Steamgifts is a community that enjoys reminding each other of such important things such as LOVE, Positive Thoughts, Giving Back, and the fact that You're Not Alone. These threads are special and have a great part on our board. We have come to value such attractive qualities that bring us together as a strong community.

This thread is a new thread we all can use to celebrate the small things in life that are actually rather BIG (important). Let me explain...

A few weeks ago my Mother had to be rushed to the hospital to have surgery on her throat since she wasn't able to breathe. They cut a hole in her throat so she could breathe (tracheotomy). A scan of her throat area showed a grapefruit size tumor of a rare thyroid cancer called anaplastic. She also cannot swallow so can no longer eat-- requiring a feeding tube that is directly attached to her stomach. She can no longer talk as her voicebox is full of cancer. She has only a few months or even weeks now to live. When we go through such things it can become rather overwhelming and it makes every moment precious and the realization that what may seem a small thing in life is actually rather big-- and these things should be celebrated.

Thus, starts this thread... the "Small Celebrations Thread."
My first small celebration is that my 5 year old son recorded on a cell phone a message to his Grandma saying he loved her and wanted to give her a big hug! My Mom was shown the video in the hospital and it made her smile so big-- she was beaming with joy.

Note: Of course I feel utterly awful about the condition of my Mother as we are really close; but, this is an attempt at holding onto the small celebrations we can choose to find joy in despite great sufferings.

Examples of small celebrations:

-My son made the A-honor roll.
-I hugged my wife today and told her I love her.
-My baby took his first step!
-I passed my driver's test!

We all daily have small celebrations that we can celebrate if we stop and take time to notice them. These "small" things are actually rather big on retrospection.

April 24th, 2017:
Today my Mother peacefully died in her sleep. She fought to stay with us so as to express her great love for her children, family, and friends. However, the tumor was aggressive and took over her throat and closed her esophagus. Our family and friends pulled together and were there with her constantly the last few days. Saturday she had so many visitors-- over 20. I stayed with her constantly day and night since Saturday... I knew the moments were precious and held her hand, gave hugs, kissed her cheek and forehead as much as possible and reassured her of our great love for her. She was the most loving, caring, unselfish, generous and kind person I know... She did reflexology which is massaging others feet to promote natural health. So she was always daily working on her family and friends feet, massaging them. She was a Bible teacher volunteer, took care of sick, elderly, and gave of herself in so many ways and touched so many in her life.

I thought of this game as she has 3 cats named Little Bit, Snickers, and Lizzie. They will greatly miss her as she showered them with love and affection. They will be lost without their Mama... like the cat in this story of "The purring Quest", I share that in common with my Mom's cats... I too will feel lost without my Mama.

I appreciate so much support from everyone in this thread. We all share in common the sufferings of disease, sickness, pain and death of our dear loved ones and thus can find comfort and strength from each other to endure this... We must cherish the moments daily with those we love because those "small" things end up being the BIGGEST thing of all.

SG id name Small Celebration GA Level
Nask0 For the love and dedication between son and mother! ❤️ Evoland 2 Level 2, SGT
Corran For all those that should never be forgotten: Monster Loves You 1
LosTSouLVL For the love and dedication between son and mother! ❤️ BlazBlue: Chronophantasma Extend Level 3, SGTools
Dragomania Happy Easter ! Zombie Vikings 3 , sgtools
Dragomania Happy Easter ! The Flame in the Flood 3 , sgtools
LosTSouLVL Have a Happy Easter\Happy Passover! :3 GoNNER Level 3, SGTools


myidname | my small celebration explanation here | [Name of the GA](link to the GA here) | Level#here

**Note: Info on hospice care from SG user genkicoll here

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8 years ago*

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myidname | my small celebration explanation here | [Name of the GA](link to the GA here) | Level#here

Edit: Adding some thoughts on the meaning of this thread... alternate name aka the "Smell the Roses" thread.

You may remember hearing the saying... "Take time to stop and smell the roses along the way."

