It won't. Mass Effect 3 didn't go to steam, so there's no way the 4th will.
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First off, Kotaku. Ew.
Secondly, yay! Oh, wait, no Shepard. Boo.
In a rather serious section of my post - I'm not having high-hopes for this game unless the characters, main character included, is enjoyable, along with the music. Everything else can be terrible, I couldn't care less. While having Shepard cheat death a third time would be great, change is probably the best solution for how ME3 ended.
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As long as Kotaku still does the silly "core" and "non-core" (read: reposted rocketnews24/sankaku gossip), then it'll continue to be widely bashed for not taking reporting seriously. I like a few writers on there, but not nearly enough to make it worth resubbing.
Kotaku Australia is actually much better than its US counterpart, since it's maintained differently and doesn't have nearly as much fluff posted.
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Yeah, this. I guess. I forgot some of the points that are brought up a lot, but overall Kotaku is just infamous for its shitty reporting.
Oh, yeah, and they tend to be a bit late on some stuff. I'm not saying that IGN is better, but IGN is at least worth my time, even if I don't use it that much.
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I'm excited. I thought most of the complaints about ME3 were either ridiculous or ridiculously overblown. Whatever this turns into, I'll be following it with great interest.
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I hope they start anew. They need it, the franchise need it. After the original trilogy ending drama, i think it's the best thing to do. Set it hundreds of years after the events of the original trilogy, with some link to the previous games, give it a complete different tone, with space pirats and such, an entire huge galaxy to explore, make it more wild and mysterious.
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My favourite game series ever! They've announced that there will be a 4th game about a year ago and said that it will be a whole new story in the Mass Effect universe, so it won't be a sequel. I'm really excited about it but with mixed feeling since Shepard and the other characters made the game so good in my opinion and I'm not sure if they'll be able to create the same athmosphere in the new one. Nevertheless, a new beggining will be a good thing and I think the game will be really good. :)
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glad there is pics surfacing now, Its already been known that there was a new Mass effect in the works but very little details are coming out still.
The ME universe is vast with a wide range of characters so it can go in a lot of directions. Personally im hoping for a prequel type or a game that takes place between the others, not focused or featuring shepard but possibly seeing or hearing about him/her during the game sometimes.
I would love a spin off game featuring Zaeed and his bounty hunting adventures that made him infamous throughout the galaxy but sadly the actor who voiced him died earlier this year :'/
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Coudn't care less.Me3 killed the series and raped the corpse.
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I'll probably get this, even after the mess that was ME3's ending. I enjoyed the trilogy so so so much up until that point that the new game is bound to have plenty of content I'll love.
Hopefully Shep won't even be mentioned in the new game. They can do so much with this universe as long as they move far away to an entirely new plot.
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The Mass Effect universe is the perfect ground for an infinite amount of stories and characters, so there can't be anything wrong with that. They say Shepard and his happy company won't be there, so it's not like they're overstretching stuff over the reasonable. As far as the game is good like ME2 and not anything like the 3rd it's perfectly fine to me.
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Maybe this game will actually have goddamn controller support on the PC!
Anyway, I'm looking forward to this, but it's not really a "MUST HAVE!" for me. There's no real narrative need to continue the series after the third installment, so this just seems like it exists purely because EA's board of directors say it should. The core Bioware team not being involved is further evidence of that.
Best of luck to them, though. Particularly the writers, since in my opinion, they kind of shot themselves in the foot by destroying the mass relays in ME3.
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This "Clicky" came up on my news feed about half an hour ago, and I am really excited to hear more about it. I know that people are bashing Mass Effect because of its original ending, but still, the trilogy was pretty good.
What are your opinions on this topic ? Would you like another Mass Effect game ?
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