Are You using iOS or Android?
Ever used one? I recently bought a Lumia 640 with Windows Phone 10 and I must say that I enjoy it far more than my Xperia L with Android :p. I don't need an overload of apps, I just need the phone to work, and a few games to keep me busy until I get to my 3DS or PC :p
Edit: the fact Android relies so heavily on Internal storage space bothers me alot. Some huge parts of apps can't be transferred to the SD card. As a result I have more apps installed on my Windows Phone than on my Android (constantly had to delete apps to install others)
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My main phone is a LG G3 32GB with 3GB RAM, but i prefer my iphone 4 over it.
The screen is way to big and i hate the android system but it's way more cheaper and more powerful than a new iphone.
Soon i'll hit the age 18 and than i'm able to choose the newest iphone with a data plan.
For now i have to buy all my phones at once
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Yes but my LG is thousand times faster than your LG phone, so comparing is not reasonable.
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You were the one who asked my LG model to compare, not me. I said I had three android experiences so far with different generations of smartphones, first with Samsung then with LG and finally with Asus. A LG (a lot) newer than a Samsung should have performed better. I was really disappointed, thus I won't be buying LG phones anymore.
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It's not about newer it's about hardware, the newest lg g4 mini is not better than my LG g3.
You don't know anything about hardware it seems ugh...
ly <3
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I'm not talking about your phone. I'm talking about the ones I have:
Galaxy S2 - released april, 2011
LG G Pro Lite Dual - released november, 2013
If you're really into hardware I bet you know this:
My ancient Samsung performs a lot better than my "newer" LG. Thats all I said.
And I'm not gonna proceed with this conversation since you're already started to go personal.
Have fun with your games.
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Just got my Samsung Galaxy A5 (2016) last night as a gift from my grandma in China. Absolutely loving everything about it except the fact that it's a Chinese model so it's missing all the Google features (Facebook and YouTube are banned in China, so Android phones in China do not have the Playstore). Did manage to sideload a different app installer. Works just as well as the Playstore.
Really good compared to my old iPhone 4 (lol). iOS is over simplistic, and has too many limits on what the user can do unless they jailbreak.
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Android, i like the freedom to do what i want with my phone, i dont really do anything with it really...., but i like to have my options open :v
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android vs ios is like the old mac vs pc debate.
In a nutshell:
Apple/IOs is simpler and easier to use, but is more limited and more expensive
Android/PC lets you do whatever you want, but is more complex and generally more buggy
So, if you prefer a very-well-built closed system, which is easy to use, go for Applie/IOs
But if you prefer to be able to customize everything and like to tinker, then go for Android/PC
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I read somewhere, that iOs is more restrictive for new apps/games they add to store. So if your app is good enough for iOs store, it will have less troubles elswere.
I mean its good thing. I helps iron out stuff you would have hard time finding otherwise.
Google on other hand sometimes even lets malware into its store...
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That is too. But it's because iOS is super closed, runs on a select few specialised HW, so any chance of messing up is greatly reduced. Not to mention that those who had enough money to buy a phone with over 100% profit margins are rich enough to buy content on it, so it is more profitable per unit to release something there, then to the general masses on Android (where piracy is also a thing).
Same reason work SW gets often released on OS X first. If you had money to buy a really expensive computer that uses the same parts as any plebs PC but has the few pieces of HW OS X can run on (and doing it flawlessly), you are more likely to be inclined to pay money for SW to work with without any issues. And some developers coughAdobecough tend to create superior versions (in speed and resource consumption) of the same software suit on OS X…
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I disagree with your comment about costs. High-end android phones cost as much as the latest iphones (and sometimes more), in many cases the cost is subsidized by the carrier, or otherwise hidden, and it's possible to get refurbished devices. Furthermore, iphones are quite durable - I'm on my second phone in about 8 years.
Personally, I have had many bad experiences with cell phones that just didn't offer a good user experience, and it'll be quite a nuissance to migrate out of their ecosystem, so I have very little incentive to switch to android - even if the iphone's little annoyances are getting worse and worse every year.
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Still, you can find a brand new, legal Android phone for as cheap as like 20 USD (+local taxes). Sure, they are slow as hell with next to no memory, but the option is there. How much is the cheapest iPhone now? 300 USD for some leftover 4S?
Apple products are overpriced and have an insane profit margin. This is hardly something that can be argued. They offer good quality, sure, because this is what they build their image on. In this regard, they can be considered the Louis Vuitton of electronics: an overpriced brand that gives you good quality but mostly just the knowledge of you owning one, but it is hardly exclusive, nor the best in quality if you really have enough money to pay for that. (Funny enough, the owners of those really expensive Android phones which are even more expensive are the ones who are the most vocal on "never an iPhone ever again". :))
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It's more like console vs PC debate.
iOS, like a console, is a closed system that let you do anything Apple decided you could do, for a price.
Android, like a PC, let you do whatever the hell you want at the risk of screwing things up if you dig too deep.
It should also be noted that multiple independent reports have deemed Android to be generally more stable than iOS starting with 4.x.
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it's also easier to get rid of the bloatware on android. Seriously, Apple, WTF makes you think everyone wants a dedicated app for stocks and weather? And why can't you combine iTunes Store, Music, Video, Podcasts and Books into one app, like on a computer?
At least I understand the business reasons for forcing GameCenter, Watch and Wallet down our throats, no matter the fact I will never use any of these services.
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Useless discussion, that always ends up in a flamewar.
I use iOS though. Because I'm rich, don't like open software and like to use overpriced crap to show off my social status. #sarcasm
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Though in all honesty, I prefer IOS i've used both, and honestly I prefer the closed system.
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Same here, bought a Sony Z5 Compact a couple of months ago (don't want an iPhone 6, wayyyyy too big), tried it for about 6 weeks. Couldn't get used to it, plus my old iPhone 5S was faster and better in EVERY aspect (even the camera, which is the main USP for the Sony). So I sold it and switched back to my old iPhone. Never been happier.
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I hear they're bringing out the 5se if you want to upgrade.
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Yes, definitely interested in that. Will keep track on that, because I'm running out of options (no way I'm going to make the Android mistake again and eventually my trusty 5S will be inadequate).
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My eyesight is going to hell according to my optometrist, so I might be upgrading to the bigger model when it's time to upgrade. I don't want to, but I do use it for a few things. To me it's like the Windows vs Linux argument, sure linux looks great in theory and I can do a lot of stuff that I couldn't do on a windows, but when they make PC games you know who they make it for? Windows most of the time first, and I'm not going to use all the features linux gives me. It's the same with Android.
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Android cause reasons.
actually a friend has everything mac, and their synergy is quite impressive
(phone, book, tv, watch etc)
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Just curious which are you using:) Topis for off-top :)
In case you are using both just choose which one you prefere.
Yes, you can tell why iOS/Androin is one and the only right :D!
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