Will you get subscribed using this offer?
Maybe they saw that a majority of costumers just cancelled their subscription this month since the coupon had ended, and they decided to give another 6 months just so they can have those costumers back.
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Well, that really hammers in how much of a middle finger they directed towards those of us who purchased the bundle earlier in that month (ie, before the initial $6 for X months offer popped up), with how we weren't allowed to activate the offer, due to our already active sub. :/
[I mean, I'd have jumped on Civ IV complete for $6.. -.-;]
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Exactly that.
I wrote them in the, not so long past, about a few things. Too about the high price for long time customers, without a advantage anymore, and the $6 offer that attracts a lot to cheat with multiple accounts.
I adviced them change that. The reacted with a "we will think about" email but written from a real person.
But, obvious, it brought nothing :o(
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Well if I read OP right, they got this after cancelling (NOT pausing) their sub.
So its not a middle finger to existing subs from tbe standpoint of them only offering it to cancelled (or maybe new?) subs.
Could they just make classic & non-classic subs consistently cheaper instead of couponing? Maybe. But if they were "able" to they would, but they don't.
[Insert IGN is greedy rant here]
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So, the first offer was given to everyone, but- again- if you had an active sub already for that month, you weren't able to utilize the promotion [as it required immediate purchase of that month's bundle, which the site blocked you from doing twice- meaning if you'd done it once already, you'd locked yourself out of the promotion].
Since this new promotion requires the previous promotion to have been active, anyone who was blocked from the first promotion was also blocked from this one. How pausing and cancelling factors in for this new promotion (according to some comments in the two threads, it doesn't) is a separate matter from the initial exclusion of certain users.
Likewise, the issue isn't in coupons, or even in some offers being better or worse than others; It's that if you've already activated your purchase for the month, you get locked out from all promotional offers. There's also the issue of being locked out if you're already on an active promotion, which is what other commenters in this nesting were tangenting to.
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Ok, you've made it clear that not everyone can be happy with the selective couponing as you've pointed out because someone gets screwed out of it.
I agree that Humble could handle this better.
IIRC, Humble has never made available a deeper discount before than the first go around $6 each month for 6 months coupon, right? If so, let that sink in how much price entitlement we have that such a deep discount is still not enough.
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It’s not that it’s not enough, it’s actually the opposite. It’s too good but not for existing subscribers only to people who cancel that are getting the special offers.
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Its as if its not profitable at all or enough for Humble to offer the discount for everyone, otherwise they'd do it. And so they are offering incentives to new or returning subs. I dont know a way that Humble can make everyone happy, though I want them to.
There is no winning for Humble no matter what they do because:
Everyone remembers past bundles, deals, coupons then expects all thar no matter the market conditions
Subscription models are creating competition
Store fragmentation (Uplay. EGS, etc) is creating competition or less publisher desire to bundle with Humble
It sucks for some people, but I get why things are the way they are. It doesnt make it rigjt, but I get it.
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"And so they are offering incentives to new or returning subs." is a great thing to do, but those incentives should not be better than the loyal customer's pricing. Everything else you said is true, but that's not what people are really upset about here. Wouldn't you think it weird if your water service gave your neighbor 90% off their water bill for the next year just because they stopped paying for it? That is the same feeling that is happening here.
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It may not be so simple. These type of things are often dependent on numbers. For example, if they have 1000 subs then they get it for price x, 2000 and they get it for y. The higher tiers will have cheaper prices attached so they are able to offer better discounts if they are just short of a tier. In short, they are probably offering the $6 deals for below cost to push themselves into a higher tier.
This would benefit everyone because they would then be able to get better games because of the cost saving. That doesn't mean that they will but they could. If feels like the headline games for the last few months have been better but that is subjective.
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I get why people are upset.
At the same time, if someone is unhappy enough with the monthly service given their current price and deals, then offering the same deals aint going to cut it, and in that case I can understand offering even better deals to new/returning customers. This is nothing new in other industries.
Could Humble somehow make the bundles or their handling of them better in some way and attract people back based on the merit alone? They could, and if people want to get upset with Humble about that, then fine. Its not like they havent tried changing the monthly format in various ways, but that's not enough for some people, hence demands for a different new/cancelled vs existing deal paradigm. I get it.
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actually, it was possible for people with premium who had already paid for december to unsubscribe, then resub with the coupon at six/month. basically you prepay for january in december.
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There weren't any comments to that effect by the time I gave up on it [and Humble Support never got back to me on it], so I guess I musta missed some closer to the end of the promo. That's a pity, then. Though, to be fair, I didn't especially want to overpay for a month others were getting at half-off, either. So there'd still have been a frustration/issue, there. Nevermind that gambliing on losing Choice against getting a discount on an unknoown month isn't appealing to begin with..
