I would have loved to get this game, and offcourse noone is forcing anyone to buy the extra's, and i already found 9 expensive, but i feel the prices are getting absurd (same as your every day groceries).
It's also one on these things that you seemingly can't buy the DLC later such as the soundtrack.



4 months ago*

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glancing at them it looks similar to 8s DLCs... all cosmetics or "cheat" items(early powerful items that you replace later, and consumables) and no content except the OST.

it does appear this limitation is only during the launch period though

Please note: Except for returns as stipulated by Steam, upgrades to the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition (and obtaining the applicable launch exclusive bonuses) are not available during the launch deal period. After the launch period ends, upgrades can be made for the price difference.

4 months ago

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Correct and art book, basically you are paying 50-60 euro for cheats.

4 months ago

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upside is, buying just the base game feels so much better in this series than others which have story content and such locked behind dlc.
I need to go back and give 9 another attempt at finishing... I hear it gets better.... but it just isn't as enjoyable to me as 8 was(also need to go finish up the earlier games... I started origins and 1 but never finished)

4 months ago

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Yeah, but when you got this completion ocd, then again i already had to give that up a bit.

I finished 9 but i never felt it got "better", it definitely felt different then the other ones, i am afraid this will be more like 9.

The same as we never getting the old Final Fantasy games back anymore, 16 started okay, but the massive dumb NPC quests in the middle.

4 months ago*

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No way would I ever pay this much for 1 game and some dlc - you can get a whole Year of choice for less than this

4 months ago

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As long as people pay this, absurd, high prices, the publishers will milk the cow.

4 months ago

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Cosmetics and extra items you don't need as DLC - people complain
Story/mission on launch day DLC like western games - people love it

Sense is being made as always.

4 months ago

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I don't like both ways.

To pay such absurd high prices for a special game version, only to have cosmetics and level faster, are dumb.
Same if someone pay such absurd high prices to "play 3 days earlier" or such stuff.
Same if the game have, from the start on, game mechanics that are hidden behind a paywall (Day 1 DLC).

The devs don't get much of the money and instead the publishers have a big cut. So the shareholders etc. are happy in the end.

I don't see how this the players help.

It raises only the price(s) for everyone.

4 months ago

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I think you're missing a point that many others do as well - when developing a game, there is a pretty lengthy period where the actual graphics design team is literally sitting around doing nothing - the graphics files are created and completed, they can't just start coding or doing something else, they are artists - creating cosmetic skins is a good way to ensure that those guys have a job, which in this industry where people and whole studios are axed left and right daily seems pretty reasonable - at the end of the day, it is still cosmetics.

The part about the items - in the case of Falcom games in particular I would highly disagree since historically they have shown that all the items are highly unnecessary but I suppose as an overall argument for the industry I'm on board with that.

I did specifically say that story DLC on launch day is unacceptable in my eyes so we agree there, but Asian studios are not known for this (unlike western ones) so we can leave that aside in the conversation.

As for publishers - well, nothing to be done there, that's just how things work - self-publishing is ridiculously hard believe it or not, so you gotta do what you gotta do as a studio to survive.

Again, to avoid misunderstanding, I see where you're coming from, but I thing your thoughts are more in-line with what western AAA games do rather than what we see in this example.

4 months ago

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It's been getting out of hand since someone came up with the notion of releasing partial games and charging for "expansions". I really did enjoy Eiyuden Chronicles because I loved Suikoden games but they have the same thing going on with all the dlc.

4 months ago

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I know what you mean, but this isn't the case here, none of dlc-s are worth a penny, just cosmetic stuff mostly.
If you just wanna play the game, the full game and have a complete experience, the base game provides just that.

4 months ago

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That's good to know. I know Ys had some decent games.

4 months ago

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Up till 8 i would say and mentioned elsewhere, it's like you got ff7 to 12 and then get whole different final fantasies after 13.

4 months ago*

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Oh yeah I would say 12 was possibly the last decent one unless you like MMO's then 14 is actually decent. I was more into FF and Dragon Quest so I never played much Ys. Chrono Trigger was a real gem too.

4 months ago

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It's NISA's fault. Ever since they started publishing Falcom's games, they've been stuffing them full of pointless DLC that also makes the complete packs extra expensive.

Also this "soundtrack" isn't even one, it's a sampler! No point in paying extra for that.

4 months ago

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I tend to not buy into DLC for the most part. Sometimes if it's good and has good reviews I will if it's on sale or like some ultimate edition is on sale. I'm a Bethesda junky so I tend to get all that if I can find a bargain.

4 months ago

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If this was a physical edition that came in a nice box with a high quality print of a booklet with art and an actual CD with the soundtrack I'd say the price was fine, but for a digital edition it is ludicrous.

4 months ago

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The console versions are basically this (except digital soundtrack still), but does have a physical game and artbook

4 months ago

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Ah, so it's one of those completely misguided policies by publishers to have price parity between versions regardless of offering completely different value propositions. They should have just offered different "editions" and adjusted the prices more logically.

4 months ago

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funny thing is... the console ultimate(well limited) edition is cheaper(they list it as deluxe edition of game on physical... but by going off what I got with standard version of 8 it likely contains all DLCs by default)

... and includes physical goodies like a sling pack I think it was, a pin, post cards, soundtrack sampler CD, special box and I think a couple other things.

all of attached image is $105(plus shipping maybe idk)... Ultimate on steam is $130
I would have more tempted if 9 wasn't such a disappointment to me, 8 was amazing.

View attached image.
4 months ago

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Wow, then the Steam release is a really bad deal by comparison. The console one comes with a fricking back pack while on PC it's just a digital download, and more expensive! What a joke XD

4 months ago

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Now that actually looks like a decent deal with the items, nice backpack.

