FYI: Big changes coming to the Steam interface, including a "visual refresh"

From Techraptor (
In the coming update, we can expect:

Home Page Visual Refresh: Mixing up how the front page appears, removing some visual clutter.

Additional Left Column Navigation: The left navigational column will be getting new direct links to main features of the Steam Store, such as New Releases, Top Sellars, Upcoming Titles, etc.

Friends Activity: A new section to the right of the front page will be dedicated to showing what your friends have been playing lately.

Top Selling New Releases: A brand new section will be added for when a new release becomes a top selling game.

Global Customer Preferences: A new feature that will allow customers to customize their Steam Store experience. Allowing them to opt to exclude certain products from being displayed, such as Videos, Early Access titles, Software, VR, etc.

Targeted Visibility For New Releases: New changes will be made to how new releases will be targeted to the appropriate customers. The goal is to show the specific customer new releases that will most likely appeal to them.

Targeted Visibility For Game Updates: Changes to how Update rounds will be made to be more direct to the customers who would want to see them. Customers who own the game or have it on their wishlist will be prioritized in showing the update.

New Steam Curator Options: Noticing that people are using Steam Curator to give information on a title, without necessarily recommending it, there will be new tools that will allow a curator to make a distinction about whether or not they are recommending, not recommending or just giving information about a title. This will also allow Valve to better understand what curated posts should be highlighted on the front page.

Curators In Main Capsule: The Main Capsule banner will be updated to include curators that the customer personally follows.

Improved Steam Curator Presence: There will be a new section on the Steam Home Page that is dedicated to recommendations from curators. This space will be for recommending more anything from popular releases to more “niche” titles. Additionally, there will be a new landing page to display many recommended titles from a curator.

TL;DR highlights here:
Full details (text of original post by Valve):

8 years ago*

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What do you think of the changes coming to Steam?

View Results
It's about damn time.
Eww, gross.
Who cares?
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Some of these changes sound good. I'm all for it as long as it isn't a screw up. Knowing Valve though, I expect the worse.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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This is fine, but... What about the mess our libraries are in, and the many bugs in the client?

8 years ago

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I do find the science behind "this layout encourages sales by 15%" quite interesting. We consumers are an interesting breed.

8 years ago

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If you find that interesting, you should read about the JC Penney experiment a few years ago.

Basically, the store always has big sales. So, a particular table might cost $150, but is "on sale" pretty much all the time for 50% off.
A new CEO took over, and decided to switch to a more honest sale approach. Instead of that table being priced at $150, 50% off, the table was now priced at $75.

Sales plummeted, and the CEO was fired within a year.

People are more willing to buy a particular item that's 50% off $150 than they are willing to buy the same item for 75% off.
note: this is also very noticeable in the video game industry, where certain games are very frequently on sale, like Fallout 3, Arkham Asylum, Crusader Kings II, or F.E.A.R.

8 years ago

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Yeah I do remember that, the guy was an ex-Apple exec. I was surprised at the results, especially with consumers disliking the rounding of prices (i.e. a price displaying "$5" instead of "$4.99").

I guess it goes to show, people will do anything for a "deal."

8 years ago

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Having worked retail, you have no idea how many people would stream into my store on the weekends in an absolute frenzy to buy items at their full, regular everyday price - simply because they were present in the weekly ad with a big graphic that said "As advertised." Like, they would rush to my department as soon as the store opened to snatch them off the shelves as if there weren't 59 more right behind the one they grabbed.

It's an unfortunate reality that the world operates based on the lowest common denominator.

8 years ago

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Cheapest hype there ever was. Slap a "Now for only: <price>" banner on the regular sales price and suddenly your slow movers fly off the shelf.
Seems the only people who don't fall for this kind of trick are the ones who work/have worked in retail themselves.

8 years ago

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Yeah, retail added a lot of line items to the "If I'm Ever President Then..." checklist. I didn't fall for those schemes before, either, but it did clarify how a lot of them worked and the legal basis for doing so. For example:

Sell a [widget] in one backwater store in Frog Pump, Louisiana for [approximate cost of a fully-optioned Cadillac Escalade] one weekend in June, 1993; and then you can forever after claim in print that its "normal retail price" is exactly that. Now "on clearance" for $19.99! Buy! Buy! Buy!

8 years ago

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I was more surprised that someone who was at Apple knew what "honest sale approach" meant.

8 years ago

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Well, now we know where the "ex" came from

8 years ago

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Can we fucking ignore curators, queues and other bullshit yet? If not, I'll still never use the store page, much how I operate now.

8 years ago

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i bet they will add more annoying stuff like big screen or vr crap.

ok, store changes. let's see what they do. -.-

8 years ago

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Steam trading cards category will be renamed for profitz

I kinda miss him.

