IT is very annoying when a conversation spreads across a whole page on your Trade thread, Or when someone else advertizes himself on your own Trade thread, Or when someone trolls on your page.

And you cannot do anythign about it.

You cannot Hide conversations, you cannot delete a conversation thread, or other people's comments, even though it is your own thread, all of which cause the problems listed above.

They are quite important features to have.


10 years ago*

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Hey guys, have you heard about that new game that is coming out tomorrow? I'm looking forward to playing it.

Also, you can hide comments, click on that - next to my post.

10 years ago

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Wow, Delta, you've opened my eyes! (no sarcasm, really ;)) I didn't see collapse button :D

10 years ago

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Happy to help.

10 years ago

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Thanks !

10 years ago

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Nah that's nothign at all.
Collapse only works for yourself, it doesnt close it for everyone. And only for the current visit, if you refresh or open the thread again they are opened again. It doesn't do anything at all

10 years ago

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Its still there. Live with it, its all you are getting. No way is everyone on the site getting powers even the mods didn't get until the recent site update.

10 years ago

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Problem is, what you think doesn't matter in the least. Sorry to burst your bubble boy.

10 years ago

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You might want to take your advice yourself. I'm not the one who thinks they should have mod powers within their own threads.

10 years ago

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The difference is I was posting my suggestion to the forum, I wasn't acting condescending to others cause I think im some badass know-it-all.

10 years ago

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And I listed the only feature that would be available to you. You were unsatisfied with that because you believe you should have moderator powers over your own threads. Not happening. Last thing this site needs is every troll able to remove posts they disagree with.

Your best bet is to make a request that the collapse post feature can save the history of posts you hid and keep them hidden when you return to a thread. Something that will only effect you is much more likely to be implemented, depending on difficulty to get the feature working like that.

10 years ago

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There is nothing to "disagree" with. It's a trade thread. the best you'll see in there is "Added" or some offers. But some abuse that by hijacking your trade thread and posting their own stuff which is unethical, while others will just be annoying and post repeat comments all the way down, but nothing there matters in terms of censoring it or not.
Again, I do not care about your opinion to be unsatisfied with it, I was reacting to your patronizing attitude which is quite childish and insulting.

10 years ago

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As I said, self moderation of threads will never happen. This is also the first time you specified trade thread in this chain and it was never mentioned in the (original version of the) opening post, but even then, it won't happen.

Asking the admin for collapsed posts to be saved is the best you can hope for.

10 years ago

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Thanks for your input.

10 years ago

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mods are here for that purpose. giving everyone power to delete comments in their threads is a bad idea.

10 years ago

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I would be such a Hitler in my threads.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 10 years ago.

10 years ago

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wow, it feels awesome to delete replies!

10 years ago

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There is no way mods can keep up with 1% of the requests on things like that. They arent major issues just annoyances.
Not totally sure about it being a bad idea. Or why it is. I mean you have the Feedback section if there is something to be said about the user. Whats the worst case scenario in deleting comments on your own thread?

10 years ago

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Deleting everything that disagrees with what you think.

10 years ago

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It's not a debate forum to delete opinions, your thread is a shop you want to keep nice and clean, so what if someone deletes something on his own thread?

10 years ago

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A thread isn't someone's personal shop. Just because you made the thread for "Team Jellydad 5" does not mean you have the authority to shape the conversation and decide whether or not certain people's posts are relevant. Otherwise you might have Team Jellydad 5 run by some guy who removes any post complaining about the spy. Then you might have ANOTHER thread about the same topic, titled "Team Jellydad 5 free discussion" or something along the likes. Then somebody insults the OP and be deletes everyone's posts.

The problems are endless and only those who've proved themselves responsible (ie: mods) should have the ability to delete others' posts.

10 years ago

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Realized you were talking about trade threads from other posts. Would make sense there but not as a general forum feature.

10 years ago

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Yes I was talking only about trade threads.

10 years ago

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i understand the use for a trade topic, but still, you could delete a negative comment about you that's true...

but if the issue here is to keep a clean and organized topic, then a collapse reply option is ok (like outpost has).

10 years ago

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Negative comment like what?

10 years ago

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someone scamming people, lowballing, trying to increase the price when trading, etc.
that person could just delete the comments that bother him/her.

10 years ago

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The scammer thing is already covered by the reputation system in the trader feedback section on this forum, where it can be seen by anyone and anywhere the user posts, by his name,nobody posts this in thread that can just be closed.

I'm not sure what you mean by lowballing or raising prices. If you mean the trader would delete some lowball offer form his thread, then why not? What's the problem with that.
As for price people can do whatever they want with the price, it's each person's prerogative to set their prices or change them. So I'm not sure what you meant there. But there is no scenario where the trade thread OP can delete a comment which would be a disadvantage to others. It's a trade thread, the comments don't matter in the least.

10 years ago

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Collapsing threads is a useful idea, deleting threads is not. It allows censoring, not something we would want here =)

10 years ago

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Ye need at least a collapse thread like tf2outpost has. U have cases of poeple listing their own thread on your thread or trolls annoying you and posting the same thing 10 times etc. It's impossible for moderators to keep up with every little thing.
The collapse here is a gimmick, it collapses it for your eyes only and only until the next visit or refresh.

I guess the alternative is to close your whole thread and open a new one, but that is obviously far from being the best solution.

10 years ago

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I'd rather have Trolls than censorship.

10 years ago

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If you are having to delete comments in your own thread it weakens your argument and position even further.

