
Since I am closing the thread and deleting all GAs, I can't reply to everyone. But I'll answer some common questions here:

  • Yes, I was going to delete the "bait" GAs, while the normal GAs would be distributed as normal.
  • I didn't know that such GAs, where I clearly stated that it's a bait GA and part of the puzzle, and that you need to read the description to find the real GA could be considered as a "fake" GA. I believed "fake" GAs would be GAs that were created with the intention of getting WLs, or some malicious intentions.
  • The real GAs were listed in the first comment's reply.
1 month ago*

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1 month ago

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Blood And Zombies
The Hive
The First Templar - Steam Special Edition

1 month ago

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No Bad Rats bump!

1 month ago

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I understand your motivation for the experiment, but just FYI - the site rules do state that users should be reported if they are openly creating fake giveaways, which it seems that your "bait" would qualify as...

1 month ago

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To remain respectful to giveaway creators, do not write comments that question the legitimacy of their giveaways. For example, it would be inappropriate to comment that a giveaway is "fake" when you notice a new user has created a giveaway for a highly desirable game.

All giveaways must be for Steam redeemable gifts or Steam redeemable keys.

User Roles
Fake Giveaways 5 days penalty

🤔I know there are those who want to say all kinds of things, but I just hope that they are gentlemen who have checked the Guideline and think carefully before acting.

1 month ago

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It's surprising that the guidelines don't really line up with the FAQ in clarifying that, although of course you shouldn't question someone's authenticity simply because they're posting a giveaway for a highly desirable game, when someone makes it clear that their giveaway is fake:

In those instances you can create a support ticket to inform us of the issue.

(By no means wanting to suggest that I'm personally going to do so, nor encouraging anyone else to do the same...)

1 month ago

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As you say, you found it in this section of the FAQ.🙄

I think I spotted a fake giveaway, what should I do?

In any case. We will keep a quiet eye on things.🍵

1 month ago

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Have you considered the possibility of people reading the description but still entering? Because the BL is worth it for having a good chance of winning an unbundled game?

Because at the end of the day, you still have to gift them the game.

1 month ago

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They don't. You can delete GAs anytime before they end without approval. I'm assuming that's what is going to happen here, so entering would be pointless.

1 month ago

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I think, that this is the plan.

But if you are blacklisted after entering a GA, are you still in the GA?

1 month ago

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Yes. You just can't read the description and comments anymore. And of course you couldn't re-enter in case you left it voluntarily in the meantime.

1 month ago

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Thanks, so no one is harmed if you are blacklisted and entered before. Re-entering is impossible, that's clear.

1 month ago

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if the GA is deleted, does the tree make a sound?

1 month ago

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I meant in case it is NOT deleted. It is a general question.

1 month ago

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If someone report it, yes.

And offering unbundled games to the "masses" will, for sure, let one user be pissed enough to report it when a (fake) GA gets deleted.

1 month ago

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Are you sure about the "without approval" part? I just created a private giveaway to test this. The option to delete the giveaway is there under Manage. However, clicking on it brings me to the Support Tickets site.

I have not tested "Create Ticket" because I don't want to waste support's time. But it looks like I need to give a reason for the deletion and support approving. Maybe the "Create Ticket" is automatically granted when the giveaway is still running. As said, not gonna test that.

1 month ago

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Yes, before the end of the GA, no mod is involved in the ticket approving.
After the end of the GA a deletion need a mod and isn't automaticly approved anymore.

1 month ago

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If someone create fake GAs and delete them he can still be reported and will be suspended for it.

1 month ago

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Are you just creating fake giveaways ? It is worse than being someone who don't read description ?
I hope this ends without anyone being fooled.

1 month ago

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Could not resist spaming some astronomy pics. Source for all of them is APOD.

View attached image.
1 month ago

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I'm curious how this'll play out...

1 month ago

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I understand your point (and I find this very funny) but I think you will have more problems than satisfaction by doing this

1 month ago

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Bots are annoying that much all can agree, but isn't what you are doing in a way a fake GA? Considering that you are for a lack of better words, baiting people into joining GAs just to BL them.

1 month ago

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Let the games begin!

1 month ago

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Fake GAs are not allowed on Steamgifts. So your bait GAs are supposed to be real GAs, meaning real people will participate, because if you follow the rules you have to deliver the promised game to the winner (no matter what you put in the description).

1 month ago

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1 month ago

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I really hope there are not bots out there who scan the puzzle forum and do jigidis automatically, that would be a lot.

1 month ago

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Closed 1 month ago by aklgupta.