In any case, iirc, January wasn't interesting to me anyway, so I'm not even sure I'd have held through the promotion to the end. But, at the same time, activating it for December would presumably have been enough to let me have it for Civ, now.. and that (along with the surprise reveal of "you should always buy at the very end of a month if you don't wanna risk getting screwed into paying more") is the part I'm most irritated about. Alas. :P
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I just cancelled my classic plan (was normaly on off pause member) where told them just this.
12 months for 6$ each is a big middle finger for people who paid in advance the full price or people that are with humble since the first monthlys
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That's nice. I got an offer to lock the price at $12 for 12 months - for new customers only. On the same email address that I received confirmation that I have paused this month...
Single use coupon. Coupon is redeemable to sign up to Humble Choice Premium at $12 USD a month for 12 months before any applicable taxes and fees. Coupon expires on July 6th at 9:59am PT. This price is locked in for 12 months, and this offer will be void if your plan is canceled or paused. Only new customers to Humble Choice Premium are eligible.
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Nope, don't use their store though (find it super clunky) so perhaps I'm not special enough. Oh well :)
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Got it too. I canceled my subscription after the $6 offer from December ran out (didn't even realize I could have still bought the June bundle) and I was hoping to get another offer. But I didn't expect it so soon and I didn't expect it to be $6 again, more like $8-$10.
For $6 it's a steal and I always got my money's worth during the last 6 months. For me an absolute no-brainer.
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Got the email, I hadn't cancelled mine yet as I was waiting to see if I needed the store discount and had planned to cancel before autocharge. May go ahead and get this month after all, even though I'm really not interested in anything this month.
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Anyone have a coupon they don't need that I can have?
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Aw okay, I've never tried Humble Bundle before. Wanted to see what it's like
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You see on the Choice page, where it shows you the previous months bundles? It's pretty much like that. Almost exactly infact. Almost.
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i didn't get it, but i get the $12 coupon since months ago. maybe it's only available to those who stick with the plan for 6 months?
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Oh, just noticed I received the same email.
So, weird thing, I saw my next charge would be $12 earlier this month. Planned to pause later, but didn't yet. Checked my status just now, and I see my next charge will be $6. I didn't pause (unless I forgot, but it's not saying anywhere that I'm paused), and like I said I just noticed the email so I never "redeemed" anything. It's interesting to see I got the coupon applied without doing anything, apparently?
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If I got the offer I would maybe unpause this month. But I didn't. So I won't unpause.
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Is it possible to gift this $ 6/month subscription ?
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Oops, didn't wanna cancel right away to continue to get the months discount on the humblestore. (Did unlink autopay, but was planning to cancel later)
Guess I'll cancel now and see if I can get it.
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not immediately, i'm just banking they do another round of emails.
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Got a $9 for 3 month offer today, gonna pass since it's cheaper to just activate the Black friday deal I bought as a gift. ($99 for 12 months = $8.25+tax per month)
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I got a deal for 3 months for like 7€ or so when i cancelled my 6 months deal. Took advantage of that one deal, got an email saying "we miss you, so here's a new offer", i took the bait. And now i'm a bit triggered tbh. The price is roughly the same i believe, probably a bit higher. But it's 3 months vs 6 months. I just hope i get another 3 months deal when i'm done with the current deal i have active, which includes July and then i'm done.
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Would obviously prefer 6 months instead of 3. I used the same promotion as these people but earlier, so it feels somewhat punishing that the same people that opted to take part of the promo a little later have a better counter offer to return to. I had to wait a month to get a new offer. The same could be said to people that used the coupon too late, if there is no "new offer" when they are done with those 6 months that were meant to end in early this month.
It just doesn't look good business-wise. Nor is it consistent from the looks of it. If they want people to buy in on the promotions, perhaps they should do said promotions every 3 months during a grand sale. Something along those lines. Right now it feels totally random and based on how they feel at the time.
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This is the third 6€ coupon HB gaves me, the second one expired before I could buy this humble month so now I can take it!
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cancelled my subscription 9 days ago and didn't get the offer :(
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good for some
but it's a shame for long time customers . i'm feeling really stupid to continue to pay the full 12 bucks ... since the first monthly (and paused only 2 months the whole time )
bonus bundles ends in few hours and if , if we have a new it will be crap ... :)
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My discount is not ending yet (June left to redeem), but i got the offer. The first sentence in offer is different from yours, and reads as follows: Your discount is ending soon, but don't worry - we'll reactivate your $6/month plan for the next 6 months.
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Just got an email with the offer to reactivate the coupon $6 a month for 6 months.
After my previous coupon ran out, I cancelled my subsription and today received the offer.
Anyone else got this?
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