Self-explanatory title.

What class you like more?
This poll is intented to embrace every kind of RPG, ranging from the first of them, tabletop D&D, to WoW.

My favorite classes are a Knight-Paladin-like class and Druid. The Paladin-like is because I like the idea to protect others, healing, risking my life for the only purpose of serving justice. The Druid would be because I like a lot the relation this class have with nature, animals and magic.

If you don't find your favorite kind of character, specify it on the commends and tell why :)

No giveaway here.

Btw, feel free to spot my English errors in this text, if you find any.

9 years ago*

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What RPG class you like the most and why?

View Results
Sorcerer (wizard would be the same, right?)
Thief (or rogue)


9 years ago

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Oh, that's a good one. I didn't even think of that one. On that note, what about a street sam, or a rigger? Both of those could be fun!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 9 months ago.

9 years ago

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Ha that was my first thaught

9 years ago

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At last, others in the Sprawl tonight. This troll fixer wannabe here started to feel he played origami with a phonebox.

9 years ago

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Druids 4 Life (...literally?)!

9 years ago

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Sorcerer / wizard,i just love magic,it's much better if it's got fire magic,burn them all :D

9 years ago

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Probably a Potato.
I can't really fight or anything.
I would just sit there and grow sprouts.

9 years ago

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Potato has the power to dominate the world.

9 years ago

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I like that idea.
Count me in!

9 years ago

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Is "Potatoman Seeks the Truth" about you? :o

9 years ago

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Necromancer Mage would be my choice. Like spells more than fist fights.

9 years ago

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Oohh. The necromancer. How did I forget it?

I had this as my favorite for a real long time. Since I played Diablo 2, I loved that Necromancer so hard, omg.

9 years ago

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Necromancer is sort of best of both worlds, lots of spells but also fun with resurrecting and animating. I played as this (with Mage 2nd or sometimes 1st) on Alter Aeon a lot.

9 years ago

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Berserker or Dark Knight.

9 years ago

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Rogue all day erreday!
Speed, versatility, and lock-picking. What more could a girl need?

9 years ago

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other: peasant lv1

9 years ago

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I really like Druid cause his concept is very nice. Nature magic that includes healing, debuffs, DoT and AoE attacks is pretty awesome.

Since you asked, here are the errors in caps. "This poll ARE intented to embrace every kind of RPG, ranging TO the first of them, tabletop D&D, to WoW.

9 years ago

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Thank you. Spotted the mistakes and fortunately they are not mistakes anymore.

9 years ago

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Any class where I can run around naked and punch people is a good class.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I roll a pleasant pheasant peasant.

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9 years ago

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knight > all

9 years ago

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Thief (or rogue)

I'm quiet, stealthy, and work better alone. I strike from the darkness, and my attacks, although rare, are lethally fast.
That's pretty much how I'd rather play my RPGs. Speed and stealth above all else.

9 years ago

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You play like a coward!

Haha sorry I just had to. I'm quite surprised on your choice though. Considering you're a dragon I thought you like strong bruiser classes like me that can both deal and take a lot of damage.

9 years ago*

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Indeed I do, and I have no shame in it!
Now that I think of it though, I usually play as a warrior when I first play a game. For example, in Skyrim... I was a fucking human tank in my first playthrough. I basically couldn't die from most enemies at all. A glass warhammer, the heaviest and toughest armor in all of Skyrim... and a tough as nail Nord warrior inside of that armor.

However, on my latest playthrough, I've been playing as a light, dual-wielding thief/assassin, and I really enjoy that playthrough much more than with the heavy armor/weapon combo.

Same thing in Tera, started playing as a Slayer (heavy longsword), then started a new game as a Warrior (quick dual-wielding) and liked the Warrior class more.

9 years ago

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Wow Bond, couldn't have written that better myself!

9 years ago

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Yep, this. Playing fast and light keeps you on your toes and you have to be much more aware of things around you.... and there might be a shinies to steal ;) Personally I like using long range weapons and sneak crits.

9 years ago

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Knight/Barbarian mix?

9 years ago

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Brute force and huge weapons + skills and armour?

9 years ago

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Evasive speed physical attack = attack while dodging with incredible speed.

this is the best advanced warrior class in ever, trust me :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Oh, forgot the Monk-ish classes.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Lockpicking in real life?
The only time I've ever ""lockpicked"" something I used a scissors to "push" the door's stuff that goes into the wall (the handle was broke, I couldn't get in, I used a pen, a scissors and 1 minute to push that >_>).

Lockpicking must be nice :)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Thief/Rogue, because I like to own many items and treasures, and also exploring and finding secrets :P Stealth and backstabbing ftw!

9 years ago

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Bard. But these days I lean towards fighters simply because they are easier to play.

9 years ago

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i prefer healing classes, esp. priests
but i like other magical classes too

9 years ago

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haha Nice topic! = )
I always choose Archer / Ranger class. Bow and Arrows FTW!!!

9 years ago

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Sorcerer and wizard are not actually the same, at least in traditional settings. One is a charisma/bloodline/innate caster, while the other is a scholar, a hermetic mage, someone who studies magic in order to use their abilities. While they both fulfill the role of tossing magic around like candy, the methods are quite different, and a sorcerer is more chaotic than a studious wizard by default.

I've always gone with barbarian, because it was the first class I played in D&D and because, well, there is no kill like overkill.

9 years ago

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"While they both fulfill the role of tossing magic around like candy"
I Lol'd so hard when I read this.

9 years ago

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I mostly play with melee classes that are good at both dealing and taking damage. I love using two handed weapons and AoE skills.

9 years ago

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There's a big difference with what I identify with and what I like to play with. I kind of identify with druids, nature classes. But I never play with those. I avoid classes that seem too difficult, like Mesmer in Guild Wars. In Guild Wars my choice was a Warrior. I like to be in the middle of things and not worry about dying all the time. I don't like kiting (I suck at micro in Starcraft 2 for example). On the other hand, I enjoyed playing as a Fire Elementalist as well. That sort of classes are my second favorite. In Diablo 3 I started with a Wizard but then moved to Demon Hunter, and Barbarian and Crusader haven't really seemed interesting so far. So Archers, Rangers etc. are nice for me too. I guess overall I like to choose high dps characters over support characters like healers or crowd control. I feel like I wanna be the one killing stuff, because it's most enjoyable. Healing is for people who enjoy playing with others.

9 years ago

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Decker or Adept - Cyberpunk worlds
Deathknight - It's fun to play the bad guy from time to time
Rogue / Ranger - if I'm playing a semi good guy

9 years ago

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Going with the good ol'drood !
Nature, magic and shapeshifting into animals is awesome :3
Rogues/Thiefs with their sneaky way of solving things is also quite nice!

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9 years ago

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Cool image that one :)
I know that Druids can shapeshift in animals in D&D, I love that idea, but I never played or had a chance to play D&D (I read the "players guide" or something in the internet about 1~~2 years ago)

9 years ago

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got the idea with the shapeshifting first from WoW tbh :D
Read about the D&D druids too and really liked all the hapeshifting/magical possibilitys, but I am 'just' playing TDE from time to time with some friends, sort of the same thing as D&D but a bit less fantastical and less big magical creatures/ big spells, more subtle magic in most cases (or so I've read) but in there druids are not as cool as in D&D. So I made a 'stealthy' hunter with a pet squirrel (so I can get my squirrels in there somewhere :D)
At some point I gotta try out a D&D druid :3

9 years ago

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