I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this already, but there's currently a couple of people giving away the "One Piece Burning Blood Gold Pack", that's at least what the giveaway says. What they're actually giving away though is the Golden Luffy DLC which is currently available for free on the BandaiNamco website.

8 years ago

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Same goes for most (not all!) people passing of the free Goocubelets games for another one.

Thanks for mentioning it. though i am not seeing it anymore, already removed?

8 years ago*

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The giveaways on here? No, they're still up.

And if you're talking about the giveaway on the BandaiNamco website then I'm not sure but it may be restricted to Germany?

8 years ago*

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Oh it's also DLC, why i couldn't see it.

Be careful though, most likely you are right but you might end up the one getting suspended for calling out, best to remove it here.

Not sure about the regions there.

8 years ago

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Removed the links. Didn't really mean to call anyone out, just wanted to make sure people would know about the current giveaways not being what they say they are. =D

I've switched around the country settings but it always brings me back to the German front page, probably because of my IP, so I'm not sure if it's only available here.

8 years ago

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You need VIP access afaik. Its free as well but I couldnt login with my normal account, so you might have to register the vip account

EDIT: Registered and was able to get a key. There are more freebies
One Piece Burning Blood - Golden Luffy DLC
One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 - Fan Gift Pack DLC
Dragon Ball Xenoverse - Movie costume pack for PC DLC

8 years ago*

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Oh? I just registered a regular account and was able to claim it without a problem because it's free and doesn't require points. There's more free stuff too.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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I had a bandai account when the Tales of Zestiria sale was up. I couldnt use that account to get these freebies and had to register a new one.
Anyway, its there and its free ;)

8 years ago

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Ah, alright. Glad it worked. =)

8 years ago

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Thanks to you I got some free stuff :)

8 years ago*

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You're welcome. =D

8 years ago

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Like trying to give a Goku skin as a giant complete pack. Don't they know what happens when they do that?

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Fool me once, Shame on you
Fool me Twice, Shame on you more!

8 years ago

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Closed 5 years ago by Hopanda.