Is food in your country's hospitals that bad?
At least somewhere else is just as bad :P
But don't worry
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Eh, in my country, the food is at least recognisable and not all bread.
It's still pretty bad though, as it has no flavor most of the time.
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I'm from Brazil, and I swear my reaction "well, if your biggest complaint is about the food..."
We have free healthcare, but many times, well, good luck getting help there. And with much corruption, there are doctors who are paid and never show up, equipment that rots away before getting used... sigh
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Same stuff in poland mate, if you really want to be cured you must pay, otherwise you will be waiting months and months.
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Poland is all of absurds, goverment is just a bunch of imbecils, so it doesn't even surprise anyone.
The most absurd thing I recently found was that ''on the street, near guy's garage was a huge hole so that guy filled it with rocks and stuff, but after few weeks he was judged and had to pay a fine'' lol. :P
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The last time I was in hospital in the UK the food looked pretty nice. I wasn't allowed food because of my illness but I got to watch my relatives enjoying my meals rather than letting them go to waste.
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Was in hospital twice last year. The food wasn't excellent but compared to your pictures I now feel like it was first class top notch cuisine they served. Should have taken pictures, but I didn't. Didn't feel all too well...
Why are you in hospital?
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Description says ''Aspen Res for 4-year contract for ''feeding'' patients earned only 6.5 million euros"
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No wonder, they obviously save money by giving the patients less food lol :D.
Just check that bone on that plate, there's probably more meat in the marrow than on the outside :D
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Kurde! People in Germany complain about hospital food and it's not that good all the time but it's definitely not as bad as this! They come in regularly and ask what you want to eat for each meal, which is like in a hotel. I can't really say what I've eaten in hospitals but it was like a regular meal I'd say.
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Here too, but hospital has to be private, if it's public it sucks. I remember that word hospital is pretty long in german isn't it? :D
Also, in public hospitals you can't even heal, queues are huge, and even when it's your ''turn'' you're not guaranted to get healthy.
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In german it is Krankenhaus, not that long I think. :D
That's really bad. I always had to bother them until they would let me leave because they take very measure available to get you healthy.
Once I had an accident just 2 days before my final oral exam of my apprenticeship and I had to convince them to let me leave so I won't have to do it in 6 months when I'd miss it the first time.
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My dad has been in and out of the hospital and a physical rehab center since early January. He was barely eating anything because he literally couldn't stomach it and they had to use a feeding tube inserted through his nose, then a stomach picc-line for 2 weeks after. It was hell, especially since he was on a special diet of mushy food for months due to a choking risk. Can confirm that that the only thing he has found tasty to be chicken salad sandwiches from one rehab center.
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I've spent quite some time in hospitals. In my country the hospitals don't serve food, we have both free hospitals and private clinics but if you go to a free hospital chances are you'll die in there, either you'll get the wrong medicine or catch some other disease while you're there. A lot of people die in hospitals here every year from that.
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Wow, I ate better than that in the military when I was in Iraq, a damn combat zone. That food looks atrocious.
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Yeah, cue in some Xzibit meme on that one. Although the first picture is somewhat reminiscent of what they gave us for breakfast in our high school dorms 12 years ago. That was the only place I almost threw up from the mere sight of a... for a lack of better words, piece of "food".
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I work at a hospital and I usually eat what we give our patients. Chicken pot pies with gelato ice creams, lasagna and a salad, tacos, burgers, BBQ Chicken, a bunch of other tasty food.
Perks of working as a dietician is all the food is free. Been saving thousands on lunch since working there.
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Here in Poland there is a rule - never injure yourself, you don't wanna go to hospital! (there even was a tv show mocking hospitals)
This is just unbelievable, but in ''modern'' country you get nothing for dinner! Yes, nothing.
Mostly in hospital you get tons of bread, mush of someone else's poop, and little piece of cucumber...
Sad thing is that catering companies are paid millions of PLN.
Patients are actually making fun of it, cause it's too late to cry. The most popular dish is ''bread burger'', I bet you can assume what it looks like.
Tell me, what you get in hospitals in your country for dinner (I would appreciate if you would post photos)? What do you think about it at all...
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