Hello Steamgifters! First of all, I want to use my chance to wish you all a Happy New Year, let this year be full of joy and happiness! :)

A month ago, the first Game of sWords adventure took place and many of you took part in it and have since then been waiting for the next one :)

For those of you who are not familiar with GosWit is a text Adventure/Quest where you can explore dungeons (or other locations), complete quests, solve puzzles, find useful items, avoid deadly traps and fight dangerous monsters while searching for treasures (SteamGifts giveaways links) on your way and trying to reach the end to find the Main Treasure (a set of great non-bundle giveaways)! Each Game (of sWords) will usually have a unique scenario and a limited number of winners, so the chances will always be great.

Here is the topic of the previous Game in case you missed it.

During December, a lot of work has been put into the next GosW development, it has been completely remade and improved in a lot of aspects, it is now a true text-based RPG adventure with multiple monsters, quests, items, artifacts, etc. and, of course, Steam gifts; where your progress doesn’t totally depend on luck anymore (as it used to in the first Game), it now depends on YOU and your decisions instead.

The map is now more than 5 times bigger, you get much more energy plus energy replenishment system is completely remade, there are lots of enemies instead of the lonely goblin that was in the first GosW, no more permadeath – these are just some of the improvements in the next Game.

You can read about the changes made for the second Game in the Steam Group.

The Game has recently gone through the thorough testing stage, I’m satisfied with the results and thus the next Game will start very soon :)

It’s time to make the next Game of sWords one of the biggest events SteamGifts has ever seen, and we can only make it together!

The more giveaways the Game will have, the more fun it will be, and we want to maximize the fun we have, don’t we? :)

I want to introduce a Special Rewards system to encourage you to take part in the event!

Just a quick note: there are 3 main levels of Artifacts in the game (besides Elite ones which are the best): first, second and unique. First level artifacts will slightly increase either your maximum HP or EP, second level artifacts will considerably increase max HP or EP, and unique artifacts, well, they have some unique useful effects :)

There are several levels of Rewards which depend on your contribution:

Level 1: A bundled giveaway will randomly grant you one of the first level artifacts.

Level 2: Two bundled giveaways will randomly grant you one of first or second level artifacts.

Level 3: Three+ bundled giveaways will randomly grant you one of the first, second level artifacts or one of the unique artifacts.

Level 4: A giveaway of a cheap non-bundle game (usually worth <5$) will randomly grant you one of the unique artifacts or Adventurer’s Cloak.

Level 5: Giveaway for a good non-bundle game (by good I also mean not dirt cheap) will give you one of the Elite Artifacts in the Game – Aventurer’s Cloak: it will slightly increase your maximum HP, EP, Luck and Resurrection Time.

Level 6: Giveaway for an especially good game will give the best Elite Artifact – Adventurer’s Crown: it will significantly increase your maximum HP, EP, Luck, Resurrection time and EP Recovery time.

All the treasures in the Game will be private giveaways, and ANY adventurer will be able to find ANY of these treasures, but only a limited number, unless they win the Game, which will grant them access to all the giveaways available in current Game.

The number of treasures you can find in your adventure without winning the Game will depend on your level - from up to 10% to up to 60% of all the giveaways.

Making a contribution not only increases your chances of winning the Game, but also increases your chances of finding treasures (and number of treasures you can find) even if you don't win.

It is possible that you won't find anything without a level, but you always have a chance to find at least one treasure or even win the Game to get them all.

  • There are several rules for all the contributors:

  • Giveaway should not be region restricted.

  • Giveaway should not have any Contributor Level restrictions.

  • Private giveaway link should not be published anywhere, it should only be accessed through the Game.

  • Your private giveaway should have the following prompt on top of its description:
    Congratulations! You have found a treasure in the Game of sWords!
    (Note: if you got here through the leaked link, please do not join as it will lead to a ban in Game)

  • It’s desirable that you have good stats on SteamGifts, with at least 1 giveaway made previously :)

  • The giveaway(s) should finish on 25th of January (the Game won’t take that long, but it is still better to have some extra time just in case).

There won’t be more than 2 giveaways for the same game in GosW.

The Game is planned to start this Sunday (the exact time will be announced later), so the giveaways are accepted until then :)


  • How to make a giveaway for the Game of sWords?

1) Before making your giveaway, you send an e-mail to giveaways@gameofswords.net
with your Steamgifts account link in the topic and the name(s) of the game(s) you want to make giveaway(s) in the message.
I would also be thankful if you state whether your game(s) is/are bundled or not, that will save me some time.
2) I check your account, games you want to giveaway, whether there are any giveaways for these games already, and send you a reply with either Approved or Declined and state the Rewards Level you will get after making your giveaway(s) if they are approved, e.g. “Approved: Level 2” or “Declined: Reason”.
3) After you receive a reply from me, and your planned giveaway is approved, you make your private giveaway following the rules above (description and end time) and send another e-mail with the link to your giveaway. The link shouldn’t be shared with anyone else!
Don’t make a giveaway until it is approved!
4) I check the link, assign you your level, invite you to the Group if you qualify, and notify you about it.

tl:dr You are missing out on lots of fun and opportunity to win lots of great games :p Please take a minute to read this post.

