So I'm buying a console as a secondary entertainment system (PC as main). I plan on getting either a Wii U (for Super Smash, Mario Kart, Yoshi Wooly World and Super Mario) or an XBox One (for Shape Up, Just Dance 2015, Kinect Sports Rivals and Halo). Which should I get?

10 years ago*

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Considering the WiiU's lack of third-party support, I'd say the Xbox One. I do think the 3DS is so much superior to its home cousin in terms of catalogue...

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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He is already a PC gamer, so Third Party Support is right on his main system. The Wii U has alot more exclusives that ARENT shooters on the horizon, so I would go with a Wii U

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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With a PC gamer, a WiiU is better, Most of Xbox one exclusive games are on PC.
That said, depends where your friends are on

10 years ago

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Best advice so far (imo).

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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All is said.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Except for Halo and the other games you actually want.

10 years ago

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Well, obviously not all One games are on PC.
But NO WiiU games are on PC.
He already owns a PC, it's not his main system, so that WiiU lacks in third-party games doesn't matter.
And about exclusives games, it's a matter of taste. Anyway there is far more on WiiU than One. And they're pretty good, really fun, and great to play with friends.

10 years ago

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Well, you need a One for Halo, and either a PS4 or a One for Destiny, so I'd really choose the Xbox One over a WiiU. Platformers get old too quickly and I'm excited to see what Bungie has to offer. Also, I'm a diehard Halo fan. This guy seems to like Halo too, seeing as how he included it in his games list.

Nintendo has a possible seller with Smash Bros., but everyone hating on shooters because they're repetitive is blind to the truth: almost all games these days are copies of another. Games that promise not be, thus my excitement: No Man's Sky, Destiny, The Division, and Patriots (before it was scrapped).

10 years ago

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Saying platformers get boring while dying hard on the fanboy wagon for an FPS game is fairly... comical. Halo has become less and less of it's own unique game, short of it's story. All it is now is a generic high time-to-kill multiplayer FPS. Destiny is IMO Borderlands mixed with Halo mixed with Defiance. Both titles are easy to replace with a gaming PC, which he has. Replacing Nintendo's party titles is very hard with a PC, or even an Xbone. Microsoft is moving away from couch co-op and onto separate screens, where as Nintendo is keeping couch co-op and focusing on it.

Now, if you don't have any friends to couch co-op with, yes, it's not very fun and gets boring quickly...

Edit: Try to find replacements for LoZ (upcoming,) Mario Kart 8, Mario Party, or Pikmin 3. All great reasons to have a Wii/Wii U by itself.

10 years ago

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My point about platformers was precisely the one everyone else was making about fps games. Its sarcasm.

I only play Halo for the campaign. The multiplayer in Reach was good, but I can't play Halo 4's multiplayer. The Spartan Ops was good, but far too repetitive.

Destiny is its own thing. Borderlands is more of a shooter, Defiance more of an MMO. Destiny fits in the nice middle ground and looks like it might be caving out its own genre.

Mario Kart 8 is no different than the older games. Its even more repetitive than most fps games. Same goes for Mario Party. Pikmin looks interesting, but Zelda-style games exist everywhere. Modern Final Fantasy games and modern Zelda games are very similar.

What Nintendo really needs is new IP. Something interesting, and most importantly, novel.

10 years ago

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2 games for the numeros exclusive on WiiU ? Just lol.
If you're a Bungie fan ok, but apart of personal tastes, there are far more exclusive games on WiiU than on One.
And unlike what you say, those games are fucking great. You can dislike them, but it changes nothing.

10 years ago

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Hey man, to each his own. Its just sort of ridiculous that people are excited about the 10th installment of Mario Party or the 8th in Mario Kart, both only spinoffs in their own right.

New Mario Game? Same as the one from a couple years ago, just a new controller. Don't get me wrong, I love the original Mario games. They were great. But they kept on doing the same thing over and over and over again. That's why I don't play CoD or Battlefield either. CoD World at War was great, but then the series became unoriginal.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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If a game is also on PC then it can't be an XBox One exclusive ;)
On Topic: In your case I'd get a WiiU. I personally can't think of any Nintendo games I have to play. The Wii and it's lack of 3rd party games kind of burnt us.

10 years ago

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Yeah but if you own a PC gamer what's the point of having a console with the same "exclusive" games ? Who cares they're not on PS4 ?

10 years ago

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Wii U, most xbox games that are any good will probably come to pc. Where no Nintendo games will come to pc.
That's just my opinion though. Each their own right.

10 years ago

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+1, my thoughts as well.

10 years ago

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xbox one ofcourse. wii u is half dead

10 years ago

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You wish, dude.

Monthly system sales quadrupled with the release of MK8, and the holiday release of SSB will almost certainly cause another spike. The system isn't selling like hotcakes, but Nintendo has finally gotten a decent marketing team on the job. Things are looking up, and Nintendo could put out five more Wii U systems after this and still have enough in the bank to stay in business.

What is the Xbone offering that Wii U + PC isn't?

