This has nothing to do with net neutrality, net neutrality is all about being able to reach whichever site you want without the ISP/GOV deciding which site you can/can't access and giving certain traffic priority over others which isn't the case with this.
One could argue that it limits the ability of people to obtain information thus limiting the freedom of information but that's a whole other problem.
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But wouldn't allowing the government to tax it be a subtle way of the government to start saying they own or have a say in the internet. Mostly i mean to say that allowing something small like this could eventually lead to more leniency on money matters regarding the internet(traffic priority). All in all i don't like the idea of this becoming a thing.
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Hungarian secret services deleted them. Hide.
loldunno man.
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Everybody, please stand by us, we really need this at the moment! This is not democracy...
Borzasztó, hogy mi folyik ebben a demokráciának nevezett förtelemben.. Ha van esze ennek a seggarcnak, nagyon hamar visszavonja ezt az adót, különben a nép haragjával kell szembenéznie. Nem volt elég, amit eddig csórtak, tovább kell folytatni egyre ocsmányabb megoldásokkal...
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Riot, obviously.
Or just get the hell out, any country that manages to pass a law like that clearly is fucked in the head.
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When I heard that in the news I didn't hear the name of the country at first and for a moment I thought it was for my country and I was like shit I have to find a baseball bat. Then I saw it was for Hungary and I was like, well shit, they have to find baseball bats.
I live in Greece and I kinda understand your situation with all the taxes and shit but damn...on the internet?!!
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Yeah, it's bad and all, but it's not the worst in history. For hungarians here, check out what our beloved Matthias I. had done to our tax system. Sure, he anally assaulted the most wealthy people with his taxes, but he was also the one to ask EVERYONE to pay a larger sum for every goddamn chimney that a house had. It was called "smoke tax". In the fucking 16th century. For goddamn chimneys.
Anyway, this is probably not going to last for too long, they really lost pretty much all their popularity by this, so their regime is at an end for good now, wether or not they'll revoke the law. I just hope this doesn't give people enough reason to go out and riot, as that's what they do even in cases when we hear a politician say a bad word on tape. This country is fucking ridicoulous, but don't believe it's the politicians only.
Also, for a fun experience, check out what Google says about our average monthly net income. It says like 200 000 Fts (~900 dollars), and what the blistering fuck do they even mean by that. I know not one single person that has an average net income over 150 000 Fts (only exception are those extremely wealthy ones), and I worked as an insurance agent a few years back, so I visited households of all kinds of income, believe me. Check your statistics, Google, you're drunk.
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About average monthly income. You say Google is drunk. Once I heard that in my country, Poland, we have average pay of 3834,17 zł. That is 1155$. Funny thing? I live in a town with roughly 10k inhabitants. I've yet to see a person who earns that average pay. The real "average pay" - which is the minimum wage - is 1200zł - 361$. That's net. There are still people who earn as much after 10 or even 20 years of work.
I know my example isn't very good, me living in a backwater town. People in big cities actually earn something close to the average pay. But then when you pay rent, bills and such... You're barely left with money for food. That is if you're single. God forbid if you get spouse who can't find a job. Been there, seen that, got the scars.
So my point is - Google may be drunk. What our own countries tell us about how good the life is calls for an Exterminatus Order.
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In Hungary the VAT is 27%, and the internet tax would come on top of that so yeah you should shut up and be glad.
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They are basically making people go back to the early times of internet. We are no longer using modems and internet over the phone lines, and to set a tax so HIGH is just stupid. I hope they remove this and no other country tries to pass bullshit like this, good luck to everyone living in Hungary.
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Many say that Orbán and his liking for exploiting unconventional financial sources are at fault, but personally i tend to see this as another test ballon. The internet has become a threat to governments and their 3-letter agencies world-wide, because people can use it to inform themselves independent from national propaganda and state controlled press, therefore they try to disable it by any means available. Compromising the internet with 1984-esque mass surveillance was exposed and becomes increasingly problematic to justify, so this time they try the economic route by making it simply unaffordable with loltax step by step. It isn't a coincidence that they try this in hungary of all countries. If they manage to enable this in a country where people tend to be rather insurgent against those kind of things, they can pull this in any other country too. Fortunately there seems to be a fast growing resistance against those plans, i hope they manage to gather enough people and complain enough to make Orban and friends bury those silly plans.
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Everybody up in arms about how the internet is being taxed in Hungary when most countries in the world have their water supply and infrastructure owned by private, usually foreign, interests.
Seriously, you joke about taxing oxygen, but if it wasn't an atmospheric gas we'd be lining someone's pockets to fill up!
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Fuck Hungary I'm so glad I left while I could. It's a mess, the internet tax is by far not the worst thing that is happening.
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I have live in Denmark, and I have lived in Spain, and on both places the internet conecction has taxes, just like the phone line or private TV (in Denmark also for the public one). The real problem here is that the tax increases the price heavily, as 0.6$ are a lot more in Hungary than in USA.
I don't defend the measure, I just inform you about the fact that many goberments tax the internet at the moment, the only difference is the how.
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Hi guys!
I am from Hungary and as I do believe you heard already, our government accepted the law and from January, 2015, the internet usage will have tax. 0.6$/GB which is pretty high. Even with the high cap of monthly 2.8$
It's just so sad :( Not because the money rather due to the fact that taxing the internet is basically a rotten idea. It is the best platform for sharing ideas and information, communicating and doing business. This kind of tax is like taxing oxygen usage from breathing :/ What do you think guys?
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