so square enix have started a sale on their site, for games like hitman, final fantasy, tomb raider, sleeping dogs, life is strange, deus ex, kane and lynch etc.. here's the link for europe:

8 years ago

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is it any good?

View Results
I'll wait for the summer STEAM sale-praise Lord Gaben
I prefer bundle sites
I'd rather buy from bundle sites with crap games
I prefer buying from dodgy sites with cheap games
don't hurt my wallet-it can't take much more

After the shit they pulled when I bought FF7 from their store years ago, I will never use their store again.

8 years ago

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Care to share what happened?

8 years ago

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Well before Final Fantasy 7 came to steam they released the first ever Final Fantasy 7 on PC with achievements and there was no steam on the horizon. Apparently a Square store exclusive. The release was buggy as hell, crashed loads and had a shit DRM which deleted peoples saves or made them completely unsaveable as it used Squares "cloud" saving.

Then a year later FF7 came out on Steam, people wondered when they would get a steam key seeing as it was apparently a Square store exclusive and waited patiently. No word from Square. So quite a number of people started making tickets to their support asking for a Steam key so they could put the game in their steam library. A few months later a statement was released saying "no steam keys would be made available" and pretty much told everyone to go fuck themselves. They offered a 20% discount for a month to everyone who purchased the game, this wasn't advertised at all and a lot of people just completely missed it.

To make this farce even worse, when the store changed people who had previously bought the Square version lost their activations as their accounts now show that they never purchased it. So to get those activations back they need to go through support.

It pissed a lot of people off.

All in all, fuck Square-Enix store and its bullshit.

8 years ago

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Of course the "Cloud" saves weren't a very reliable form of memory. Look who they were based on.

8 years ago

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Ooooh meta joke!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Thats quite of a story and thanks for sharing .

8 years ago

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had a shit DRM which deleted peoples saves or made them completely unsaveable as it used Squares "cloud" saving.

This hasn't changed and is still in the Steam version.

8 years ago

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+1000000 was an absolute dick move. Didn't stop me buying it a third fucking time on Steam like :(

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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View attached image.
8 years ago

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Actually the Life is Strange deal is very cool. Maybe I will buy the season pass.

8 years ago

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I'm thinking about that too. Do you (or anyone else) know if this is a steam key?

E. nvm, just saw the steam icon above it. :'D

8 years ago

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I was thinking about that too, trying to resist but it's such a great game.

8 years ago

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Hmm, a word of advice from someone, who bought this game pretty much back then on release day:
it's not what they advertise it to be. With all the positive reviews on Steam it kinda get's swept under
the rug that it's supposed to be a game about choices and consequences, which it isn't, because
of the final episode. It would be my favorite game of all time: an emotional and unique story with just
a touch of Mystery , characters that are easy to get attached to, beautiful hand-drawn graphics.
Well, it's all nice, if it weren't for the last episode, which (without spoilers) basically gives you the choice
whether you want ending A or B, making everything before completely irrelevant.
I wouldn't mind a sad or crazy ending, but what they provide feels rushed and makes it pointless
to play it again a second time with different choices - something I had been really looking forward to.
So basically, this game is a one time experience. Taking that into consideration, I wouldn't recommend
it unless it's about half the current sale price or bundled somewhere.

8 years ago

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thanks! that's good advice

8 years ago

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Thanks for the advice but I'm pretty sure I'd like to play this since I got it recommended by someone in wich's gaming taste I pretty much trust. Plus I couldn't resist and bought it already after I made my latest post here. xD

I'm also ok with that missing replay value. Walking Dead for example - yea I know you basically just saif that they are not comparable - is a game wich, while I really, really enjoyed it, I'll very likely won't play a second time since I think trying again with different choices would just make my story from the first playthrough feel less important.

8 years ago

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Oh, where did I say the two aren't comparable? Actually, I haven't had the time to play the Walking Dead yet,
so I can't say much about whether it's comparable or not. Also, I'm fine missing replay value with some games
(pretty much every classic/linear click-and-point adventure lacks replay value), however, "Life is Strange" is
not one of them. When I started with the first episode, the thing I found most intriguing about the game is to
find out how different choices might lead to different results, it's what really sets the game apart. Again, it's
tagged and advertised as "choices matter", but they really don't. There's exactly one choice in that game that
matters, right before the end, I think that's rather sad, for a game that's all about choices, or at least should be.
Feel free to share your thoughts once you played it through, it's not a bad game, it just missed a lot of potential.

