all!
Note: We were talking to our regular customers, who buying something in our stores every day for 200+ $. Don't quite it without this important note."

10 years ago

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so at least you've (in an extremely roundabout possibly accidental way) answered one question. as I thought, the message was not altered the note was edited in but that was the extent of the changes.

... In which case the way you're saying "To create confusion and claim keys were not promised, they edited their first promise" is total bullshit shenanigans leading readers to an entirely different conclusion which leaves me disinclined to believe anything else from you. you lied and twisted at least this, the rest is suspect.

now to rephrase the rest of my questions in terms you may choose to understand:

find the context/meaning:

"yes, to answer your question we'll be providing this to you free of charge"

[EDIT]I just noticed you aren't the op, so you didn't do the initial post, guess i can't blame you for that wording(but then again you said "After editing original post with promises?" in the exact same way so yeah i still can)
I was beginning to suspect anyway you are being clueless because you ARE clueless anyway... >_> not the stupid act.(maybe even that you don't speak language and have been butchering my already poor english with google translate?)

read this, it answers all of my questions which perhaps will clarify what they were even to a brickcontext at last. (spoiler: surprise its totally different when not isolated) don't let some jackass drop blinders on you. information wants to be free man 8)

10 years ago

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Yeah, it says Groupees...I didn't see a word about Indie Royale customers

10 years ago

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Why did OP further edit his own screenshot?

Two can play this game.

10 years ago

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My question is what is the reward for Indie Royale buyers ? When asked specifically about the Royale bundle and will they recieve keys the answer was we are sure going to reward our fans. Now i would say that is basically saying yes but even if you disagree which i am not bothered either way, what is the reward ? Why delete a question asking what the reward was ?

10 years ago

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"Why delete a question asking what the reward was?": being stupid I expect. if they're like the example he linked(and the others i had found in google cache looking for his allegedly deleted promise#1) then they were essentially spreading misinformation (and making threats and trying to start a firestorm) some mod panicked. censorship only ever makes things worse 9_9 i donno
(what i do know is that the information we have been given here is fatally flawed at best:

  • at least one thing the op said is an outright lie(that the promise was deleted(it is in fact publicly available for all to see in context but were discouraged from looking by a lie))
    -and another(promise #1 again) was not only taken out of context(in which its meaning was clear if he hadn't heavily cropped it) but presented in a way that implies a different false context
    -and he stated a technically true third fact(promise #1 was edited) in a deliberately extremely misleading way. it wasn't altered in any way. wording is intact. all they did was add a note, far from the damning shenanigans he implied. I'm not inclined to believe the guy :/ he has proven untrustworthy. if he was right he wouldn't have to forge or manipulate proof.)

    although its also entirely possible that completely independent of this "evidence" one dev had intended to give keys and another decided not to and they tried to backpedal as he claimed. it just isn't shown here to anybody with half a mind to look into the information being presented. I can easily see that happening and it has happened before. promise 2 seems to support this version(i did eventually find that one too, seems legit despite the source...would have been nice to know it was on the greenlight forum from the start, why just the picture?)

10 years ago

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one easy answer off the top of my head....there may have been dozens of threads clogging the forum incoherently screaming about being owed and they wanted to prevent a riot(stupid, that only ever makes these things worse, but an obvious enough alternate motive) mods do dumb things sometimes
jsut doing devil's advocate, honestly probably a mix of the two, it always is.

10 years ago

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(Note: A different person edited the post for clarification.)

I think expectations are high for something that was in a bundle.

PS: I can see why you were banned. You made threatening comments.

10 years ago

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and that's why you don't buy early access, pre-order, greenlight vote for free game on release, raise your hopes on retarded promises, etc.

10 years ago

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Suguri was part of the IndieRoyale Summer Bundle released on June 30, 2012. But the game wasn't on Greenlight until October 12, 2012. So, there is no way devs could promise something that didn't exist. All I see is people complaining without reason, making threats and manipulating the information, but also devs didn't manage this very well. In the end OP you just helped with the lack of publicity this game had.

10 years ago

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When asked specifically about the Royale bundle and will they recieve keys the answer was we are sure going to reward our fans. Now i would say that is basically saying yes but even if you disagree which i am not bothered either way, what is the reward ?

