Should I get the Sekai Project bundle?
Whoa , you are taking notes on me ? Are you maybe a fan ? .... I can sign a piece of toilet paper for you to hang on your wall if you want .
srsly tho , based on your comment even knowing how toxic i can get , you beat me by a mile ...
I know i can be a piece of shit , and i learned to deal with it ... sad part is you dont .
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Ya, because novels are for tween females. I'm sure Tolkien, Lewis, Homer, and the rest of the lot would totally have your back on that statement. Or are you referring to the fact that these novels put soooo many extra years into the work to make it interactive and allow you to choose your own story? Like Clannad, where it has 1.3 Million English words, compared to the entire Harry potter series, which only barely makes 1 million? Not to mention all the work that goes in to the art and arrangement for each and every scene that changes every several text boxes. Na, your referring to your dislike of an art style, aren't you, yes yes, I know, the Japanese style that exemplifies expressions visually in a way that no western art style could, is not what you grew up with, but art is art, and everyone has their tastes. Some like bright and cheery, and some like drab gray and brown CoD art, cause how many shades of dirt are there? I don't know, but they're all that's in CoD X"D
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I'm not making a comparison between VNs and the great writers like Tolkien (I have yet to see a VN on that level of epic) like that, I'm bringing up each individual part that the person might be referring to as "if you're a 12 year old girl". Could it be that it was a novel? No, because if it was, then these greats might want a word with him.
Sure, it might be either the art style, or the fact that most of these are romances, but again, that doesn't make them only for a certain age and gender demographic, as art and genre are not biased to these.
Again, bringing up these extras was pointless, but I give pointless and dumb/obvious replies to people like this :P
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I would make that comparrison.
While the LOTR movies where great, the books were a giant snorefest to me. Especially fellowship took me around 5 months to get through just because I kept falling asleep reading it (seriously). Compare that to the less than a month of #2 and #3 combined since they weren't as horrible.
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While I did like the books, I will outright admit, from the time they left Rivendell to the time they got out of the Mines of Moria, that was the longest slog I've ever had in reading a book for some reason. But for the most part, the majority of people seem to uphold it with some of the greatest writings, thus it's mentioned :P But I will say, I much prefer reading about the world of Middle Earth, as that is far more interesting to me, so I like the Silmarillian XD
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Again, to each their own, we aren't all going to like the same things, and that is what makes life interesting.
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You said it : "to me".
Lords of the Rings saga is 70+ y/o, around 150 million sold (as the individual book, even more if you include the separated volumes) ( I must add, The Lord of the Rings sold 100 million copies BEFORE the release of the film trilogy, so the movie did not impact that much)
The Hobbit is 90y/o, around 100 million sold.
I don't really know the VN involved in the current Humble Bundle, but I guess they're all pretty new (last 10 years), with maybe 500,000 units sold max ? I used to play fanmade VN 7/8 years ago, I'm not a specialist ^^
I am not saying that Tolkien is god and that VN are shit, I'm just trying to show that so far, it doesn't play in the same league. So yup, to make a comparison between them make me chuckle. I don't want to judge purely on number, affection toward art is personal and subjective, and also it's not because everybody right now love something that it's gonna be great for eternity, but I still think that you cannot fool that much people, and that the 100+ millions are deserved. Let's see in 50 years if lots of people will remember VN :)
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FSOG : 125 million for 4 books, around 30M a book
T : 120 million for 5 books, around 24M a book
LOTR : 150 millions for 1 book.
So nope, Tolkien is not akin Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey.
EDIT : and I also spoke of the resistance through the time, things that T and FSOG cannot prove yet, while Tolkien hasn't anything to prove anymore.
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Again, not really. Art (be it visual or the written word) has no bias to a specific demographic, for that is stereotyping, and in our world, that is something laughable. You can enjoy whatever kind of story you like, as everyone will enjoy something different. I myself enjoy most every genre of written word there is, Action, Adventure, Romance, Comedy, etc... Just because I enjoy wandering whether or not a girl in a story will react a certain way to what the guy will do, doesn't make anymore a 12 year old girl than my actual tween sister wondering if Bilbo will make it out of Golem's cave alive would make her a teen boy. It's ridiculous to apply stereotypes, honestly.
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For all you know, that could be his preference. I was playing Warcraft and Doom on my dad's lap alongside Spy Fox and Freddy the Fish while I was toddler. I was being read Narnia, The Hobbit, and Beowulf along side the Cat in the Hat at the same age, and my parents even tell me I preferred more challenging books.
Now, yes, I will admit, there are targeted audiences, you will intend games and books that teach you counting and colours for children learning their numbers and such. You will intend a ton of things for a particular audience, playing into the stereotyped preferences, but again, that target audience isn't the only audience you will get. See girls enjoying Power Rangers and Dragon Ball Z. See guys enjoying My Little Pony's latest iteration. Things that are inherently thought to belong to one gender or age range are shared by all, and those who state that "girls shouldn't be watching these violent shows" or "boys shouldn't be playing these romantic highschool dramas" are laughed at and left to the wayside.