8 years ago

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'the rug that it's supposed to be a game about choices and consequences, which it isn't,'
That part just sounded to me like you did. Sorry guess I was misslead by my own association here.
And I'll try to keep it in mind and giving some feedback after Idid: )

8 years ago

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so... a telltale game?

8 years ago

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Not really, because TellTale's games are really easy to recognise. Despite their claims, they do have a formula they use on every single game since Wallace and Grommit. Life is Strange is rather obviously different in its storytelling. (And quite obviously French too, despite the setting. it felt like most any modern fantasy movies they made in the last decade.)

8 years ago

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TellTale's games are very formulaic, and easily recognizable. I was talking about the similarity in gameplay - Story driven, choices matter, but in the end they don't

8 years ago

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Eh, choices don't matter during the story as well, and I'm 99% sure they were added in post-production, after the majority of the first episode was already finished.

8 years ago

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Not that any other choices carry any meaning… Even if you try to act against the obviously intended plot, some magical deus ex machina puts you back on the "right" track.
But the game has great dialogue and even better character drama, so if one is tired of the TellTale formula, it can be a good interactive miniseries to pass the time with.

8 years ago

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Think I will just wait for the Steam summer sale + Summer sale on GMG + Summer sale on Humble Bundle..

Besides that, very few Square Enix games that I do not have currently XD.( Heck I have more than one copy of a few of em. In some cases 3+ copies. Final Fantasy 7 and 8 are examples of that as I have the console version, the non steam PC version, and Steam version of these.)

8 years ago

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I won't ever buy anything from SE again after their "Holiday Box" and Humble Bundle debacle. Never, not going to happen.

8 years ago

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True, they were definitely a pain in the holiday stuff, site was unreliable-and they offered same games (like thief) or bad value ones -as previous years...(back then i had a 32bit pc lol..and) now that I have a 64bit one i can play Murdered soul aspect's pretty good...not the best game ever but it is good.

8 years ago

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There are a couple of good deals like Life is Strange or FF XIII Lightning. Still would wait for the Steam summer sale though.

Edit: no deal on FFIX

8 years ago*

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But FFIX is not on discount?

8 years ago

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errrrrr seems you're right.... may have skimmed through the titles too fast and get confused with XI

8 years ago

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Not a problem. Was just a bit irrittatated and wondering if I've overseen something.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

8 years ago

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And it's the same sale prices they use every single time(with a few exceptions on newer games). Bet you we'll see the exact same ones in the Steam sale. The only real question is do you wanna give your money straight to SE or do you want Valve to get a cut too? :3
I'm only interested in FF titles from this and since I've already played them, some numerous times, I'm not so hot about paying those prices just for collection purposes. I'll hold out till SE decides to either bundle some of them(waaaay in the future) or puts them at 75% discount.

8 years ago

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Well, Square at least really spends that money on making new games, so something meaningful. In this regard, I'd rather buy my keys from them, without Valve's 30% cut.

8 years ago

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Weak discounts, try harder next time, Square!
Although Life is Strange is at its historical lowest.
Anyway, looks like they renewed the site's layout, it was a pain to navigate before...

8 years ago

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50-75% is industry standard for years now on AAA games with large publishers, regardless of their age.

8 years ago

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I was looking for life is strange and sleeping dogs... well, still nope.

8 years ago

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me too, I'll wait 'til they are cheaper

8 years ago

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No NA sale AND the discounts kinda suck. :(

8 years ago

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When you purchase from them will you get a Steam key, a DRM free or something else?

8 years ago

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I think it's best to check with each game..when I clicked on hitman for example, the expanded information says ''Steam key issued upon purchase. Activate via your Steam account''.

8 years ago

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Thanks for the info

8 years ago

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Some nice games at nice prices, but I also have most of them.
It's funny how Deus Ex: The Fall costs more than DX1 or DX2. While nowhere near as bad as the Steam reviews indicate, it is still a few-hour long mobile game, not a 20-50 hour cRPG like those two…

8 years ago

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wtf tomb raider €139.99

8 years ago

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