10 years ago

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Argument about what? Im talking about shutting comments like some people hijacking your thread with their own, or trolls pasting 50 things on it etc. should at least be able to hide that like in tf2outpost rather than have to close your whole thread and open a new one, which is an alternative to that.

10 years ago

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Noticed you are a trader. It's fair enough on trade threads but would be abused to hell in the regular forums. Forgot to add if you could clarify if it was just for trade threads?

10 years ago

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yes of course i meant for trade threads and only trade threads. Thast all I use on this forum anyway.
Wrongdoing is put in the feedback. There's not much someone can say on your trade thread that can be important to others. Thankfully I never had any major issues, but I see some people get trolled to death and others have their threads hijacked by some other non ethical trader, things of the sort, that mods would have a very hard time keeping up with and that can be very annoying when you can't control it at all on your own thread.
We should at least have a hide button, its not censorship it's still there but minimized not all over your thread messing up everything.

10 years ago

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That is a reasonable request and can be done easily within permissions as far as my experience goes. Just remember that not everyone here is a trader so they will jump to the wrong assumptions when you post something like this without explaining clearly.

Edit: Saw you changed the title. Good man.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Side request, might be worth pestering them at same time for a Trader Category in discussions. Bit silly there isn't one already.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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+1 if you're talking about trade threads because why not.
-1 if you're talking about the forums because censored.

10 years ago

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Trade thread of course.

10 years ago

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then you got my support if it stands for anything. i never had any trolls over there but i heard complaints before from some others too. so why not. it might be useful.

btw if i were you, i'd be more clear in op.

10 years ago

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Done, thanks.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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But that's a terrible idea, as it can just lead to the OP recklessly deleting everyone who points out his wrongdoings or doesn't agree with him or so on.

Leave moderating to the moderators.

Although report buttons for comments would be buttons for giveaways too.

10 years ago

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Don't think it will be possible. so everyone will delete something they dont like on his thread, its like a forum. you also cant delete something from a forum.. unless your own comment. or if the mod does.

If its TRADE threas only then YES +1

10 years ago

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yes trade only. Thats all I use, so I didnt specify sorry.

10 years ago

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Well that makes more sense then. I guess that if you're about to close a deal for 6 TF2 keys and someone else pop in saying to your future buyer "hey I can sell it for 3", that must be a bit annoying.

10 years ago*

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That is one scenario yes. It's your thread and your prices they can post their own on their own thread. it keeps things neat and avoid a total unethical mess.

10 years ago

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put above that its trade only suggestion... :) and its a nice suggestion btw

10 years ago

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Thanks :)

10 years ago

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So here's an example of someone posting their own "sale" on other people's trade threads. And this is very annoying and unethical.

10 years ago

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No .
Stuff should remain on that kinda treads ...

10 years ago

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You obviously dont trade if you think that.

10 years ago

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i do actually , and i think it should remain just cause i do so.
Seeing history of previous trades is good future , i can check out background trades of the ppl .

You an always report the ppl who post their sh1t on your topic anyway .

10 years ago

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yeah but nothing will be done about it cause its not an urgent matter for mods and too many such complaints.
But the day you start being forced to close some nice threads because some guy spams it with some BS, or some others come to your thread and post their own sales pitches there, you're gonna wish you can block them for good. It's equivalent to having someone come into your real life shop and stand at the front door with his own products. it's not right. The Feedback section is for feedback on the trader, the trade thread, is for trades or offers to yourself. That's how its supposed to be. Doesnt have to be delete, it can be hide at least. Like it is in other forums. Some people abuse it and ruin it and right now there is nothing you can do about it. Except report, but nothing will happen even if you do. I've reported such things many times.

10 years ago

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I really think you are overreacting here ...
Its annoying , and thats all it is ...

Yeah some guy come and spam my thread , no big deal
I report him , his post get deleted in few days ... Solved.

10 years ago

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It's annoying I'm not saying its more than that.
If those got solved like you mentioned I wouldn't even have suggested this, but it doesn't. I have pending stuff form a year ago.
Being able to collapse those annoying comments, can only be a good thing, there are no negatives, but plenty of positives, and it's also less work for mods.

10 years ago

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Yours proposal would be good for people that have set up kind of a shop on ST at the expense of 'want' side of deal.

IMO, the main purpose of ST is to be kind of flea market where users can swap their unwanted games for ones they want, not necessarily at $ for $ price basis. Proffesional traders and middle mans have it's place (and are indeed needed), but cannot and should not be put front and center as this would defeat the purpose of ST.

10 years ago

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yes i totally agree with what you said. But it doesnt tackle the problem that affects all traders, pro and not.
Let me give you an example you have a thread that 200 people have bookmarked cause its clean and neat and you're a good trader.
Then you get a noob or troll, cant tell which one they are usually, who has zero rep, who will come and not knowing how things work will write 40 comments all over, stupidities and will come back every day and post stuff completely messing up your page. And this happens btw. Or others posting their sales on your own thread instead of making their own thread. Leechers. This is all unethical and against the general rules. But the Mods dont have time to solve it, and it doesnt do good to anyone at all. TF2outpost have solved this by giving you the option to collapse and hide those annoying comments. They are there but collapsed not to annoy you and visitors.

10 years ago*

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If someone does breakes rules, it's Mods task to take care of them. (And yes, I know that ST Mod team is understaffed).
Problem with giving power to delete comments is that a lot would abuse it and delete also counter-offers, noob/occasional traders posting very low offers and so on. imo that would be bad for the site, discouraging occasional users from coming back ever again.

10 years ago

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