The event has ended. See you next year, possibly!


Ladies and Gentlemen, today is February 16 (for most of us anyway - I'm excluding you time-travelers for this one). And that means that it has been exactly a year since I hosted the first Catch Me If You Can event on this very forum. It was quite popular, and again this year I will be hosting a "sequel" giveaway event.

That said, it is time for you to prove yourself in a race against fellow users. Show off your ninja speeds! Prove your worth as a skillful hunter! And emerge victorious among 19 other hunters for a chance at some shitty giveaways which were probably not worth all the efforts. :D

Ladies, Gentlemen, welcome to...

Catch Me If You Can - The Second Hunt

Okay, so what is this all about?

The concept is very simple - as soon as the start time countdown reaches 00:00:00, users will be allowed to begin a hunt. What will you be hunting? Why, me, of course! As soon as the event starts, you will need to "catch" me. To catch me, simply be the first to reply to any of my newer comments with "Caught!" or "Caught you!" or whatever makes it clear that you have claimed the point on this one. At the end of the week, the top twenty users with the highest score will be granted entry to the CMIYC Steam group where giveaways will be hosted.

How about some more details?

Each catch is worth 1 point, which is added and updated to your score on the scoreboard posted on this thread. Some rules and regulations apply when it comes to catching, so please read the rules. Failing to carefully read and understand the rules may and will earn you a temporary blacklist for the duration of the event and you will be disqualified to participate. I'd prefer it not comes to this, so please just read the rules.

The event will also involve a trap/bonus system where I may sometimes comment "This is a trap comment" or something like that - this means that claiming it may result in the loss of 1 point or more! On the other hand, I may also post bonus comments which, when caught, gives you bonus points. In addition, I will be gradually increasing the difficulty of catching me, even going as far as constantly changing my profile picture. The early bird gets the worm, so be sure to be here early for the easiest catches.


Read or be disqualified from the event!

  1. You may only claim "catch" on comments I posted AFTER the date and time specified below.
  2. You can only claim comments I posted in other people's threads. Comments and replies in my own threads DOES NOT COUNT.
  3. Comments in any giveaways DOES NOT COUNT. That would be an unfair advantage to people who have me whitelisted.
  4. Participants cannot claim my comment if it has previously been claimed by another player. In the case of a "double-claim", the first reply earns the point.
  5. I will rarely reply to any "claim" replies, but if I do (example, stating rules or pointing out something about the event), it does not count as a "claimable" comment. Pretty much any of my comments mentioning this event will be invalid for a claim.
  6. Do NOT participate if you already own both games. That would suck for other players. (You can enter if you want just one game, though)
  7. Absolutely no cheating will be tolerated. No bots, no scripts. Suspicious participants will be investigated and disqualified.
  8. If a player ignores the rules and warnings about breaking said rules, I maintain the right to disqualify them from the event and giveaways, regardless of their score.
  9. Players who remain tied for a place in the "Top 20" participants list will be picked randomly using
  10. Deleting your replies is not allowed, especially on traps. Play fair and take the loss like a boss. I will be monitoring everything very closely, so I will catch you in the act, which may disqualify you from the event.

What is being given away?
Tales of Zestiria
This War of Mine
Sword With Sauce: Alpha NEW

...and maybe more to come.

Blacklisting Verification™
Use this giveaway to tell whether or not you are blacklisted before participating.

Duration and Ending Date
The event begins on February 16, 2017, 11:59:59 pm, UTC
The event ends on February 23, 2017, 11:59:59 pm, UTC

Any claims done before the starting date or past the ending date will not be accounted for.
(This includes claims done on comments I posted before the starting date or past the ending date)

And that's pretty much all there is to it. I will probably be updating the thread with rules and other stuff, so check back for anything saying [updated]. The event will begin 6 hours after the creation of this thread, after which it will last exactly one week. Please bump from time to time during the week to allow other potential players to notice the thread.

Have fun, and may Lady Luck be ever in your favor.

8 years ago*

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Player Points Bonuses Status
DoctorHolmes 18 17 (-1 +2) = 18 INVITE SENT
quinnix 9 7 (+2) = 9 INVITE SENT
Wolfhausen 6 INVITE SENT
quan1503 5 8 (-2 -1) = 5 INVITE SENT
Saucisse 4 5 (-1) = 4 INVITE SENT
slackerfuu 4 2 (+2) = 4 INVITE SENT
Massivekills 3 4 (-1) = 3 INVITE SENT
kinkami 3 INVITE SENT
MagnificentOne 2 INVITE SENT
CarrieWhite 2 INVITE SENT
khansorn 2 4 (-1 -1) = 2 INVITE SENT
pampuch721 2 INVITE SENT
Skull18 1 2 (-1) = 1 INVITE SENT
zxcasd 1 INVITE SENT
JackSpirio 1 INVITE SENT
Mikurden 1 Eliminated by RNG
fubarnocaps 1 Eliminated by RNG
Axelflox 1 Eliminated by RNG
8 years ago*

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Scoreboard position for all players has been verified. 3 of the lowest ranking (and tied) players will be excluded from the group invites through random selection (using

8 years ago

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I don't want to participate in the giveaways but can we be friends on Steam 💖

8 years ago

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The result - screenshot also available below

Coming last, the following users will be excluded from receiving a group invite:

  • Mikurden
  • fubarnocaps
  • Axelflox

Sorry! Better luck next time. :D

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8 years ago

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aw, see you in 2018 didn't counted >.<

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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One more reserve just in case.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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You complete ass. Be grateful the event isn't live yet so I'll let this slip. :D

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8 years ago

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Previously on Catch me if you can..
I won't be playing this time though

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8 years ago

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I lack the motivation to participate by doing anything more than bumping the thread. :X
So have all my motivation for today.


