Right now Classic is just to appease the old subscribers and to not lose them as soon as they switch their model. Also some of us have already paid for an extended amount of time and it would be shitty (any maybe illegal) to convert our current remining months to the "pick 5" model.
But you all say "you get less for more price. this will piss people off". No it won't. Not the majority at least.
After Humbe Choice starts, every mention of the classic subscription will vanish from their page. Someone who never heard of the old HumbeMonthly will see their page and not know about it. He will only see "pick 9 for $20" and can then think "wow that seems pretty good!", not knowing they get screwed in comparison.
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This was the first month I ever subscribed and then I cancelled after it (trying not to buy many games because of my backlog and lack of time/money). Is it possible for me to go back and pause it instead of cancel so if I ever decide to get a bundle in the future I have the classic price?
I didn't see a pause button.. unless this is only for yearly subscribers?
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It doesn't matter what you pick. Go to the subscribe page and resign up for month to month if thats what you wish, and then go to the bottom of the monthly page to manage your subscription. On that new page there is an option to pause. I am not sure how it works if you have paid for it already but I was able to "subscribe" for nothing by setting it up and not selecting to pay for this months games. I paused it immediately and was even able to unpause go to their store buy a game with the discount and then repause and lose the benefits again.
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Can anyone help with the following, please? I think Frostt had the same question above but I'm still not sure we have a definitive answer...
I don't want the current games so I'm planning to buy a month as a gift and redeem it later down the line when I like the games. So if I redeem the gift on the first Humble Choice month does my subscription cancel after that and I lose classic status? Or can I renew my subscription as normal and stay on classic?
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Just save your money for any Steam sale and you can buy games you really want to play.
Humble bundle monthly is just gambling, nothing more.
And I think, they will change it to this:
Classic = you will get all games, but you will not know, what you will get, so pausing will be useless
Chosing bundle = you will immediately see all games and pay 15 or 20 dollars...
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If you're right about the second part then I'm sure the contents of the bundle will leak, and classic subscribers can still pause if they're not interested. But yeah, they could easily change how this all works.
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then how many times games leaked in current bundles?
I think that all people will know contents of bundle just when it comes out (classic will get it right away and other will just think, if it is worth to buy)
Btw, now I have resubscribed and also paused and I did not pay anything, we will see later what will happen.
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Thanks for replying. That's what I was afraid of. Looks like I'll have to subscribe the normal way. Don't want to miss out on the classic subscription.
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Really? That would be ideal. Surely you are taken through the checkout process before you have the ability to pause? EDIT: Just clicked resubscribe and you're right. You can just click away straight afterwards and pause. Thanks for the heads up!
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People are repeating the same things, but we should consider some unanswered questions we have right now:
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I agree with InSpec's answers, but number 2 seems like an interesting thought experiment:
Will games be revealed before you choose to pause or not?
I think what you are really getting at is: Can I pause after a month's games are revealed, or am I charged as soon as the reveal happens?
If games are revealed "before you choose to pause", this would put existing subscribers functionally on the same footing as new subscribers (ignoring the difference cost and # of games for member types).
If you must be charged before games are revealed, then this would be way worse than the existing Humble Monthly as it would mean you are paying blind for the entire month's games BUT presumably new subscribers would be able to see the reveal being choosing to join & pay for that month. That seems like too stupid & big of a change to existing subs, paused or otherwise, but I suppose anything can happen.
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Or, regular/premium subscribers will be asked to pay in advance (without knowing the actual games) but be able to choose from the games once they're revealed.
Which will require one hell of a vote of confidence.
But still possible, if Humble will start killing it with quality games every month. So it would make sense to get even 3 games, as you'll be sure that at least the headliners are worth the price. I know it's a stretch, but still ...
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Pray that IGN don't alter the deal any further
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I mean, as an old subscriber I'm glad there's finally something good for sticking with it, whereas they had a gajillion perks for new subscribers that really made you think they don't give a damn about people who were loyal at all. So that classic plan does look like it finally pans out to have been with them for so long (even though I have been pausing more frequently lately).
