CPU Intel i5 3570 - (4 x 3.4 GHZ) - Ivy Bridge
CPU Heatsink Intel Heatsink & Fan - Low Noise
Memory Corsair 8GB XMS3 PC3-10666 1333MHz (2x4GB) - Lifetime Warranty (DDR3)
Graphics Card ATI Radeon HD 7750 - 1 GB - (PCI-E)
Motherboard Gigabyte B75-D3V (Intel B75)
Sound Card Motherboard Integrated HD Sound
Networking Motherboard Integrated Ethernet Lan (Broadband Ready)
Power Supply 700W PSU
CPU Compound Standard CPU Compound Supplied With Heatsink
Case Fans Fans Included With Case
Hard Drive #1 500 GB SATA-II HDD 7200 RPM 16MB
Operating System #1 Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64 BIT (Genuine DVD & COA Included)

Are these good Specs for about £600. Hopefully to be used for gaming?

12 years ago*

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700W PSU is overkill.
Read the Falcon Guide (search in Google images), its guidelines are very useful.

12 years ago

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Thanks man, that guide is pretty useful.

12 years ago

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graphics card could be better

12 years ago

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The graphics card is way underpowered. You won't get good framerates in most games or only at very low settings. Atm my preference would be at least a NVIDIA 660 or whichever AMD card is as fast. Everything else is just too slow, especially since you are pairing it with a pretty fast CPU.

12 years ago

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If it just says 700w PSU, then it's most likely a generic PSU worth avoiding. It seems clear you're using some pre built site to config your PC. Look for a PSU from corsair/antec/seasonic/xfx, a 550-650w would be more than enough for that build. GPU is on the weak site, try to step it up to a 7770 or 7850 if possible.

12 years ago

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For £600!? Aw hell no. Both the GPU and CPU are underpowered (don't buy non-K variant procs) and you could do better than that for that price. Here ya go;
£659 for this beast

Intel i5-2500K (3.10GHZ)
16GB DDR3, 1333MHZ Fast Access Branded RAM
1TB SATA III Hard Drive 7200RPM, excellent performance
DVDRW +/- DL high quality DVD re-writeable drive, dual layer support, fast and reliable
ASUS GTX560 TI Direct X11 1GB DDR5 Graphics
Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
Wireless Keyboard & Mouse provided! No cable clutter on your desk!
ANTEC (600) Six Hundred Gaming Case Case Branded 750W PSU
High Performance Asus P8H77-M Motherboard (4 Dimm Slots (Max 32gb) - HDMi/DVi, 2x USB 2.0, 2x USB 3.0 H77 Chipset
8 Channel HD Audio Sound
*WiFi - Wireless Internet Ready 802.11 b/g/n

12 years ago

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It uses older generation components, but faster ones. Especially the GPU is far better.

If you buy the components separately and either put them together yourself or ask/pay a friend that knows how to do that you can save even more money or make it even faster, whichever you prefer.

12 years ago

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Yup, you can most likely save a lot more cash if you build your own. The 5xx series still kicks ass, especially compared to that god awful 7750, and it the 2500k is toe-to-toe with the 3570k and absolutely destroys the 3570nonK since it can't be OCed all that much. 4Ghz++ on air is effortless on the K chips :)

12 years ago

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Play around with pcpartpicker.com, remember to choose your country at the top. I've built a better one (well, AMD based but overall slightly better performance in games) for around £400, excluding OS, so make that £480 ish.

12 years ago

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This was going to be my recommendation as well. I threw together a quick one based on the eBay PC someone posted below, didn't get a chance to delve deep into it since I'm running out the door, someone tweak it if it can be made better please. http://uk.pcpartpicker.com/p/AIqx

12 years ago

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Close, you chose the non-K i5-2500 and that GTX650 is abysmal in comparison. It's actually quite hard to price match that £659 rig I saw on eBay, which is exactly why I listed it -- but the PCPartPicker site is excellent nonetheless.

12 years ago

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£600 is too much for these specs

12 years ago

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Do not buy Pre Builds!!!, It's better to build your own, you can get more for your money ;)

12 years ago

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12 years ago

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Buy a bare bones and then fill in the gaps.. Novatech got some good barebones bundles on the go atm

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by Mullac.