4 months ago

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130 euro? Not even 70?

4 months ago

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If this was a physical copy with all sorts of neat collectable extras then it would be somewhat OK, but absolutely no way in hell would I pay that much for just a game license.

4 months ago

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Soundtrack is just a sampler, not the full OST. My main issue is that the ultimate edition includes the attachment pack, which is the remaining cosmetic DLC not included with deluxe. You can just buy the deluxe + attachment pack, but the attachment pack is a bit expensive on its own and you'll be missing the artbook.

At the very least they should've changed the pricing so that it's $100 rather than $130. $20 more than deluxe would've been more understandable. But I don't want to pay $50 more just for the artbook and attachment pack, I don't need the consumable items. Ys IX was far more reasonable in pricing. NISA is just greedy and they realized hardly anyone's gonna buy the ultimate edition if it doesn't include something people will actually want (attachment pack + artbook) rather than consumable items.

EDIT: Another issue with NISA is they do not like extra discounts, so coupons on GMG/Fanatical don't work on them and they offer limited choice discounts on humble. In comparison, I paid $70 for Metaphor's Anniversary Edition to get all of the cosmetic dlc + artbook/soundtrack, but that was after additional discounts. I can't do that with NISA games because they're stingy as hell with launch discounts.

4 months ago*

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This is a skip for at least a year and a hefty discount. Ys IX was mid at best and also reused areas from DQ XI. It's difficult to justify rewarding phoning it in by running out and buying another game that potentially is more of that kind of same. And the cosmetics are a big no regardless.

4 months ago

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There is a site that seemingly sells the ultimate edition for 42 euro (find where you can use fall10 as coupon) but it's against the rules to name it. I was under the assumption it was just the base game but to my surprise it activated everything, and redeemed as a beta testing key.

Any guidance, help, just add me and ask.

4 months ago*

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If it's the site I think you're talking about.. it's not listed or no longer in stock

4 months ago

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was likely unused keys for a content creator/curator so limited quantity.

4 months ago

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Yeah that's probably the case, but it's weird that I can't find a listing for it at all. It should show even if it's OOS

4 months ago

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It is out of stock now, i can't find a listing but only when you type ys nordic in the search box it will show up.

There is only a gift version still for 65 euro (i am assuming most likely it's the UE version as well, that certain people got a full version through keys/gifts).

4 months ago*

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There's something to be said about day 1 dlcs and how we are now completely accustomed to them...
but then I remembered that this game has another version on steam due to publishing reasons, so I thought that ok, maybe these dlcs are just straight up ported from there?
And while at first glance it seems to be the case (except dlcs here seem to be bundles of the fragmented dlcs from first version), the dlcs on first version are also day 1 dlcs for that one instead...
I hate it. :|

4 months ago

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Most Falcom games have a seperate version published by Clouded Leopard, because that's the one for China. It's not in English.

4 months ago

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Its a crazy price for an AA niche game like this. Theyre out of their minds. Basically milking the few die-hard fans that buy it on release.

4 months ago

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Ys IX ultimate was 114€ 3 years ago, so this is not a big surprise. But personally, I gave up buying new games.

4 months ago

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I think i got lucky twice through a reseller back then (2021) too with 9 that i found a reseller selling the full version for 20 euro less then the base game, like i have now.

4 months ago*

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I say your playtime with the series, so it is understandable. I too buy 1 new game a year. Last was BG3, and my 300+ hours in it say it was a good investment. Next will be Kingdom Come 2. So if you play it right away good, if not, it is just a waste of money no matter how good the deal was.

4 months ago

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Yeah but hours doesn't always say something, i got many in FF16 too, doesn't mean i really enjoyed it, it started okay but halfway you got 100+ NPC quests which made the game a chore in the end. And apparently it even requires a new game+ for some achievements. While i could have enjoyed games that could have been 4-6 hours much more.

I also liked Ys 9 much less then the previous games, and with 10 it has a whole different fighting system then the previous ones, it certainly is getting used to.

4 months ago

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I feel you. This is why I gave up achievement hunting. When a game becomes a chore I just leave it. I too have a far too big backlog. Literally, if I play every game that I own but not played for 3 hours, I have my fun for the next 2-4 years :D So I started doing that, and I found so many new experiences and I found that many genres that I thought I would enjoy, I really don't, so I don't have the pressure anymore to force myself to enjoy a game when it can't show anything new.

4 months ago

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For this kind of money, it would have make more sense if it's a physical collector's edition or similar. No digital worth that much

4 months ago

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I'll be honest. 20-30 is the limit for me for this type of games. Its their loss if they don't understand these limits. One less customer.

DLCs in games at this point are honestly an insult to injury and only deter me from ever buying anything. They don't help these games sell more. Their mere presence achieves the exact opposite.

4 months ago

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4 months ago

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out again ? or i dumb to find it :D

4 months ago

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it's still there, add me.

Okay it's waiting on restocks (again) apparently, the cheapest now is 45-47 euro with a different seller.

4 months ago*

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They go in and out of stock frequently. I just bought one from the same seller for $50 after fees and it has all DLC (but activates as the base game in the title/license). So I can confirm as well that all beta keys have all of the DLC. Kinda ridiculous that this is the only way to get the DLC cheap, since the publisher/dev aren't getting paid this way, but oh well. For now, all press keys have all of the DLC, so it shouldn't matter which seller you buy from as long as its a press key.

4 months ago

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This is already getting an enhanced edition next year in Japan with a new island/new story/new content. I played through it already so I don't regret buying it, but damn.. never seen a game get a definitive edition this quickly. Pretty much just came out in the west.. They're pulling an Atlus. Probably won't come out until 2026 in the west.

2 months ago

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2 months ago

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