This seems to be a rather controversial and hotly debated issue among giveaway entrants and contributors. What do you think about giveaway comments? When someone comments on your giveaway saying thank you, does that matter to you? Is it important? Do you go out of your way to comment on giveaways, or do you see them as frivolous wastes of site bandwidth? What do you think should be the purpose of the comment section of a giveaway, and are people currently fulfilling that purpose, in your opinion? Or should the section be deleted all together, if you were to decide?

Both contributors and entrants are welcomed.

EDIT: Yes, I'm aware now that the poll options are biased. My apologies.

9 years ago*

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What is your opinion on commenting on giveaways?

View Results
They're valuable contributions to the SteamGifts community.
It's a part of the SteamGifts community and although I don't see them as very valuable, I don't mind them being there.
They're pointless; all people use them for is to copypaste the same "thanks" or to call out fake giveaways.
I don't care. / It doesn't matter to me whether people comment.
None of the above (explain below)

And people argued with me when I said the community is pretty hostile. Hah!

What the hell do you (people of care if people want to comment on a giveaway?
First, you (again, adressing the general SG community) dictate how rich someone has to be to enter your giveaways and now you stop just short of proposing that comments on GAs should not be allowed?
Worst thing is, those responsible for this site probably aprove of this general hatred. Ugh.

It honestly makes me sad.

9 years ago

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We're just discussing this issue, that's all. I'm not trying to breed hostility (if anything, I try to combat it), just discussing an issue I think should be explored. I don't see where you're getting this idea that the thread is somehow hostile or hateful. If you want to see that, go to my blacklisting thread, where people have thoroughly enjoyed berating me there.

9 years ago

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