No, but you'd have found this out by using the search function.
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Exactly why I dont like NV that much... Where is the "Fallout" part of it?
Theres plants, Civilized "cities" & Whatnot. Wheres the desperation & Stuff? I loved finding weird fucked up shit in Fallout 3, Some of the little towns you found around had some pretty damn twisted secrets. Which were awesome :D
NV is a bit too happy for my taste :P
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*looks at library
*sees Call of Duty
End of story
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Nah, I do too. The concept and story were a lot newer and the game was pretty revolutionary. Not to mention, the plot and environment were a bit better.
But that said, Fallout 3 had a lot of bugs and weak points. After all, it was a gigantic and ambitious open world RPG... and Bethesda. New Vegas ironed a lot of those out and added some much-needed polish.
I still prefer FO3 by a long shot, but mechanically NV is better.
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New Vegas is better imo, but I wish they would have made it so you can go back to DC in NV if you had fallout 3 installed, that would have made the games worth playing still.
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New vegas has more weapons, armors, towns to explore, npc's to talk, different and less copy-pasted zones ( fallout 3 is mostly ruined roads/tall buildings/subway tunnels ) and overall better story, and WAY better DLC's
That's in comparison, but considering new vegas also add cooking, crafting ( ammo, grenades, healing thingies, and a lot of things ), survival mode, factions and WAY better companion control, I think new vegas wins by a far far far amount
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While that is true, you forget that Vegas is a place of paradise, when you FIRST enter the strip, you think, holy shit, this place existed?
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New vegas is better in every aspect from my point of view: Better story, gameplay and the rest. Fallout 3 its just ok the story is bad, the gameplay is good in some aspects and bad in others and have some pretty cool moments (LIBERTY PRIME IS ONLINE).
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I'd go with NV. Better and more interesting storyline, bigger and more interesting world, way more quests, overall better in almost everything (even tho I loved Downtown DC in FO3 and still missed a big city like that in NV, that is my only problem).
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I just find NV more immersive than 3 is. Then again, it's just me.
I do intend to revisit FO3 at some point though...
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I played FO3 a bit some time back, never really hooked me. Then again most Bethesda games don't. Only had 7 hours in Oblivion, and that was after modding it.
I've played New Vegas for 100+ hours, it's excellent. I just picked up FO3 GoTY on Steam, I'll see if it hooks me this time around...
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If you played and liked the originals first you will probably like NV better. With 3 I feel like they kinda just copied a little bit of the story from each of the 2 originals; while with NV it feels like they expanded on it but that isn't surprising since Obisdian is made up of old Black Isle employees. New Vegas held truer to what the original Fallout 3 would have been like (in terms story, lore, and tone)
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Both are equal to me. One is more gruel, dirty, and cruel (Fallout 3) while the other is more expanded and imaginative. They both have their pro's and no con's, at least in my point of view. I have put in like 300 hours for each game, so yeah. I missed Dogmeat in F:NV though :(
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From what I hear a lot of the people who played Falout 1, 2 and Brotherhood of Steel liked New Vegas because it was more similar to those. Fallout 3 was different so other people would generally like it.
I personally liked Fallout 3 more for the same reasons LiNcKz liked Fallout 3. That doesn't mean New Vegas sucked as I liked it as well. Just Fallout 3 was more fun ^_^. They'll need to do a Fallout for every state :D
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I played NV first, and LOVED it. Bought FO3 GOTY in the summer sale. Playing it right now and I'm enjoying it a lot. 4 hrs in already. I don't know, but the map seems smaller and a lot emptier. But not a big deal, i'm still liking the game.
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+1, New Vegas > Fallout 3
The only thing I like about Fallout 3 is post-apocalyptic atmosphere, devastation.
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Fallout 3 really nails the post-apocalyptic atmosphere, even to the point of having a little horror in there. If you can get past the Gamebryo engine quirks, it's fantastic. New Vegas, on the other hand, lacks that same atmosphere, but is much closer to the older Fallouts, especially in the lore (Bethesda fucked up the Brotherhood and Enclave, for example). It also came with LOTS of improvements to gameplay, mechanics (such as reputation in addition to karma), and a less black-and-white morality in the storyline and various choices (and the ending made sense which is more than I can say for vanilla FO3). Also, the bugs aren't so bad anymore.
tl;dr play FO3 for atmosphere and play NV for better gameplay and lore. Both are great in their own way and I love them.
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Am I the only one who thinks Fallout 3 is better?
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