8 years ago

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Same here. I barely even bother to check SG at the moment...

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

8 years ago

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Bump for owning both games ^^

8 years ago

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Ohh I remember that. It was fun :P I dunno if I want to participate though, since I don't want these games or to ruin chances for others xD

8 years ago

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If I get to catch you even once I'll be happy! (scored 0 last time) =P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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That movie was fucking great.

8 years ago

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You should see one of the presentations/talks of the guy that the movie was based on. :D

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

8 years ago

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Um, not trying to be killjoy or anything, but you still have an hour to go on your countdown timer and it's not yet 11:59 PM UTC...

8 years ago

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Yep, sorry I made a mistake and forgot to edit. D:
I made the giveaway start too early, and then instead of checking the countdown for the start time I checked the giveaway. Doh.

8 years ago

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Event is live (for realz now).

Have fun!

8 years ago

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Bump for stalking dragons!

8 years ago

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Sadly not enough time for this atm, but I really like the idea :D

Have fun guys!

8 years ago

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I loved the idea of the event when I first saw it, would love to take part :)
Hopefully I can be a good hunter...
Be more active on forums, please! :D Just joking ofc

8 years ago

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It's like the F5 events, you never know when and if I'll post. >:D

8 years ago

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Already owned both games, have a bump anyways :P

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Do NOT participate if you already own both games. That would suck for other players.

But, but.... I wanna catch you (;-;)

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8 years ago

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Let's catch him, when the event is over and he doesn't expect it anymore. cracks an evil laugh

8 years ago

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I like how you think!

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8 years ago

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Added another prize; Sword With Sauce: Alpha. Stumbled across it, looks kind of fun so I bought two copies, one for me and one for this event. :P

8 years ago

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What is being given away?

That's two events now where I've owned all the games..
It's almost like you're trying to dissuade me from catching you up in my arms..! :'(

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8 years ago

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Even with the latest addition to the list? I find that surprising. :o

Also, I kinda plan on adding more through the week. I did the mistake of not stocking up on gifts early. I mean, I did but got impatient and give them all away. ;_;

8 years ago

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Oh, no, not including the new addition. :) But it's not my kind of game, unfortunately- so same end result. :X
But of course you already knew that, you tricky love-avoider, you. :|

8 years ago

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Fun, might take a while though.

8 years ago

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The forum is kind of boring right now. I can't find anything worth replying to. D:

8 years ago

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I wonder if anyone is going to bother making a script to notify them whenever you make a comment. And then people start competing to make a more efficient notification system with in-built trap-detection.
If there's nothing interesting on forum then come visit chat ^_^

8 years ago

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I meant if the forum is boring, I can't post, therefore I can't help participants progress. D:

8 years ago

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Ahh, gotta find a suitable comment to reply to after all.

8 years ago

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It is on.

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8 years ago

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I can catch you in real life :P
Actually no I don't want to go to Canada

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8 years ago

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Canada is a big place. I'm curious to know how you'd ever find me. >:D

8 years ago

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With magic everything is possible :P

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8 years ago

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I don't want to go to Canada


But we have delicious maple syrup ;_;

8 years ago

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R-Real support? Replying to my comment?
Is this real life? Or just a fanta sea?

I mean you don't have to come to Canada to find delicious maple syrup
But I do want to see one thing in Canada

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8 years ago

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Not sure if you would want a sea of Fanta. Imagine all those bees and stickiness D:.

That whole "All Canadians are nice" is a lie we spread in order to facilitate our plans for world domination totally true :D.

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8 years ago

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I don't like Fanta either way, tried to pun.. I guess I failed :(

Are you Canadian? Just like that person with 007 as cover?
So you're saying that Canadians aren't the nicest people in the world and not saying sorry every 5 secs?
Glad it's all true! The internet didn't lie to me :D

8 years ago

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Yup, born and raised (though a different part of the country).

And the internet would never lie to you. Remember: Always believe everything thing you read on the internet. If it wasn't true, than peeps would not bother writing it down and saving it on some random website :D.

8 years ago

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Different part of the country?
So your blood is Canadian but your nationality isn't?

Yep the internet never lied to me

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8 years ago

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So your blood is Canadian but your nationality isn't?

I meant me and Jbond live at different parts of the country (which can mean a lot depending where in Canada you are from).

You are kinda right though., I'm only first gen. Canadian. I was born here but my parents are from South America (Chile and Ecuador). Got a bit of Italian which gives me an Italian last name, but I'm more or less Latino.

8 years ago

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Yay! I'm on roll this week!

That's pretty confusing answer you have there :P
So what's your answer if someone ask about that? Will you answer that long too?
Or maybe "I'm half european and half american"? xD

8 years ago

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Lol. Umm, I usually default to saying I'm Chilean since that is the side I'm closest to and I grew up with my maternal grandparents. Didn't see much of my father's side of the family till I was much older.

8 years ago

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Well... that was so complex Ayy xD

I guess you can say your father is on the dark side
( ••)>⌐■-■
Because you can't didn't see him that much

8 years ago

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