Manipulating the information was actually done by the devs. When asked if Steam keys would be given they said to all bundle buyers. Editing their statement at a later time to add in they only meant Groupees buyers. It probably was a genuine mistake and the Steam game is different to the one in the Royale bundle but still they say it was taken out of context blaming the posters when really they changed the context so should have been apologising for a mistake. I can see how it has all been blown up.

It still remains that they need to answer what the reward for Royale buyers was and not delete questions asking about it and then banning them. Or was that just another mistake ?

10 years ago

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Answering your last question, I think is another mistake too, they don't know how to handle this situation. You will see that in the end everyone will get a Steam key, simple because indie developers can't afford to lose future customers like EA does.

To be honest, I didn't buy the game and this situation doesn't affect me in any way. But what I did not like at all was OP came here lying (he even cropped one of the dev's comments) and wanting us to rant against these devs, knowing we have done this before and worked, only to get one game for free.

10 years ago

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How he was lying when devs edited their message about "Giving away keys to all customers"?
Like here

10 years ago

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Where is there any mention of keys being given in that pic ?

10 years ago

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technically no but it looks like thats what they're saying and they do mention royale
(only possible excuse is as a mistake(the steam version is different to the one in the royale bundle and after so much time the dev may have misremembered groupees) but in that case they should have been apologizing not deleting threads >_>(at least it was long after the fact as a surprise "reward for support" so nobody bought that bundle with a reasonable expectation of steamkeys regardless, which invalidates the comparison to corporate life anyway.)) in which case for pr i'd just suck it up and give keys from that post.

10 years ago

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you linked the wrong one this time. that one from what i can tell was never edited

but lucky points for accidentally linking the one that was talking about indie royale and seams real (and not pointlessly shoring up the obvious bullshit one by restating misleading info and ignoring all else. push your strength(post 2), the weak one(everything else pretty much) should just be dropped entirely as its obviously false. combining the two only hurts your cause and has been this entire time, not only here but with the devs deleting the screencapped deleted threads. give it up already. argue where you can win)

@dreadpirater re:"Manipulating the information was actually done by the devs. When asked if Steam keys would be given they said to all bundle buyers. Editing their statement at a later time to add in they only meant Groupees buyers."

manipulating the information was done by meowish.
in context that was a reply to a question about groupees in a thread specifically about groupee buyers. the thread is still up. look for yourself
the edit was stupid but compare it to the screencap and all the text is exactly the same, just the note is new.

thread title
"Groupees steam key? "

" Jan 19 @ 11:14am
hi. i buyed that game on groupees and would like to know if i'll get a steam key when the game will be on steam "

" Dragonitelove68 [developer] Jun 27 @ 2:00am
Yes Steam Keys will be available for those who have bought game previously."

10 years ago

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The context was "all bundle buyers" though as said by the devs. Not "all Groupees buyers" which was added later. The context of the reply had been changed by the devs. After realising you could genuinely assume that the reply meant any bundle in the original context it was given.

Don't think i bought this bundle, and i think it was a genuine mistake but blaming the posters rather than apologising was wrong and when they said about the reward to Royale buyers specifically and removing questions asking what this reward may be was wrong too. I can see how it got blew up.

"2 mistakes" aswell as the Bunny Must Die "mistake" starts to look less of a mistake when it keeps happening.

10 years ago

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"There is no such thing as bad publicity except your own obituary." - Brendan Behan
in the end all of you are just giving free publicity to a game that nobody knows about, and even when most of you are not going to buy it, a lot of people (their principal target) is going to buy it "because its animu"

just saying

10 years ago

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Really bad fame is a fame as well...Now SG users are aware of shitty game and same dev. And dev's representatives (like TheGannet here) couldn't persuade us.

10 years ago

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I bet TheGannet is a random user like me that got mad after figuring out what meowish was trying to do. This situation got out of hand because users were manipulating the information and other users. Also developers shouldn't ban users and delete posts that is making things worse.

It is a lose-lose situation for IR buyers, because they won't get a key (yet) and gave free advertising to the game.

10 years ago

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Alright guys, I've been digging some info about them, and I've found that this isn't the first time they didn't honor their promise, and found more info about how they handled the situation with their other game, "Bunny must die".

10 years ago

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