10 years ago

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Wii U for Super Smash, Mario Kart this are my favorite series, also you have Zelda and Mario games, game like Just Dance 2015, Kinect Sports Rivals are only good when playing with friends, if not they don't last long. Alsoa lot of Xbox One game come to PC, excluding the kinect ones.

10 years ago

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Like other people said, WiiU exclusives will most likely stay that way while the XBox One will surely be on PC later and will be cheaper, it all depends if you like the games, I have a WiiU and I have a great time with it.

10 years ago

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A lot more Xbox games will also be on PC but most of the Wii U games are exclusive to only Wii U. My opinion is a bit biased though because I don't have an Xbox One but I adore the Wii U. Wii U also has backwards compatibility if that means anything to you since I personally use it a lot.

10 years ago

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Based on the list of games you're interested in, it sounds like you'd get more use out of the Wii U. I'm sure you can find something similar to Just Dance and Kinect Sports on it as well.

10 years ago

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It's certain worth noting that Just Dance Wii U is (quite obviously) on the Wii U and designed for it.

10 years ago

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Wii U, and you can use the controller for pc. (with it you can play games like with nvidia shield.)

10 years ago

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Wait, for real?

10 years ago

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yes, a friend of mine plays games with his old wii-controler on his pc.

10 years ago

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That doesn't matter, you can play with Xbone controller on PC too.

10 years ago

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I think the point here was that WiiU controller has a display, thus the comparison with Nvidia Shield.

10 years ago

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I'd go with the Wii U personally, since any Xbox One game I'd be interested will also be on PC.

10 years ago

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It seems that most Xbox games, especially with the One, are shooters. With the lack of variety, it doesn't seem like it is worth it. The Wii U has more variety, and with the release of Mario Kart, that gives you a better value.

10 years ago

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WiiU + Monster hunter
EDIT: buy the Mariokart 8 edition and get another game for free (you can select one out of ten op)

10 years ago

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This is a great idea.
Because until July 31st you can get 1 of 10 free Wii U games via the Nintendo store FREE including monster hunter.

10 years ago

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While the Xbox One is the stronger console with better third party support, its third party support is outdone by the Playstation 4. Microsoft has done a good job scoring console exclusive games like Titanfall, but you can get console exclusives on PC. And while it seems Microsoft has decided to score more exclusives this generation, last generation the Xbox wasn't very notable for its first party games.

The Wii U has a pretty solid lineup of games announced that'll appeal to any Nintendo fan. Hyrule Warriors and the other new Legend of Zelda, Captain Toad Treasure Tracker, Mario Party 10, Yoshi's Woolly World, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, Super Smash Bros, Sonic Boom. And then you have Bayonetta 1 & 2 (And 1 will have Nintendo inspired outfits in it, so I'm assuming 2 will do so as well), Splatoon, Devil's Third and Xenoblade Chronicles X. Edit: and Monster Hunter. I can't believe I forgot Monster Hunter

And if none of that appeals to you, just buy Pikmin 3 and your purchase is justified.

10 years ago

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+1 for pikmin

10 years ago

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i like your choices especially mh

10 years ago

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I'm a PC gamer and the Wii U (and the Wii before that) is the only console that actually tempts me to buy it.

My favorite setting is sci-fi, specially in space, and my favorite genre is rpg. Outside of ME and KotoR, both Bioware titles, the only other series of sci-fi rpgs is the Xeno series, of which I loved Xenogears and Xenosaga. I saw some videos of the new Xenoblade Chronicles X the other day and I'm so excited about it.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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WiiU is not dead. Nintendo takes awhile to build its catalog but most of the wait is over. Now that Mario Kart is out, and the E3 announcements, all attention is on them. Happens every time. WiiU is backwards compatible also.

10 years ago

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WiiU has no 3rd party support. Its pretty dead.

10 years ago

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When has Nintendo ever needed 3rd Part support?

10 years ago

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This can be said for any Nintendo console...

10 years ago

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Yeah, but other consoles got new IP. WiiU only has the damn Mario game and a few releases on the horizon. Nintendo's profits have plummeted, making new games even less likely to be made with layoffs and the like.

10 years ago

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I wouldn't say plummeted, although their sales are obviously lackluster. According to the more thorough reports, Nintendo is about breaking even (thanks to robust 3DS sales.)

Anyway, no new IPs? Lul.

  • Captain Toad (technically a spinoff but a whole new platformer style)
  • Splatoon
  • Devil's Third
  • Project Guard
  • Project Giant Robot
  • Fantasy Life
  • Code name S.T.E.A.M.

Plus they recently released Rusty's Real Deal Baseball and Tomodachi Life. I'm only listing Nintendo IPs, not Nintendo exclusives owned by other companies. Second-party projects such as Wonderful 101, Pushmo, Dillon's Rolling Western, and Sakura Samurai have all released in the last couple years.

How many new IPs do Microsoft and Sony really put out? Because I see something like the sixth or seventh Halo game releasing, and the sixth iteration of Killzone, and Little Big Planet 3 (plus the racing game)...