The branch of the rose is filled with thorns which are sharp, prickly and painful. Life is filled with thorns which cause us suffering. But there is always some beauty and joy that can be found if we choose to focus on that and bring it to the forefront. Everyday we can take notice of things that can warm our hearts and give us joy... these are what make the thorns easier to bear. A friend or family member is not perfect and can hurt us with their thorns but remember to appreciate the petals of love they have for you and focus on that.

d3m4n | i woke up this morning | SuperMoose | 3
jeffhowe | 5 yr old son sent his Grandma a video hug and she smiled| Shooting Stars | 3
CallMeKap | Watched the sun rise this morning | Tick Tock Isle | 1
lmxn | happy times | Stardew Valley | 2
Raylight24 | Today is my aunt's birthday, everyone in my family celebrate it together | ARK BOX Unlimited | 1
Bazilus | For the good and peasfull day! | Dungeons 2 | 4
jeffhowe | for the support found in the small celebrations thread | 10,000,000 | 1
Shadders | For good friends and a healthy family. | Eventide: Slavic Fable | 1
eeev | today the sun was shining | Andoran Skye XD | Level 0
jeffhowe | Mom comes home today from the hospital! | Asdivine Hearts | 2
NeverOnline | The food was delicious | 1 Moment Of Time: Silentville | Level 3
JenniferVanessa | I took my driver's test and got my license yesterday | CastleStorm | 0
escollo | because reasons | Watch_Doggies™ | 1, region restricted: RU+CIS
jeffhowe | Mom had a good night and will visit her soon! | Abrix for kids | 0
jeffhowe | Told my wife how beautiful she looked last night | Doodle Kingdom | 3
jeffhowe | Mom danced a jig for us! | So Long Earth | 2
Fyantastic | The Atlanta Falcons are heading to Super Bowl LI!!!| HoPiKo | 3
DingDong2 | I learned how to use SGTools :) | Tiny Bridge: Ratventure | Level 1, SGTools
cucooo| Because I am. | DARK SOULS™ III | Level 3, SGTools.
escollo | For spending many time killing people around a globe in that only Battlefield I've ever liked | Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2 | 1, region restricted: RU+CIS
keksinator | meeting my girlfriend | Neon Chrome | 0
jeffhowe | my children visited and gave hugs and kisses to their Grandma | A Land Fit for Heroes | 2
zibo86 | finally ordered a laptop stand for my wife | Scooby Doo! & Looney Tunes Cartoon Universe: Adventure | 3, SGTools
LosTSouLVL | Yesterday I had some good news from my Oncologist. | Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (Neptunia) | Level 3, SGTools
jeffhowe | My family pulling together in giving support to Mom | Elven Legacy | 1
1000mgGinseng | It is good to be grateful, for life, for family, for friends. For the opportunities that we have, and even if we make a mistake, for the chance to be able to learn from the mistakes and become a better person | Singularity | 4
jeffhowe |Celebrating Mom writing me a very touching letter of loving motherly advice! | Else Heart.Break | 2
Khazadson | I recently spent time with my 4 year old cousin, who is just awesome! | trine-2-complete-story | Level 3
DingDong2 | Level 5, yay :) | Tiny Bridge: Ratventure | Level 1, SGTools
Nask0 |One month in the new city. Got promoted. Used SGT for the first time. Life is good.| Shantae and the Pirate's Curse | Level 2, SGTools
jeffhowe | my 5 yr old son learned to do cartwheels! | Stronghold Crusader 2 | 1
MiniTaurus | I just realized got this from humble as bonus ^^ | Gunmetal Arcardia Zero | 0
Shirkaster | My wife and I, we have started brewing our own beer | small train starting with Shadwen| Level 2
skunlte | no special reason | UnderEarth | 3
jeffhowe | had an awesome visit with Mom and I told her a joke that made her laugh! | Victor Vran | 4
Phoxy | enjoying life in a new country | | level 2
Yunie | Love | The Escapists | 1, SGTool
igel2005 | Coworker and I are nice to each other allowing each other to leave work earlier | Elliot Quest | Level 0
LosTSouLVL | Me dad is turning LXXVII (77) on 14/02/2017! ^^ | The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians | Level 3, SGTools
Nask0 |My girlfriend took all of her exams with top grades and got promoted. Hopefully will move in better appartement soon. I'm getting regular at the gym. Life is good.| Ace Combat Assault Horizon - Enhanced Edition | Level 2, SGTools
Shirkaster| We have bottled our first home-brew beer | Ryse: Son of Rome | Level2+ SGtools
skunlte | The beauty of a new week-- Monday morning with a cup of coffee! | Nightside | 3
jeffhowe | Friends visited Mom, said "ILY" in sign language, hugged and prayed with her | Evoland 2 | 3
Waxlor | To celebrate my kids getting up all by themselves without waking me today! | Shiftlings | Level 2
jeffhowe | Shirkaster's success at making beer with his wife | Beerman | 1
jeffhowe | Celebrating Yunie is back on SG with a cool event! | Taimumari 3DRpg Revolt ChowderChu Chef Solitaire Space Jacked Tiny Guardians Big Action Mega Fight Sky to Fly: Soulless Leviathan | 4
DingDong2 | Got a new mouse and it's so much more relaxing for the hand :o | NecroVision: Lost Company (x2) | Level 1, SGTools
malabagaa | Grandma turns 90 | UnderEarth | Level 2
skunlte | Binding of Issac is at 100%! | Worlds of Chaos | 3
Shirkaster | We brewed our first beer | A small train | Level 2 SGtools
Dragomania | Valentine's Day | Little Nightmares | 3,sgtools
jeffhowe | Visited Mom and friend from far came to see her | Stay Dead-Evolution | Level 2

