I have a question, if I buy Furry Futa, will you remove the punishment from my account to regularize it or is it too late for me to remove the notification of violation of the site's rules from my account?

1 day ago

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you are not punished if u can create topics, but yes

1 day ago

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but when I got a suspension it said I had received 1 warning and that at most I could get 3 if I bought the game, would it go back to 3 warnings or would I still have 2 warnings left?

1 day ago

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I'm not sure how the warnings work, I can't see the warnings on your profile. Anyway I suggest you to buy and activate the game anyway if you want to participate in GAs published on this forum. Somatimes there are GAs protected by SteamGifts Tools rules, and almost always there is a rule "has activated all winings". You won't be able to participate in such GAs.

1 day ago

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frozenX and Punishment I'll do that then when the game is on sale

1 day ago

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To reply to someone, click on the reply button below your message or they wont get a notification that you responded to them.

To answer your question with more certainty, i would write a ticket asking the mods about this and they will respond accordingly.

1 day ago*

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