Can i imagine DLC GAs for games i don’t own being useful to me?
Are you even aware that the VAST majority of SG users are bots and will abuse your suggestion?
Even if the true, loyal, trustworthy few of us were up for it ... we are less than 0.001% of the total active users.
Besides, DLC can't be verified with the Steam API (hence why you can still enter DLC related giveaways even if you own it), so bots would just win it, and the "main account" holder would then sell or giveaway the exact same key and get CV on the SG account ....
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You can't enter for dlc if you don't own the game anyway - so this can't be a thing because you need to activate the key on your account within 7 days or be punished and you can't add dlc on steam if you don't own the game - outside of some ost
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This on its own is not a problem. You would just have to buy the base game quickly and then activate the
DLC. The main problem is that DLC activation can't be verified with Steam API, so this would be easier to cheat.
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Yes, you can't. And OP is suggesting a feature to change that.
If the Steam API could check for DLC ownership (so that SG can check that it has been activated), then I don't see any problem with OP's suggestion. Maybe OP didn't know that when posting.
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Yeah, manual check is possible, but it's difficult and nobody is going to do it on the scale of the entire SG website.
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If i understand you correctly, then it is point 3
You can see them but you can't enter them till you own the base game.
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What if you bought the game first like literally every other member.
Looking for site exploits isn't a good look.
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Well, this site can do the things what Steam API allows. And obviously it needs automation. You can't just let people enter DLC giveaways if they don't own the base game, because they cannot activate it on Steam if they don't have the base game. If you think yourself, how many users would buy the base game if they win a DLC giveaway? It would be very low. Also, Steam doesn't let to see the DLC on the API anymore, which already made things harder.
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Oh, House Flipper is something like that right now. Base game on sale is half or 1/3 the price of any of content DLCs, also on sale.
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I own Age of Empires III base game and i can’t currently buy more DLCs for it as those are not distributed for my region at all anymore. Although it wouldn’t be logically fair to say the base game is empty, it would be emotionally fair because the game keeps reminding me of the content i don’t own all the time, and the base game achievements are very limited. Can’t argue on House Flipper as i don’t own it and can’t compete for DLCs here. If a GA for a DLC would end within a sale, many people would get the base game which is really cheap, even if they didn’t realize they’ll have to do so at the moment of joining. But joining a DLC blindly is bad, mmkay?
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Age of Empires III base game and i can’t currently buy more DLCs for it
I would say, you don't miss anything. It already have (almost) everything the original had. This is my review from 3 years ago. They indeed made it worse.
the game keeps reminding me of the content i don’t own all the time
That's just FOMO and nagging, what Microsoft always do with their products. And yeah, it sucks.
If a GA for a DLC would end within a sale, many people would get the base game which is really cheap
Almost no one would get the base game.
But joining a DLC blindly is bad, mmkay?
If you're going that way, there is no point for arguing with you.
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If dealing with DLCs is already a pain, I can't imagine what would happen if besides people entering having the DLC, also could enter people that don't have the Main Game. More rerolls, more hassle for everybody. This is a very bad idea.
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I'm not referering to abusers.
I only created a couple of DLCs GA here. Both in a Small group.
One has 1 entry, activated. And so far so god.
The other one, 2 entries. Both entries already had the DLC. One reroll, and one Delete request from the moderators.
If those users didn't have checked (and hide) this DLC knowing when they entered that there was a big chance they could win, I can't imagine how many careless people and autojoiners would enter in DLCs like this one, that was given in a bundle without the base game:
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and double-winning DLC abuse can’t be caught at all
It is possible in different ways.
Easiest is to add the winner as steam friend and then open the store page and check if that user owns the DLC.
Other ways are, as example, to check for achievements that are only able with owning the DLC.
I caught many users that thought cheating with the DLCs and trade/sell them would be a good idea.
The suspensions weren't what they liked.
But the effort is too high for the mods and the checking users.
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How people handle their GAs is their decission.
As example could a gifter write that in the GA description that he add the winner afterwards send a friend request to check for the ownership of the DLC and send it afterwards.
As far as i know is this "rule" accepted from the mods and if someone don't accept the friend request or own the DLC then the gifter isn't forced to send the DLC.
But to be 100% sure write support ticket about this and let the mods approve that this is 100% correct.
After 8 rerolls of one GA, and many with lesser rerolls, i am not more motivated to create GAs for DLCs outside of my group (where i can control it much better and would make the members fire under the ass if i would need to reroll so often....^^)
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What I like the most of this thread is how you've designed the possible poll options.