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plot to nekopara; guy get's into sexual situations with cat-human girls, the steam achievements being to 'pet' every character.
Not to mention the 'complete' game involves downloading the 18+ patch from somewhere to see some more ... artwork.
Sure my fine art-loving bro, if you say so. Please close the door before you reach for the handlotion though.
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It might not be what you're interested in, but art is art, you don't have to appreciate it. I'm not particularly fond of Picasso, as his art is pretty abstract to a point that isn't appealing to me, but I don't call it junk that needs to burn in a fire or deny it's artistic value to others. 50 Shades of Grey is a prono for all intents and purposes, but it has a story as well, and people cling to that story of betrayal and redemption, and even if it wasn't there, it still would be an art form.
Just because you don't enjoy a particular story, a particular painting, a particular sound, doesn't invalidate it's existence or disqualify it as art. It just means that you do not enjoy it, while a slew of others will.
Myself, I don't care much for the 18+ patches or any of that, I read for the story of things, I read 50 shades for the betrayal, skimming over the sex scenes as they didn't interest me at all (I've already got a girl for that, why do I need a book?).
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Figures . Well everyone has the right of an opinion ... you dont enjoy them ... thats fine.
I think FPS games are the biggest trash ever created and it boggles my mind how can people play that shit ...
But i still dont seriously flame people cause they enjoy that content .
I do in a meme fashion , you can call me on that from your notes i guess tho :)
Anyway since that its not heading a way i am willing to take recently , i just wish you a great day , and i will end that discussion here .
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Am I the only one who found this funny rather than insulting? Some people should buy a sense of humor upgrade rather than this bundle, seriously...
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Same here. One respondent was particularly ironic ;)
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Naw :D I didn't find it particularly funny neither but anybody who feels offended by this has a serious case of Paranoia.
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Oh, I laughed, but I decided "lets do a serious response today and see what kind of 'discussion' we can get out of it" XD it's rather entertaining and insightful, actually.
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I've only played fault - milestone one from them but I think it's very good. If you like visual novels and have the the money I don't see why not, you can try out some games and if you are not interested in the others you can give them away or trade them. Personally I think you should because visual novels don't ususally go on sale for much discounts. Would buy the whole bundle myself if I had more money and din't plan to buy some games in the Steam Summer Sale.
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You could always buy tier 1 and play those games and if you decide you like these games you could top up your contribution while it's running. If you don't like it you didn't burn too much money.
On the other hand you bought a whole bundle just to give it away, so money probably isn't that big a problem... So just go for it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Buy tier 1, if you don't enjoy the games you will get you money back selling the trading cards anyway.
That kind of games are weird, the kind of thing that can lead you to a jail if you say in public.
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Depends on what you play. Kenetic Novels are pretty good story tellers. For more "gameplay" VN you have the Rance series. If you want more RPG feeling there is Kamidori Alchemy Meister. It like all games that we buy, different companies offer different stuff. Want action in VN, try Eushully/AliceSoft. Want to have feeling of regret and sadness, try Key(visual novel group who did clannad, little buster, angel beats, air, etc.) Want games for "plot" try Black Lilith. There is a lot of classification within the VN genre it just depends on how you look at it. In the end one of my favorite VN or Kenetic Novel would be To the Moon. Looks like an RPG maker game but actually a Kenetic Novel.
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I think you are mis-categorizing things as visual novels to attribute to VNs in general a level of interaction that, in my experience, you don't really get with those games. A game that uses a VN presentation for the story while having something else for gameplay isn't really a VN, Persona 5, Omega quintet, Tales series, and your Kamidori, for example.
In particular, clicking next for 3 hours and then picking a multiple choice option every once in a while doesn't constitute gameplay in my eyes. I wouldn't say "I'm playing a VN" any more than I'd say "I'm playing a choose your own adventure book" when the main activity in the "game" is reading.
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The 39 Steps isn't read only though as it has several interactive sections.
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B-but visul nobulz r for kiddie diddlers! didnt u kno, m89?
I blame the cheap western made vns for that herd mentality and vns are also a pretty niche product already so there are bound to be normies who are going to shit on it out of principle cuz it's the kewl ting 2 do. Pretty good lulz material if you ask me.
Now if only i could speed up that paycheck and get my hands on Root Double. :/
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Well , to be fair we all must admit , that after steam opened the flood gates on greenlight and the VisualNovels kinda became a thing out of nowhere , there was a LOT of shit being put out on a weekly basis .
talking about those classic 2-10$ ones with about 3 hours worth of content , 5 trading cards and 3 backgrounds ( which are the only reason most ppl buy them on sale in the first place ) .
But then we have stuff like Princess Evangile and If my heart had Wings which are just amazing games with branching storylines and multiple endings , and it just makes the people who hate on VNs (cause they are not games) look so stupid i just gave up trying to argue with them .