8 years ago

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Mmh... ok.
I'm not sure why this was a priority (considering that the current layout seems ok to me, at least way better than the old one) instead of the myriad of things users actually complain about but as long as they're actually trying to improve it's fine by me.

8 years ago

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Again? They should add a whole rework of interface, we live in 21 century and last (big and real) change is years ago

Also their source is... trash :(

But let see what they planned

8 years ago

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No changes that actually matter as far as I can tell. Mostly pushing Curators more, again without including the option to ignore the bullshit ones.

8 years ago

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I dont really care tbh .

It seems fine the way it is currently to me to be fair .

8 years ago

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All i care is more stable server.

8 years ago

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Change is good :3

8 years ago

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I thought Steam already forgot about curators. I guess it'll be the first change to this system since its release.

8 years ago

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I hope they make a way to turn off Curators. I don't care what HORDOR and fucking Jim Sterling have to say.

8 years ago

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totally agree, IDGAF about curators since mostly of them get "free keys" for a positive review
Imo would be worthy of something if they purchased the game, NOT saying that all of them does it
but DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, there's too many doing that

8 years ago

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I don't use the steam client for anything but library anymore. If for some reason I have to go to the store page I do so with firefox which has AdBlock Plus with the Element Hider addin, and 50% of the page is blocked.

8 years ago

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Or OCG, Flat Club, anti-FNAF, Critiquing Doge, ...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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hope still compatible with enhanced steam extension :p but them I saw on the topic

"jshackles: These all sound like worthwhile updates, some of them have been asked about constantly for the last few years since the last store update went live.

Please remember that after the update goes live (depending on when that is) Enhanced Steam will probably take a couple of days or weeks to get updated to fix any issues. It's a shame that Valve won't let me take a crack at it beforehand, even under NDA."

oh well...

8 years ago

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Well it's good to know they are still working on the normal steam client.
Now I really hope they will improve the library as well though. Once you got a big number of games it's very clumsy to work with.
My biggest requests are:

  • Show the same information that is on the store page
  • Be able to filter on game tags
  • Be able to filter and categorize the 2nd and 3rd view (image banners)
8 years ago

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+1 on the requests - would like to see that change too

8 years ago

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+2. I don't know how many times I have to click through to the store page from the library...

8 years ago

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i would like a filter to set a price between 2 numbers when searching for a game
and another filter by highest discounts

curator... curator seems less important.

8 years ago

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The only things I do on a Steam store page are either marking the game not interested or reading some of the reviews to learn about its potential issues (and sometimes its real genre…). So, for me, it is usually an "eh, I don't care", although I fear it may mess up my Steam skin for a little while, and maybe the Enhanced Steam options as well.

8 years ago

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they should change the "music" system in steam

8 years ago

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+1. It's kind of a joke...

8 years ago

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Especially when the gamesoundtrack is named "1" or "music" and the invidual songs are numbers too...

8 years ago

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I would rather a function for filtering game tags. It really sucks when one wants to find a good RPG and 95 % the found games are just RPGMaker shit.

8 years ago

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A few hours ago, the main store page was displayed really messed up in my Chrome based browser and correctly in Firefox based.
Now all browsers are displaying it wrong. Is that to me only or in general?

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Greenlight is so terribly broken , too many shit developers making it to the store

8 years ago

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As things currently are with Greenlight, there's only one fix:

View attached image.
8 years ago

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8 years ago

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The principle how Greenlight works is fine. If you want to "fix" it you have to fix the community (us included) as that is the sole real problem Greenlight has. Have fun with that.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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.. and make "no" votes actually count. Which they currently don't. And that is a flaw with the system itself.

They shouldn't count on a 1-to-1 ratio with "yes" votes as that would bury potentially interesting niche games, But if an overwhelming majority of people say "we don't want this" that shouldn't be ignored as it is now.

8 years ago

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But the question is not if you want to have the game on the Steam Store (by some obscure objective standards). It is the subjective question if YOU would BUY the game if on the store. And as such it is totally irrelevant if someone doesn't want to buy the game. Even if only 1 % of the users says they will buy it, it is still a high amount (by assuming something like 5 million unique steam accounts)

So for every game which appears on the store through Greenlight there is a potential buyership as they have voted for it unless you say that the people voted wrongly which would be again a community mistake and not a flaw in the system.

8 years ago

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"merchant is my ally, merchant much improve for
buyings, merchant don't care once you've bought it"
^ steam in a nutshell

8 years ago*

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Time to get the pitchfork and start chanting how change is bad!

I worry it'll look stupid because I don't see a point in having friend activity on the front page, but I'll wait until I see the change to be angry about it. ;p

8 years ago

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Closed 7 years ago by va3victis.