Agree i have never win before. just let me win once pls
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Well most of his/her gifts won were from groups or private, so it does make sense.
To new users, it is a lot harder for them (or us I guess... though I'm not really new) because most groups are exclusive to join and we don't want to whole heartily give to the community right away without knowing anything about Steam Gifts.
Nonetheless... with only 13 entries I guess it makes sense as to why people are saying that, but isn't there already a group out who does that?
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This was what the S.Losers group was about, but unfortunately, we ran out of people who were both losers and active. Most of those who applied were leechers.
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Unlikely. The issue was that all of the active people (giving wasn't enough, you had to be part of the community) had already won. Anyone else either didn't fit the main requirement (400 giveaways entered with no wins) or was a leecher.
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Someone needs to take the initiative. As of now, most of the users contributing actively to the community have wins. Unless this changes somehow, S. Losers won't be coming back to life.
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I am an unlucky user, but I am lucky in friends and I think nobody should feel entitled to win something here. If it happens, it happens. If not, that's life.
Anyway, +1 for the idea, it's a good one.
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Probably not going to happen, but I'd like this lol. There are a few groups just for this occasion.
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In the time it took to click 1000 links, you could have made enough to buy your own game :)
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Good idea. But even better if you could put something like "Only for people who haven't won in 500 giveaways + contributor $25"
so that these giveaways would be for contributors too, not only for unlucky leechers :P
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I agree, would be a good idea. No reason why it couldn't be combined with the contributor mechanic, e.g. Contributors who've given more than $30 with < 2 wins and > 800 giveaways.
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Or we could simply increase the number of entries of the unlucky ones, they would have a higher probability of winning. For example, someone who hasnt won anything since 500 giveaways will get x5 entries into a giveaway, So someone who has won recently will gain only x1 entry. Just a suggestion.
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I disagree. Steamgifts has always had equal chance for everyone who have entered in giveaway. Equality is nice. Breaking it would bring some technical issues as well. Currently you know right away what your chances are when you enter. If each user would have a different probability based on multiple factors, one would have very limited options to know what the chance for winning is.
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Maybe with some kind of a slider (like we have for contributors) that creator can use to set the desired ratio of win/loss or some other parameter (number of losses, or nuber of entered givaways without win, or I don't know). Withing certain boundaries, that is.
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I'd like that. I've gone over 800 and not won a single thing...
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But there should be option for giveaway maker to make chance to win in his giveaway equal for everyone. Why? I think that it would be a bit unjust if someone had 5x bigger chance to win a game worth 60$ while active contributor would have smaller chance. That's just my opinion.
Or: enable this win chance raising only for contributors or likely.
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Not a bad idea :) I like being a contributor and so far I've given away 3 games worth nearly 60 $ and entered about 90 giveaways. Never won but what is 90 giveaways compared to 1000 :D still I think that is just a bit unfair if you've entered 1000 giveaways won 0 but already given away games worth like 200 $ and than you get someone that entered 1000 giveaways won 5 and never created a giveaway himself
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Idea for a temporary solution: Just create a private Steam group (suggestion: The Unlucky One) and only accept users with 0 wins on SG. When you create a giveaway make a group-only giveaway (for the users of this new steam group) and when someone wins a game, you remove it from the group. This way we'll get a group with only unlucky-SG-users. What do you think guys? (PS: sorry for my self-taught english)
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That's how S.Loser's worked. From what I've read above, it looks like too many leechers joined.
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Thanks for the info. If there's a good way to avoid these leechers...
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One could always include a rule that to enter you must have at least single contribution. The problem is that most people wishing to enter this group would have zero gifts given.
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70 Comments - Last post 56 minutes ago by mourinhos86
I propose making an option to initiate giveaways for people who have not won anything for a number of xxxx giveaways...
'Cause you cannot feel a little sorry for someone who entered e.g. 1000 giveaways and has 0 wins..
I'm not proposing the numbers for someone to be eligible,i'm letting it to the site-administrators if will be accepted/implemented...
Thank you for reading this.
Edit: Seems i'm being harassed 'bout not being a contributor, i will be soon, i just discovered the site.
Please don't loose the main idea here.
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