Note: Even if you're not interested in LostSoulVL's GA please visit it for a beautiful, touching and inspiring story!

8 years ago*

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LosTSouLVL | Heard some good news Monday about someone. | The Guest | Level 3, SGTools
Sadlerd66| I received some great news (more detail in GA) | Husk | 1
jeffhowe | My kids are learning chores and doing them responsibly! | Kathy Rain | Level 4
cheshirecatgirl | Three things that rekindled hope | The Journey Down 1+2 bundle | 1
DingDong2 | Got a new desk and chair! | NecroVision | Level 2, SGTools
LosTSouLVL | I've just launched my XII' SGTools train! ^^ | Lethe - Episode One | Level 3, SGTools
skunite | Celebrating this thread with a GA contribution | Grotesque Tactics 2 – Dungeons and Donuts | 3
escollo | the joy of life, the gift of life, the freedom of life, the wonderment of life! | Metro Redux Bundle | 1, region restricted: RU+CIS
jeffhowe | My Mom had over 12 visitors in one day! Friends are a great support! | The Grandfather | Level 2
Jakobolus | The weekend :D | Ubermosh + Soundtrack | Level 2, SGTools
Corran | I wrote a script that works! | [Table] 50 games for you, in a neat Table/Chart format. | Level 3
LosTSouLVL | 2017 is now already better than 2016 ever was. | I Can't Escape: Darkness| Level 3, SGTools
LosTSouLVL | Loads of people like HOG's! ^^ | Lost Lands: The Golden Curse | Level 3, SGTools
Nask0 | My girlfriend got university scholarship. Moved to a new place. 18 days off work. Life is good | Incitement 3 | Lvl 2 SGT
JennifeVanessa | Got a volunteer internship thing | Invisible Mind | Level 0
jeffhowe | Mom is now in fantastic residential nursing home receiving great care! | 10-Wagon GA train to celebrate! | 1
LosTSouLVL | Jeff has some very nice and pleasant news! <3 | Love at First Sight | Level 3, SGTools
jeffhowe | Celebrating the life and love of a beautiful Mother and friend | The Purring Quest | Level 1
jeff Howe | Mom is on a quick decline... as the tumor is growing quickly. I celebrate sitting with her, holding her hand, telling her how much I love her and staying the night at the hospice house during this time to be with her. I celebrate her awesomeness as a Mother and her life. | UnMechanical | Level 3
JenniferVanessa | Fighting through my anxiety and going to Let's Play Live | Chicka Wars Chicken Meat | Level 0
jeffhowe | Celebrating the love of Mom and each moment with her | OctoDad-- Dadliest Catch | Level 1

7 years ago*

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Bump because...