I really dont understand how anyone find pleasure in insulting someone for enjoying a game ( or a movie , or a song ... or anything )
Its a piece of entertainment , and it cannot please everyone ... But i guess this is the world we live in nowadays :p
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Gotta agree on that point. Having to wade through tons of crap is annoying for someone who is interested in VNs and now imagine if a person who doesn't know much about them is set before this task.
But on the other hand we also received gems like Its your last chance at new school thanks to greenlight. That thing is so dumb it's good.
Arguing with people like is just a waste of time, you won't change their mind once they are dead set on hating VNs. Instead you can feel smug and superior because you have a wider selection of entertainment than they do. :v
Cuz its le ebin trolle XDDD to hate on random stuff. It really makes me sad when i see people taking low effort bait in the steam forums though. Nothing you can do about it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
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If you don't need Sunrider: Liberation Day, we may can make a deal for it okay? :D
To VN: I dislike them. For me they feel 'cheap' as they 'recycle' content to generate playtime(play the same line story, to get another way after x happened). Maybe I didn't play enough to find different 'kinds' of VN.
To Sunrider(MoA): I really like it because of the battlesystem. The story is okay/good too.
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For me they feel 'cheap' as they 'recycle' content to generate playtime(play the same line story, to get another way after x happened).
You can say the same about any game with a quest that gives you a choice. Games with factions also often share large chunks of storyline - look at Fallout New Vegas as an example of that.
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I don't have Fallout, so I can't tell what you mean with that.
But to make it simple: The skip function let you get rid of all the tedious things you have to 'reread' to get to the point in which you make the decision. In normal games you have at least content you can do until then(maybe or not enyoable for some to repeat it).
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buy the first tier to try it imo. You will get money back from trading cards. I bought tier 3 because one game interests me and I dont know anything about it. Sometimes the art attracts you and that's all that matters. Sometimes a game attracts you because of the colour/design/graphics no? Go with your gut feeling, visual novels are very subjective. Do you like reading? Do you like that kind of art? Part of the reason I got tier 3 is also because I hope it can encourage more bundling of anime games in general. This is coming from someone who's last highest tier bundle bought was from last year.
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I think these threads help when people mention what they might even like. It seems spread out between what might be more fanservice to somewhat serious and then whatever the Grisaia spinoffs are.
I would get it just for Root Double (or I would buy it from a group splitting it up since I like more serious/less fanservice media. I still haven't played it even though I bought it at its first bigger sale, though.
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If you have the money and the interest then go ahead and buy it. Not that expensive and if the descriptions didn't make you decide not to then chances are at worst you will enjoy one game/series which if you bought separately would be about that price anyway and more likely you will enjoy several.
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To be honest, if you need to be convinced, the answer is probably no, disregarding of the quality of the bundle ;)
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I never knew visual novels existed until I discovered steamgifts and bundle sites. I bought the first tier of a Humble Bundle just to see if I might like Long Live the Queen.
If it's a genre you never tried it's better to start with something of better quality or you'll assume all vns are trash. I'm playing Fault right now so that one is a pretty good start. I'd recommend getting tier 1.
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Long Live the Queen
If it's a genre you never tried it's better to start with something of better quality or you'll assume all vns are trash.
That's a weird blend of role-playing game, life sim, and Visual Novel- so it's less a quality issue and more a 'you picked a really weird way to test the genre'. :P
Generally life sim (ie, stat-raising) games tend to only superficially include VN elements, so they really appeal to an entirely different crowd. The ones that do manage to evenly blend elements still tend to be.. well, much like kinetic novels in the other direction, it's just a matter of gameplay preference.
Personally, I find stat-raising games to massively detract from story flow- though in the supremely rare instance where a game manages to integrate it smoothly, rather than having it dominate the gameplay [think Fallout1&2/Planescape:Torment/etc style stat-influences on conversations, versus hardcore path-unlocking with minimal flow differences] it can actually be an engaging way to approach pathing. I wouldn't say LLTQ is trash, by any means, but it certainly had a very rigid approach to things. Definitely not what I'd consider an introductory game to any of its three composite genres. :P
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Yeah Long Live The Queen is pretty different from standard visual novels, it doesn't have much self projection element that I see in most visual novels and more about making a character. Stat-raising games I find are more common in otome games while it's more uncommon in male-oriented games like the ones in this bundle, I'm used to them since I played a few Cheritz games. Visual novel has many sub-gernes, and each of them has its typical tropes and elements which I don't think you would like if you are not used to them.
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I think the most important part is your preference.
If you like visual novel and anime, which I do (& maybe you'll too), tier 3 is really worth it.
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Since they're all from the same company, you can probably expect similar qualities for the VNs.
Same publisher, and that may mean a similar level of translation quality, but only Narcissu and Rain Marginal are from the same author (aside from different episodes of any same game, of course). There's a pretty significant difference in scope of content and style of presentation between the games, and while none of the games are poorly received, reception for the games varies widely as well.
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I've never played a game like the ones in the Sekai Project bundle, and I'm trying to decide if I should buy it for myself. Who out there can convince me one way or the other?
Thanks for all the feedback, and thanks for helping me level up! Most of you are awesome.
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