I have a lot of ideas about this and what has been said, but certainly I can express them in a brief way for once: no.
I would change my mind if giveaway makers can choose that people without the base game at the time of entering the giveaway can't enter.
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What if the join button would ask to press ‘Confirm the join despite i don’t own the base game’ manually and no bot owner would try to implement that confirmation as failing to receive such win would obviously ruin their reputation on SG ? The confirmation would help solving the already existing DLC GAs issues.
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I really don't see people winning a DLC, then buying the base game later while it costs more than the DLC. And you literally can't even activate the DLC before having the base game, so even if this would be possible, you'd have a week to get the game.
Just buy the game you want, it's weird that you want to win something you can't even activate yet... not like it will ever happen, it's a big fundamental change of the site that has no inherent value other than "I want to enter more stuff".
Nice HoMM2 pic though
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I'm sure that you will personally compensate all giveaway creators and the people in support, who'd have to handle all these people who'd want the DLC and not buy the game.
Btw, such absurd poll options are a sure way not to generate much goodwill for your proposal. Well done.
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Here is the thing.
You have forgotten about one very important thing.
Which is the gifter. All of your comments completely disregarded the guy who is gonna gift you the dlc.
Like it doesn't matter what you think or how it will help you make a decision on making a purchase on the base game. The gifter isn't gonna wait till you buy the game to send you the dlc.
Imagine, you win a dlc for game 2 weeks before the steam summer sale. Is the gifter gonna wait cause it's gonna be cheaper for you to buy a game on sale?
What's gonna happen if you buy the game and try to activate the dlc key and it's a used key or region locked key. Are you gonna refund the base game and then tell the gifter the key doesn't work while already telling them to wait cause you wanna buy the game on your own?
Let's be real. Even if sg or steam api allowed this to happen and make it work, most gifters are gonna make a support ticket to redraw the winner the moment they see the winner doesn't have the base game cause it's not worth the hassle.
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People can talk between themselves. Bots can’t. My first GAs were won by bots or leechers i don’t like at all, but that’s what the rules are, everything is in perfect compliance with the rules. If they were won by people who would act like people (not bots) and talk and promise something and then do as they promise, i would be in seventh heaven. That’s what i think as a gifter.
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It's not about just bots. It's also about time and gifters own personal interests. Again, the priority will always be the gifters first. Not the users joining giveaways everyday.
I am not talking about what if scenerios. I am talking about cases of what happens in SG. There are users who will even whitelist you if you redeem the game quickly and check received in less than 24 hours.
Again, the expected outcome is a winner is selected and winner redeems the game as quick as possible and checks received.
Anything that makes this process longer is a hassle.
Let's say, someone does a shadow of the erdtree dlc giveaway and the winner can't afford to buy the game right this moment. Again, are you seriously expecting a gifter to continuously redraw winners to find a winner who owns the game or a winner who is willing to buy the game right now?
So again, you are willing to talk with the gifter. Good for you. But a gifter isn't gonna spend that much time redrawing a giveaway for a dlc to find a user like you and then talk with them over on steam while being in different time zone.
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I just love the poll options, you assume that only a complete asshole would disagree with you, seriously?
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Absolutely not.
Beside the immense logistical problems and extra work for gifters and support this would cause, one reason that wasn't mentioned yet is just how many people enter giveaways on a vague hunch they might enjoy a game or just because they have extra points and then after 20 minutes decide the game isn't for them. Afterall it wasn't their money spent so no need to give the game a proper go.
I know being here on SteamGifts that chance is pretty slim but the way it works right now there is at least a chance people have familiarized themselves with the base game and can make an educated guess if they might enjoy the add ons.
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And here’s a nice example of promoting a minimal price base game (Obey the Fist -reviewed of course) by giving away a DLC. So anyone who buys the game will probably be guaranteed that DLC. Wouldn’t quite work if the GA was enterable. Just another actual scenario for the record, no comments yet. UPD: on the other hand, they gifted thousands of keys for the base game before, so the win is not as guaranteed as it may seem.
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I'd like to see OtF stop copy/pasting his reviews if he is gonna complain about copy/paste games. Among other things I'd encourage him to change about how he reviews things. Such as mentioning the full retail price for the game he is reviewing, but then comparing it to the historical lows of games he'd prefer you buy. That's just a straight up intentionally misleading thing he does in his reviews.
His research in Sentinels of the Store is peerless, however.
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Can i put a checkmark somewhere in my settings ‘I’m not a bot, i look where i join, show me DLC GAs even if i don’t YET own the main game’?
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