But I also don't think that those 3 new plans will be all too enticing for new subscribers. Overall I'm not really sure what to make of it just yet I suppose.
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I don't feel okay leaving credit/paypal info in there unnecessarily. I am also not sure why they add another game for classic subscribers, and am curious as to what the quality of the 10th game for the holdovers will be.
Is it a pick and mix or a tier thing? That doesn't appear to be clear.
All in all, I really wish they wouldn't complicate this with the whole conversion thing.
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I not really sure how to feel about this. Choice is good in general, and only time will tell if its gonna be worth the mony, but I really dislike the "hostage-takey"-language they´re using for the classic-plan and the new prices are pretty high..
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The quality of games should be good if they are trying to sell 3 for 15 right? I've personally disliked the mystery aspect of bundles and find the tactic scummy. I like having the option to choose and having the games revealed upfront. Sure, the price has increased, but I think quality will increase as well. It's hard to make a judgement one way or the other until we see it in practice.
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You know what... I was thinking on get the year subscription to keep the classic. But analything it with more detail, 130$ for maybe 5 games that i will play and enjoy... I think i can get any other thing with that money that will grant me more entertainment thatn what HB is offering lately.
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Nice, all they did is making the monthly pretty much unavailable to those of us who don't have a lot of spare cash.
14$ for 3 games, fuck right off.
Lite is a bad joke (seriously, WTF are you paying for?)
Classic would be cool, but it's pretty much a one-time only if you can't or don't want to stay subscribed.
They shoulda kept the current Monthly system but reveal all games beforehand and bump the price to maybe 15$.
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Ah alright, I guess that's fair enough for the people who want DRM-free games and consistently find something they like in the Trove.
Still think it's a shit deal personally, but I see how some people might find it worth it ;)
Oh by the way, you said "to name one". I took another look at it and it appears that the Trove games are literally the only thing you get? :D
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Classic would be cool, but it's pretty much a one-time only if you can't or don't want to stay subscribed.
You can easily stay subscribed without having to pay, you just have to remember to pause each month.
And even if you're unsubscribed/you haven't bought a Monthly yet, you can subscribe now and pause right away. Here.
If you don't want to stay subscribed because reasons, or if you have to leave Internet for months or years and can't pause each month, that's another story indeed.
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I think I will decide what to do when they will say a launch date.
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The "drama" is perfectly justified in this case. They just made the monthly way worse and way more expensive for those who can't or don't want to stay subscribed.
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So what? 15 for 3 games of a really high quality is a great change for all those people who want AAA games.
Lets not mention the fact that for the same price you get more games from the same day and not the last day of the month.
If humble monthly wasnt profitable for humble they did well in order to keep selling high qualities bundles.
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15 for 3 games of a really high quality is a great change for all those people who want AAA games.
And it's even better, because you get to choose those three games from a pool of games. So if you'd prefer the indies. you can choose the indies. Prefer the AAA games? Choose those. Your friend has a game wishlisted? Choose that one and two for yourself.
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And if you want everything nothing will change except that you will get more games and no need for mysteries. Pc bundles have to be one of the cheapest forms of entertainment and people still feel that they dont get enough. Imagine getting 3 high quality games for 15 on ps4, people would be prasing sony for decades to come.
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Maybe we would value games if we wouldn't put off buying 2$ games until they are in a 1$ bundle. While 5 bucks a game would be definitely more what I'm comfortable with my budget/backlog, 4-5 dollar for an indie and similarly priced (or 75% off, whichever is the higher) AAA would be perfectly reasonable. I don't even know how devs fared with monthly where games barely got a buck - on average.
It's weird how the games are being praised here for being great, while 3 buck a piece is way too high just because the discount is called a bundle. Would be neat to have 6-12 months without bundles, maybe people would value games as games, and not as cheap as possible +1s.