10 years ago

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I would also go as far as to say the new Zelda, hell both of them are new in a sense, ones open world Skyrim like and the other plays like a crazy Dynasty Warriors game, I am not even a Zelda fan and I think these look great.

As for third party Bayonetta 2....thats all.

10 years ago

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I'd argue that Bayonetta is henceforth a second-party IP, effectively. Nintendo pulled them out of the fire, Nintendo has the exclusive rights... if there's a Bayonetta 3, my guess is it stays on Nintendo consoles.

I didn't want to make the claim that the new Zeldas (especially Hyrule Warriors since it's made by a third-party studio) are whole new franchises just because they do things so much differently. Because really, there are a LOT of Nintendo games that do things wildly differently than their predecessors. By that standard, Mario Galaxy is a new franchise. Kirby's Epic Yarn is a new franchise. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse is a sequel to the new franchise that Canvas Curse brought about.

Honestly if it wasn't for the "New Super Mario Bros" games (and to be fair, there has only been one per console,) I'd say that Nintendo has very few repetitive games in their repertoire. They just insist on slapping a Mario label on 40$ of their new ideas.

ps. I hate the New Super Mario Bros games so much.

10 years ago

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New IP for Microsoft: Quantum Break, Titanfall, Ryse, Sunset Overdrive.

New IP for Sony: Driveclub, The Last of Us (its PS3, but the high-def version is only on PS4), The Order, Resogun, Deep Down, Uncharted.

New IP for Sony and Microsoft, but not Nintendo or PC: Destiny is the only one that comes to mind.

Note that Sony is an electronics company, and Microsoft is a software company. Ninetendo has always been a games company first, thus their larger catalog of in-house games.

10 years ago

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Have you read through the comments in this post? I was amazed by the amount of people that said you should go for the Wii U.
There is still hope for Wii u. The same thing happened to the 3DS (which is pretty big right now), it had a slow start, but I didn't regret my purchase even once, because I was confident that Nintendo would give me value for my money like they always do.

10 years ago

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Yeah there was a thread a couple weeks ago and most said PS4/One, now look, that E3 turnaround.

10 years ago

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Wii U, did you see Nintendo's E3 stuff?! How is this even a question?! xD

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

10 years ago

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Right now? Wii-U? Future? Neither. Maybe PS4.

The Wii-U's control pad is annoying to use. The Xbox One's lack of anything but shooter games makes it a no-starter for me. The PS4's lack of games means wait.

10 years ago

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Not sure what Wii U games your playing, but the Wii U is really fun to use, and completely innovative. It doesn't feel like your just using a Ipad or something, it really feels like it fits with gaming and is a great new experiance

10 years ago

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get a nintendo 64 if you want to play mario kart, it was the best

10 years ago

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Maybe back in the day it was but the newer ones are better. Believe it or not I just tried playing it the other day after not doing so for years, and the first thing you notice is how choppy it is and the poor framerate (even with the memory expansion installed), especially with more than 1 player. Combine that with the somewhat chintzy quality of the analog stick in the controllers (which was well known for wearing down and exhibiting problems after awhile -- a design flaw that was subsequently fixed with the Gamecube) and I just couldn't bring myself to deal with it and play it for long. So I kind of feel like it's a bit funny how nostalgia for something can skew our memory of it or of how good it was.

10 years ago

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Wii U all the way! Like people said, with Xbox One most of the games will come to pc, plus... you have to pay monthly fees to play online -.- Also the people that are saying "the Wii U is dead" uhhh the Wii U hasn't even come alive yet! With all the e3 stuff Nintendo just announced I think we're going to see a huge leap for the Wii U, and personnaly I think it's a solid console and isn't something to be taken lightly. It may have few games (at the moment) but almost everyone of those games are amazingly fun.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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10 years ago

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I prefer the Wii U after E3

10 years ago

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The way I look at it for the consoles is this,

Wii U = Nintendo First Party games

Xbox One = Western style games, many of which are 3rd party (likely to come to PC) and fewest exclusives of the bunch.

PS4 = Same 3rd party support as X-One. Given history more exclusives than X-One will end up with. A wider variety of genres included within those exclusives, but not all will be AAA. More of an Eastern focus. Will feature more niche publishers who are less likely to place their games on PC historically.

10 years ago

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This is a good point. I'm ardently in the Wii U + PC camp, but there's a reason I also have a PS3 - some great Playstation exclusives.

What about Xbox exclusives? Well there's Battleblock Theater OH WAIT THAT JUST RELEASED ON STEAM. So yeah, nothing interesting on that console (except Titanfall, which promises an eventual PC release.)

10 years ago

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Neither. Most XBox One games will be on the PC and The WiiU is on Life support. Only House games are keeping it alive.

Get a PS4.

10 years ago

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I really like the Xbox One as I own one. Kinect Sports was fun when playing with others but can get quite difficult if you don't have the space for a kinect.

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by theironsoul.