4 weeks ago*

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i actually received back:

View Results
The Nothing
The Less than Nothing
The Lil' Something (will share in comments)
The Something more (will share in comments)
The Everything


4 weeks ago

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A green checkmark that says Received.
If we're talking about SteamGifts and not SyeamGifts, that is.
You get bonus points for QWERTY layout though!

4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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The Potato?

4 weeks ago

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Happiness in some cases, when winners were really happy to get a game.
Neat people.
Fun discussions.

There were also bad things (abusers, bots,trolls) , but that's nothing unexpected from an internet community.

Positive things are better, at least for me

4 weeks ago

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A potato cult sense of community?

4 weeks ago

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"Potato Cult" should absolutely be a steam group here. 😂

@icaio (or somebody) Please make and promote a Potato Cult group.

3 weeks ago*

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I received double icecreams <3

4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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A sense of happiness, for giving and receiving back

4 weeks ago

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I give because I love to

4 weeks ago

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Community. I'm not the most social, but I find it really fun being here. Giving back is enjoyable and it gives me a good excuse to buy keys constantly.. leaving me excited for December;)

Plus, I've won a bunch of games I wouldn't have normally gotten to experience, which is great!

4 weeks ago

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A level and a cake, once a year. Some friends and many opportunities to judge people harshly. 😅
And a music recommendation that ended up becoming one of my favorite artists.

4 weeks ago

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A place to share what I would otherwise had but never play in my library, and a lot of games I wanted to play!

4 weeks ago

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give actual games
win mostly garbage games.
i play them all tho, it fills the void of daily life

4 weeks ago*

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i dont gift to expect something in return, i came here in the first place to gift my leftover keys. but ive got some really nice ones that i enjoyed and even played to 100% overall just happy to be part of the community, so many nice people here :)

4 weeks ago

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I'd give a lot more if I was in a better financial situation lol, but I try my best

4 weeks ago

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Before? I don't remember.

Nowadays? I guess... a feeling of "ok-ness" when someone expresses that I made them happy (specifically when they played the game they won from me and liked it... "thanks for adding +1 to my library" has the opposite effect)... for about 1-5 minutes. Then the depression comes back.

4 weeks ago*

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Have a hug.
And also, seriously, please reach out to someone for help.
If you want to chat, you can friend me on Steam.

4 weeks ago

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What makes you think that I haven't "reached out for help"? Do you think that it automatically changes anything?
Well, it did not. Not the first time, not the fifteenth time.

Actually, it did change something- it convinced me that psychology and psychiatry are complete hack pseudo-sciences filled with a shit-ton of glorified scammers. Let's not talk about this anymore. <.<

4 weeks ago

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I didn't mean to offend or assume. I also didn't necessarily mean from shrinks.
And I mean it. If you ever do want to talk, you can friend me on Steam.

4 weeks ago

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You aren't wrong. There are many people who get a degree in psychology and think it makes them qualified to charge money for giving life advice to others. In reality all it does is legally permit them to give bad advice and absolve them of responsibility when someone acts on that bad advice and things go horribly wrong.

Not to say there aren't also many legitimate mental health professionals who truly want to help people and give it their all, but yeah, like anything else it's not 100%.

3 weeks ago

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i really hope this won't sound rude, but those 1-5 minutes are looking important for you.

is not much, but it's something.

4 weeks ago

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Not really. 1-5 minutes is nothing. And then you just kinda feel even worse afterwards.
(Yeah, I'm more of a glass-half-empty kind of guy.)

For the record, I don't make giveaways expecting some kind of emotional payoff or whatever. I make giveaways because I think those are good games and more people should get to experience them.

4 weeks ago*

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got it, crystal clear :)

you made me think about You're Not Alone thread, the Mully's one... cause you're actually not alone, here on SG.

saw that glass all possible ways. all. even upside down, with no air. i guess it also depends on moments of life. nowadays, i see it close, reeally close to be full. a moment, of my life, a period of time.
kinda same stuff goes with my important and your nothing.

but we do giveaways in a very different way, tho! i have expectations, i still have them. they're not "very precise", payoff can be anything, The whatever is ok, really ok for me. that makes me good, SG makes me that good, so, i'll keep on doing it.

(and that's what i'm actually receiving back from doing giveaways. i have received tons of love, also.)

4 weeks ago

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Somebody told me that making giveaways lengthen my life, and at this point I'm too afraid to stop

4 weeks ago

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You have to stop, man! At this point you'll live well into your 300s!

4 weeks ago

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I got the Everything.

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4 weeks ago

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A sense of cleanliness in my stale Humble Bundle key list, some quirky games and some good ones I wouldn't have gotten, with Humble Bundles being a bit less fantastic over time. A healthy dose of "wow, those Fanatical mystery bundles are crap shoots." Some good motivation and friendly groups to encourage backlog playing.

Right now my kid is super crazy excited to play Ghostrunner, which I wouldn't have delved into if I weren't on here. And found some fun story games I wouldn't have expected to enjoy as much as I am. That feeling of Zork, but without the worry of grues.

4 weeks ago

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happy people happy me

4 weeks ago

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Hot singles in my area, with whom I was finally able to try the fabled "Double Dutch Candelabra" exper...


...oh, not SteamyGifts? My bad.

In that case, I got lots of Frog Detectives.

Hmmm, that gives me an idea about the fabled "Triple Leap Ostrich Maneuver"...


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4 weeks ago*

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Friendship and games. Not a bad duo.

4 weeks ago

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discovered new games also!

4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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4 weeks ago

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you clearly are a bot, innit


3 weeks ago

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3 weeks ago

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cause Basshunter is Swedish fo' true?


3 weeks ago

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I love reading all the answers people give to the silly questions I ask in my giveaways.

3 weeks ago

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