Added a note about how I feel about my Mothers condition...,

8 years ago

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I'm not sure why nobody is bumping this.

Really sorry to hear about your mum. Wishing for the best for her, and you and your family can enjoy the remaining time (hopefully it's really long!) with her fully. I'm not sure how to word this, sorry if it comes off with bad intentions.

I won't go into detail with what my family is facing (for privacy reasons), but anytime all of us are happy is a definitely a time worth celebrating.

lmxn | happy times | [Stardew Valley]( | 2
8 years ago

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Thanks so much, lmxn-- it means alot!

8 years ago

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Wish your mother the best.

8 years ago

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Thanks for your warm wishes.

8 years ago

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Sorry to hear about your mother Jeff
Best wishes to her and your family

8 years ago

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Appreciate your kind words!

8 years ago

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Give your mom a big old Tzaar-style bear hug (maybe wait til she's feeling a little better, though?)
Best wishes, man.

Your small celebration made me smile, which is cause for my own small celebration. :3

8 years ago

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Thanks... will do... love giving hugs!

8 years ago

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Hey Jeff. My heart still goes out to you and your family, as I had mentioned in our last conversation, and I just wanted to add a little something here for your positivity. Even in the face of adversity, there are moments to be celebrated. :)

CallMeKap | Watched the sun rise this morning | Tick Tock Isle | 1

8 years ago*

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Thanks so much CallMeKap--- youve been a great support...

8 years ago

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my condolences

8 years ago

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Thank you so much!

8 years ago

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Seems to be a lack of bumps, so here's a big BUMP!

8 years ago

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Love big bumps! ;)

8 years ago

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I hope the doctors are wrong about your mom
I hope she can still live for a really long time!

Aww your son was so sweet to do that :D

Whatever happen, I hope you stay strong
Maybe your mother wants that too
You should cook her favorite food, I think that might be a sweet thing to do

Raylight24 | Today is my aunt's birthday, everyone in my family celebrate it together | [ARK BOX Unlimited]( | 1
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8 years ago*

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Thanks for your GA, kind words, and support! The gifs are beautiful and touching!

I wish I could make her favorite food but she can't eat food anymore so it would just sadden her-- she has a tube directly in stomach that they put her food in-- she cant eat like normal so cant taste the food---

8 years ago

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Ah yeah I read that but forgot she can't swallow foods
Then beverage! She can drink it as long it's not solid thing right?

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8 years ago

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No because anything she puts in her mouth liquid or food goes into her lungs instead of her stomach...

It's ok.... we can think of other small ways to make her smile.

8 years ago

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Please, have my bump.

8 years ago

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Bump accepted and appreciated! ;)

8 years ago

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awareness bump

8 years ago

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Thanks so much for this awareness bump! I have become rather knowledgeable about this thyroid cancer so if others have questions then I can help too...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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bump c:

8 years ago

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Why not, small celebrations the good thing. =)

Bazilus | For the good and peasfull day! | [Dungeons 2]( | 4
8 years ago*

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Thanks for the GA and the peasfull smile!

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8 years ago

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d3m4n | i woke up this morning | [SuperMoose]( | 3


8 years ago

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Super GA with a super moose! Thanks so much!

8 years ago

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ended =)

8 years ago

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Thanks, updated!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I'm sorry to hear about your mother but you are right... those small things can make a lot for us if we stop to notice them... no ga at the moment (just a bump) but I feel grateful for finishing a Coursera course in the last days

8 years ago

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Congrats for finishing the course, of course!

8 years ago

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This is a really lovely thread

8 years ago

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Thanks for your warm appreciation. ;)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Sorry to read that, best wishes to your family!
But it's a nice thread idea.

8 years ago

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I hope that your Mother's health will get better.

Bump from France !

8 years ago

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I'm Sorry, Best wishes to your Mom and your family!

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8 years ago

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Such a cute gif! Thanks for sharing!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I wish the best happiness for your family.

8 years ago

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Bump !!

8 years ago

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happy cake day! :D

7 years ago

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Thank you !
You are the first one ^^

7 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by jeffhowe.