To give or Not to give
I learned long ago, never loan anything. Gift it, if you get something back, yay, if not you have not lost anything.
Just not worth the trouble otherwise.
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! things for sure,that person wasnt your friend,money you "lend" him,bought you that knowledge,so cheer up
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Money is definitely the one thing I never get involved with when it comes to friends, giving or receiving. And that's always something mutual I've had between my friends and myself, unless it's something like a couple quid for the bus or something in which case I don't really expect to get it back, but know they'd do the same in return if I needed it. Even the thought of explaining a money situation to a friend just feels strange to me. Be it what we're earning, what we're spending, what troubles we have, money is just a topic that's never brought up.
If I was in a situation of desperation, I'd talk with my immediate family about it to seek help from a loan, and vice versa, I would loan money to my immediate family because I can absolutely trust them to return it in the future. But if a close friend asked for me a loan anywhere above even like €100, I'd definitely reject the request with some bullshit but polite excuse and feel pretty uncomfortable with them for a while because it's just an experience I've ever had with my friends.
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Yeah money is always a sticky thing. When I am with friends I never care about who's paying for the bill or who's getting what. But when they ask to borrow some money, is just hard to say no. But I need to stick to my gun and be firm from now on. I got my own family to worry about
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Neither a borrower nor a lender be,
For loan oft loses both itself and friend,
And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
That said, I'm still happy to lend money to friends I absolutely trust, but those are very few and far between.
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Unless it was a whole lot of money, this was money well spent. You took a class at the Life Learning Center and have graduated with a Certificate of Excellence in Recognizing Fake Ass Friends.
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It has to be custom-ordered. Lend me a few bucks and I'll get it to you.
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I have been burnt a couple of times but never for large amounts. Luckily it just taught me that I needed to be more selective on those I was friends with. I've now got a small group of people I trust completely that I wouldn't lend to, but I would give them money if they needed it that badly.
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well this always happens.
if you borrow them money, dont think for return. : /
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Online "friends" are bullshit. Don't trust anyone if you have even the SHADOW of a doubt that they won't repay you.
I was scammed a TF2 key I lent to someone I once considered a good friend on Steam in the past. Let's just say that I only trust people who have too much to lose (I mean come on, anyone who is well known on SG won't scam me).
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Not everyone like that,
I still help them sometime even if I knew about them, but there is no second time until they give it back.
Helping people is good, supporting their bad habit is not.
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If it's happened to you three times then they must know you're some kind of a sucker.
PS Can I borrow $50, please? I'll pay you back later...
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This way you can get rid of false friends at low cost)
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I had i mate I lent him £50 to pay a seat belt fine he bought weed with it and didn't pay the fine the court sent bailiffs round to see him the fine went up to £250 so he paid that back and 9 months later i got my £50 back moral of the story never lend money to friends it's a freaking nightmare getting it back.
If they want money make them earn it by mowing your lawn or something and pay them and hourly rate.
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I don't believe a loan can stop people from being friends, unless circumstances lead you to insist strongly on getting it back while the other party can't afford it. Not real friends, anyway. If they vanish as soon as things stop being fun and carefree, they never really cared about you.
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My dad once told me
"Don't lend money to a friend except you want to lose him. Or don't lend give as a present"
Don't worry about that person.
I had similar situations. And I am talking about thousands of dollars.
I lost money but I learned, experienced very important things.
I don't know how much money you lost but sooner you accept the fact sooner you will feel better.
By the way you seem a little bit confused,
Most of the relationships are not equall and people don't treat you as you deserve.
(You can easily find out girls chasing guys whojust bully them)
You might be angry to yourself but you shouldn't.
Just accept. You didn't do a mistake.
Every reltionship has diferent sides and other side is wrong in your case.
Take a deep breath and let the bastard go...
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Answer you are craving to find is not important.
You can never be sure.
And you can never go back in time.
So accept what happened, stop making yourself sad.
I am aware it is easy to talk (write in this situation) but i have seen worse.
I am also aware every person adn situation is unique.
But answer to that kind of things are
You learned something important
You get rid of someone bad. You might have lost more
Plus if he saw you as valuable i don't think he would leave you
That is life :)
I can be your friend if you are going to lend me money ;)
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Just ask yourself if they'd lend you money, if the answer's no then fuck em. Or just keep it, it's likely whatever they need it for isn't a life or death thing anyhow.
Got burned two years ago by a friend I loaned 12 tf2 keys to, he delayed paying me back until after the Summer Sale that year was over and done with so I missed all the deals. After he finally did pay me back I got hit with a temporary trade ban because half the keys he gave me were stolen. Never did figure out if he knew, but that was it for me and lending to anybody.
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Just wanted to know if this ever happen to any of you. So I had this happen to me 3 times now. Friend A, ask to borrow some money cause A is a rough spot, no money to pay bill etc. Comes to you to ask if he can borrow some money off you. You say yes and everything is good, until you ask for the money back very later down the road. They give you some BS story and next thing you, you are no longer on their friend list.
To me is not really about the money but to lose friends over something like that? I mean one removed me from all friend list and contact when I didn't even ask for the money back.
I would be better off to just say NO, but when your friend comes to you asking for help, would you ignore it, if you are able to help.
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