What do you think about overwatch ?
tracer is a close second
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Fuck Mei, fuck her freezing laser, fuck her sniping icicles, fuck the wall, fuck the ice cube and fuck the fucking blizzard. PLS NERF
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And this is why I don't play FPS... because I'd be saying the same exact thing, and my blood pressure would be through the roof. Instead, my blood pressure is fine and I can enjoy it vicariously. :P
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You know, Sixth Sense, the movie? I see dead people? Dead game?
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I prefer the single player experience, so I don't see either dead or living people. xD
I know, of course, one time I gotta go MP (if possible).
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This is that game that porn of it was made super fast right?
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That's a rule for EVERYTHING that is created.
In less than a month, I can guarantee you that you can find porn from that stuff.
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I'm playing it. Right now actually! ^.^
It's super good even though Im super bad at it :D
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To be honest the game is sper fun, I picked it up on Friday after I got a refund for TW Warhammer and I'm like level 23 already.
My pet peeve is that skins are literally shit, except the legendary ones. And I only got ZenyaRattatta so far, which is pretty cool, but each si a thousand credits. After playing all weekend I'm at like 500, come on blizzard, stop givig me shitty sprays.
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i am level 17 and have 4 legendaries, gg
also yeah its only a casual game for me
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It ran like crap on my toaster. The game's super fun and I wish I didn't have to refund it, but well, that's how life goes.
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Ah, gotcha. Sorry to hear that. :/ I thought maybe you'd discovered a game breaking bug, or something that just sucked about it... was making me reconsider my own preorder for a moment... I haven't had much chance to play yet.
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This game is really awesome... I have roughly 20-30 friends of mine that play it... Mei is tha bomb!!!
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yeah i have a lot of friends that play it, its really good to see that a good game gets a lot of buys
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Yes, I'm playing it and enjoying it, also got a second copy for my friend. Although I might stop playing it rather soon, this "waifu" shit that's crept into it has really put me off, I'll try to discuss the actual game with someone and they'll spout bullshit like "Mei is Bae!" and it's frankly fucking disgusting.
But overall, still better than all the shit they stuffed into TF2.
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I understand your point of view, but gettint to the point to say "its frankly fucking disgusting"... just CHILL a bit dude
its just a game and people like to have fun and be dumb in those
sorry for the pun
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I guess I'm just old fashioned. Back in my day we used to cherish our crushes and only tell them to our best friends, I just hate how it turned from that, into posting it everywhere, telling everyone and making it publicly known you grovel over home made porn of them.
Realistically, I don't actually find it that disgusting, it's just I've seen so much of it by force it really is starting to make me feel ill. I want to check for overwatch gaming news without it being about waifus and porn, just once.
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I don't even play it but +1.
Overwatch is up there with Undertale and Touhou in the "games with an annoying fanbase".
No offense to anyone who loves these games, I'm not saying they are bad. I'm saying that the community are sometimes annoyingly enthusiastic with their admiration of said game. Sometimes it goes so far that it's not even about the game anymore, it becomes some kind of "internet cult".
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Not really that interested in it, plus I'm pretty sure my computer can't handle it. Mei is moe, though.
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Man it curbstomps TF2. I only played TF2 a couple of times since the Overwatch Beta and I used to play it for hours everyday until then. I can't wait to actually get it in June.
I too share you admiration of Mei, I was just telling my buddy who owns it she's my favorite
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Nope. Couldn't try the beta because my download speed is so bad that it would have been too slow to download it, THEN have time to play it. It looks fun, but I'd probably suck at it. I'll also probably never play it because I don't buy full-priced games, and very rarely buy multiplayer games because there are too many chances of me not liking it or sucking at it too much to be enjoyable.
Meanwhile, I've been playing Dirty Bomb (thanks TAP Steam group for bringing it to my attention <3) and although it's filled with paid content, it's actually quite enjoyable so far, and I didn't notice any massive difference in power level between players. It's good. Probably nothing like Overwatch though. :P
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i cant imagine the pain of playing a lot of the characters that need an acurate aiming while moving with a joystick
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If it helps to make a decision:
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I haven't played it yet, but it really does look like it has the general TF2 class setup going, with a little extra. That, and it's the most recent waifu-simulator on the market so far. The little shorts were pretty cool too, but it's Blizzard and they make better cinematics than games, so that's expected.
I am, at the very least, interested in it but I mean, let's be honest, I think I would suck at it and if that's someone's thought process before going into a game, they won't have a great time. LoL itself was bad enough. Overwatch also seems like it's very unbalanced so far, specifically Bastion. Man, Bastion is a complete joke at this point.
EDIT Oh, yeah, and I probably can't run it, so yeah. Yeah.
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A big excuse I've seen so far is "just attack as a team" but no one realizes how ridiculous that is. First off, does anyone really expect perfect teamwork in ANY team game? Secondly, a whole versus one single character? Yeah, it just makes it seem pretty bad. Cr1tikal also released a video a while ago of him camping, presumably, the whole match on a moving platform. He also did the same dealio with a turret on the payload + Bastion turret on the payload, and he pretty much steamrolled everyone. I've seen a lot of stuff that points towards at least a few characters being pretty OP. I haven't seen any Mei stuff myself but that's another class that gets complained about a lot. It's actually kind of ridiculous how many complaints I casually hear/see when Mei is mentioned anywhere.
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That's really only assuming people are good at the game. It hasn't been out for too long and actually "getting good" at a game isn't a reasonable choice. Lots of games take a long time to get, at the very least, mediocre if you're not following guides, which is most people.
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dude on the beta bastion had a shield of his own when he was on turret mod, that shit was crazy
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I am thinking in buying it, but i dont like the idea of buy a multiplayer online title
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Not the kind of experience i would be glad to pay for. I always prefer a nice story, but the multiplayer is fun to play with friends too, so there is the dilemma
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The fact of buying a multiplayer game is more like a moral charge, because i didnt buy Rise of the Tomb Raider or Metal Gear Solid 5 yet, i fell like buying this one and not the other ones would be against my principles, but i liked you concept of contrast.
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i'll be honest i understand the hype for Borlderlands 3 but for me the first 2 werent that great and the hype for the third part is way too much,they were both 7/10 games for me
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Well, I clocked 650 hours in Borderlands 2 playing just by myself (in an "co-op" game) so there must be something in it that I really liked.
I wouldn't really call it hype. I don't trust any publisher anymore to be hyped for anything. More like "I would quite like for the 3-rd game to be just as fun as the second one so I don't want them to fuck it up". Gearbox have this really nasty problem where any games that they outsource end up being utter garbage so I'd prefer for them to have the funding and manpower to make the game by themselves.
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I enjoyed the beta but haven't bought it. Too expensive for something that may peter out within weeks. I'll wait and if it has staying power I'll grab it at some point. If it gets a 50% off sale then it's a definite buy, but I doubt that'll happen within the first year.
I'm also pretty concerned that any DLC will be must-haves and overpriced, forcing you to pay up or quit.
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These days to me that just means they have something else in mind that they can charge for that people will consider vitally important but that they haven't publically stated will be free.
Companies screw customers over all the damn time these days, it's pretty much the status quo. Just look at any TV advert and compare what they're actually saying with what they're implying. It's intentionally misleading.
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I havent seen much about references about overwathc on the thread and i wonder how many of you are playing it... i am playing it a lot to be honest, i dont tend to get so hook up to MP only games, what do you think about it?
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