The information is also avaliable in short in the Steam Group topic.

This is it! Let’s make this event huge together, with tons of fun, adventures and treasures! :)

Join the official group to get notified about any updates

And see you soon in the

Game of sWords!

9 years ago*

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Will you take part in the event?

View Results
Yes! I'll gladly make a giveaway for Game of sWords and help make it one of the biggest events on Steamgifts!
Yes! But just as a player.
No, I want to miss all the fun and don't want to win awesome games :(

Your spare bundle key can help you win more awesome games!

Wouldn't it be wise to use this opportunity?

The Game starts quite soon, and you still have time to make your contribution and get your reward!

9 years ago

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Happy Hours start now!

Now is a great time to make your contribution! :)

  • A single bundled games' giveaway contributed in the next 2 hours will grant you Level 2!

  • Two bundled games' giveaways will grant you Level 3!

Promotion starts now and ends at 20:00 GMT.

Don't miss your chance to get additional bonuses and win more games!

9 years ago

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Happy Hours end in 1 hour!

9 years ago

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Those giveaways I create are invite only or group ones (joining gameofswords steamgroup?) or will there be a special group created?
I mean after I'm approved...
Giveaway should not be region restricted.
Giveaway should not have any Contributor Level restrictions.
Giveaway link should not be published anywhere, it should only be accessed through the Game.
It’s desirable that you have good stats on SteamGifts, with at least 1 giveaway made previously :)

And should it start, today?

9 years ago

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All giveaways in the Game are private (invite only). The Game begins on 10th of January, so the giveaways should start before that date :)

9 years ago

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Cheers :)

9 years ago

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Additional bump for bump sake. Yes.

9 years ago

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Additional thanks :)

9 years ago

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Bump since this starts tomorrow !!

9 years ago

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That's right, we begin tomorrow! :)

9 years ago

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Happy Hours #2 start now!

Now is a great time to make a non-bundle giveaway! :)

  • A single non-bundle giveaway that qualifies for Level 5, will grant you Level 6 - the highest Level available in the Game. It will drastically increase your chances of winning and will allow you to find more treasures during your adventure!

Promotion starts now and will be active for the next 2 hours until 16:00 GMT.

Don't miss your chance to get additional bonuses and win more games!

9 years ago

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Bump. Can't wait to see how it works!

9 years ago

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Thanks for your support! Not much time is left to wait :)

9 years ago

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Less than an hour left until Happy Hours are over!

9 years ago

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And it's over now. Bump. Yes.
Edit: Huh. Refreshing page would help me a little :f Yes.

9 years ago

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Game of sWords: The Secret Castle begins in less than 24 hours!

Less than 24 hours are left until the start of a huge adventure! :)

The Game will begin at 16:00 GMT, you can view the time left until the start on the Game of sWords website.

A lot of giveaways have been contributed so far, and I would like to thank everyone who has made a giveaway for GosW! :)

Estimated max winners' number is 30, but it may be changed later depending on the circumstances.

Contributions are accepted until 15:00 GMT (an hour before the Game begins), so everyone still has a chance to get a Reward that will help find more treasures and win the Game!

Game of sWords was made to be enjoyable for all adventure lovers even without the treasures (people who helped me test the Game enjoyed it a lot, even though there weren't any giveaways). Even if you won't make a giveaway and won't be able to find as many giveaways as the contributors, you can still have a great time and enjoy your adventure!
Adventures are the main thing, treasures are just a sweet bonus :)

A huge thanks to everyone who supports the project!

Have an awesome day! ;)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Well, I uncovered most of the map, checked almost every wall, killed every enemy I found, completed two quests, and died twice. I only found one GA, and was unfortunately cut short in my adventures by the "end of the game".

That was a lot of fun, though of course I wish I had been able to complete the adventure. It took me a little while to learn the balance of the game, or how to be successful, and then I made very good progress forward. The only part of the game I think could have been done a little better is the whole trap/disoriented scattered text mechanism - at least on my computer the words moved so quickly it was completely impossible to click on anything intentionally, and I had to resort to random clicking to hit anything at all. That was a little frustrating, but in the end not a big deal.

So, again, even though I wasn't particularly successful, thanks for the adventure! :D

9 years ago

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Don't worry you were not the only one helpless at the scattered text phases.

9 years ago

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I'm glad that you enjoyed your adventure! :)
I will close this topic now since the Game is over.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by SErVER51.