I bought Saints Row: The Third when it went on sale as a daily deal for 75% the first day. I didn't really care about the DLC package, because it was $25. But now, I check out the SR3 flash sale today. The whole pack is a mere $13.29, a whole dollar more than the separate game. I feel cheated out of this sale, anyone with me?

12 years ago*

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Nope. your fault you didn't keep patience :p

anyways jokes aside I understand how you feel :(

12 years ago

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slow and steady win the race :p

12 years ago

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The main reason I'm ticked is that if a game goes on sale for a certain price, be it a flash or daily deal, that should be the most it goes on sale for. This is the first time to my knowledge they've pulled this kind of bullshit.

12 years ago

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for members will come and members may go but this goes on steam for ever

sorry for troll language but I hope you get what I wanted to say :)

12 years ago

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You had 1-2 weeks to realize how these sales worked. If you were patient, you would have waited for a flash sale on it.

12 years ago

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I know how these sales work, but when a game goes on sale for a daily or flash deal, that should be as high as it'll go for the rest of the sale. I picked it up the first day because I thought it would be that much if it went on sale again. But here it is, going on sale for a higher percentage.

12 years ago

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Yes thats true but their girlfriends are always unsatisfied .

12 years ago

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I bought alan wake collection and traded it for this...so no loss here luckily.

12 years ago

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It is kinda a **** move.

I mean great for people why did not buy it yet but the rest who did, man that must feel bad.

12 years ago

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In Australia the ENTIRE PACK is only $9.79.
That's a nice change from all the price jacking BS we usually get.

12 years ago

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Want some cheese with your whine?

12 years ago

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How am I whining? I buy the game as a daily deal, the price at which a game will be the lowest almost always, turns around and goes down even more.

12 years ago

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Pretty sure he is trolling...

12 years ago

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as you just said you bought it during a SALE and got a DEAL so quit bitching, don't like it go elsewhere and pay full price.

12 years ago

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This has happened to me in the past with their recap days. Bought some DLC for $2.5 at -50% and it was -75% during the recap day.

This time, however, I got SR3 franchise for $10 thanks to a helpful Aussie. :D (If anyone in AU/NZ wants to coop it some time: let me know.)

12 years ago

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why do you cry,you didn't wait till the last minute it is what happens.Sorry to break it to you but that's just how business goes.Anyways I can understand the frustration but it's all business tactics

12 years ago

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It's perfectly understandable to wait until the last minute for a generic sale and hope it goes as a daily deal (for example, not buying Morrowind at 50% off and waiting for the daily deal where it's 75% off) but there's no reason to wait to buy a game when it's a daily deal since that's expected to be the lowest price it'll go. For example all the SR3 DLC was normal 33% off the whole sale, but during one of the daily deals all the DLC became 75%. It was perfectly fine to wait for that. But I don't see the logic of not buying a daily deal of a game you want since there's no reason it should go on sale for lower than that and that may be the only daily deal there is for the game, which will then make yous tuck with having to pay 50% off as opposed to 75%.

12 years ago

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Nah. I bought 3 games on Day 1 and all I got was a great deal.

  • Portal 2 didn't change its price in the following days as it was already very cheap from the start

  • The Trine Franchise reappeared more than once, but always with the same discount

  • Legend of Grimrock was -66% only on Day 1 and then stayed -40% till the last day.

All this to show you that to "wait till the last minute" isn't always the smartest of moves.

12 years ago

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I'm on Euros currency, found out about this after i bought the game. I feel you, bro.

12 years ago

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You got a game at a 75% discount, you don't have the right to feel cheated at all at it being a wee bit cheaper later. I've bought several games at full price that went on sale fairly soon after. Did I feel cheated? Nah, I just though "Well damn" and went on with my day.

12 years ago

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Did you not notice that the flash sales and community sales were consistently better than the daily deals?

12 years ago

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The pack is €17,57 here so I feel more cheated. Not only that game, but most games are way more expensive over here.

12 years ago

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i feel sorry for the people who bought skyrim in the previous days too. but we all know that's the way steam works.

12 years ago

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you got a game cheaper and still complain. so sad.

12 years ago

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I bought the whole pack for $25.
That's a damn good deal.
But now seeing it for $13 makes me a little upset, because I payed more than others.
I still got a great deal though.

12 years ago

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I bought the game for full price and unistalled it a few hours after. You didn't do that bad.

12 years ago

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Agree... A bit unhappy myself. I bought it at the beginning of the sale and haven't played or installed it. If it were a retail version sealed I'd be able to return it to the store and get the lowered price. But Steam doesn't accept returns on digital products. I'd have liked to save the extra money... Steam would have gotten the extra money when I bought an additional game anyhow... I get the whole business thing... but can't help how I feel... disappointed.

12 years ago

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Buy games on Steam at the price you're comfortable with (especially in these big sales events), because the price may change at any time and there's nothing you can do about it once you've bought the game. If it's not cheap enough, don't buy it.

12 years ago

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Always wait until the last day of sale.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Xkhaoz.