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Would be neat to have 6-12 months without bundles, maybe people would value games as games
Definitely, and (in my opinion) we're going to be seeing fewer and fewer good game bundles due to developers seeing the pitfalls of putting a really good game into a bundle, so it may actually come to pass that we're re-"conditioned" to appreciate good games at fair prices.
I mean seriously, I have a lot of games, and there's no way in hell I'd have anywhere near that many if I were being charged a fair price for a lot of them ...
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It's weird how the games are being praised here for being great, while 3 buck a piece is way too high just because the discount is called a bundle.
To be fair to dissenters, I understand approaching Humble Choice's non-Classic plan for new subs from the standpoint that we don't know whether the game quality will worsen compared to past monthlies. If quality does stay constant, then I'd agree with your observation of weirdness - Marketing of bundle facilitates more entitlement than an individual game on sale.
Would be neat to have 6-12 months without bundles, maybe people would value games as games, and not as cheap as possible +1s.
A couple different ways I can see various people reacting and its market impact:
Buys games on non-bundle sales instead - Benefits devs through higher pricing, but may be cancelled out when Steam takes 30% cut instead of 0% when keys are generated for bundle sites, and may benefit indies more than AAA.
Goes to more F2P games instead - Might benefit F2P part of industry more, but hurts non-F2P market, might cause more games to go F2P or Games as a Service.
Buys fewer but higher priced games - Hurts devs that regularly make games at lower prices, might benefit AAA market more than non-AAA.
Buys and spends less overall on games - Hurts all devs, rare chance it starts the long awaited industry recession that people have been claiming for years would happen because of over saturation.
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Currently it's about 20% logic and 80% generic disappointment talking out of me, sorry :(
Maybe monthlies aren't that good nowadays and likely backlogs built up so high that people are hyped about getting games and not about having, or playing them.
Angry about monthly plan that sounds close to as good as steam sales likely (3 games, 5$ each) from a known pool - about a plan that is not mandatory to begin with, but something to be angry about.
Happily yelling about wishlisted games while having multiple thousands on their wishlist, turning it into a meaningless thing about getting and maybe owning stuff, but not really enjoying it.
Maybe there are some other factors in my life, but I feel very close to burnout about the game industry and SG discussions in general. Likely just vocal minority, but it's really disheartening.
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No the drama is def not justified. Just keep your sub. Pause whenever you want.
And reap the benefits of 10 games / month, visible up front, for the same price as you are paying now.
It's worse for ppl who weren't interested/subbed in the first place? Well... so? :) Talk about a non issue.
Besides, it's still dirt cheap for what you get. I ordered pizza yesterday that cost more. And I just crapped it out.
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I will do the same. Same price, more games and you can pause anyway if you arent interested. Its a great change for me.
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I completely agree with you. They complain about everything all the time.
The deal is more than great considering that games are way more expensive on anything than pc and no need to mention about other forms of entertainment. 15 for 3 AAA games or 12 for 10 games feels more like a steal than a deal. I hope this new system will make humble a bit more profitable in order to keep having bundles for many years to come.
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Do not release the pause without permission
It's a hassle
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It wouldn't work because, in a monthly, games don't have the same value, some games will sell for 50 cents on G2A.
People would just take for Lite subscription to get Call of Duty, Crash Bandicoot and Spyro and would leave the other "gems".
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I did because apparently you did too after that CK3 thread. Simple as that. Now that you polluted this thread with your own little issue instead of talking to me in private i'm gonna close the topic. I don't want any more shit coming my way. Getting harassed on Steam by people i never spoke to & getting blacklisted in mass because of that damn CK3 thread has gotten ridiculous.
I just feel sorry i had to close this topic because you can't stay on subject. I have to protect myself from further harassment, not from you i know but i had my fair share.
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All explained here:
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To me it looks like okay, i mean, i drunkenly buy 3 years of monthly in 2018, looks like a bargain if you check the plans. (edit: alright, maybe not exactly, but they sure do want us to stay subscribed with that classic thing)
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