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So how long before the game gets delisted from Steam and becomes and Occulus store exclusive?
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Probably quite long, if it even happens. We'll have to see if the game drops from PSVR first. But it's entirely possible that Facebook will treat this like Microsoft treated Minecraft, that is, a cash cow that Facebook will try to get into as many platforms as possible and expand and monetise in creative ways. Then again, I do have a higher regard for Microsoft. Still, putting Beat Saber on as many platforms as possible, hooked to a Facebook account, and sharing your plays with others seems to me more likely than dropping support for most platforms and making the game specific to the Oculus store. It's also possible that Oculus will make the game free or discounted on its own platform (for example as part of Facebook Horizon), and continue to sell it on others, in order to add appeal to its own VR platform.
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Isnt it possible for Google to top FB's damage with Google's bolstering of the mobile gaming market's race to the bottom, and if Stadia fails & gets abandoned which would be a major setback to the cloud streaming market's viability?
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Would like to know this as well. Do they even have any gaming related activities other than Oculus?
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If I had to guess...
Grew the mobile-type gaming market with a race to the bottom in terms of cost, quality, and growing in-app-purchases for in-browser or social gaming.
FB bought Oculus, and after that...
FB made the privacy terms for Oculus much worse
Oculus made (and maybe still makes) a bunch of timed exclusivity deals, comparable to the Epic store
Oculus hasn't invested in connected VR tech since Oculus S (everything else has been standalone proprietary solutions)
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Grew the mobile-type gaming market with a race to the bottom in terms of cost, quality, and growing in-app-purchases for in-browser or social gaming.
It's a lot of buzzwords, but I still don't get it. Can you bring an example or two? Do you mean stuff like Farmville and so on? If so, then that's not Facebook, that's different companies like Zynga, Miniclip, King and a ton of smaller developers. But like I'm guessing you're going for something else anyways. Also, how did Facebook grow it? What stake has Facebook in mobile gaming? Aren't Facebook's games all browser games with a few popular apps allowing you to use the FB API just like stuff like Google and Game Center?
FB bought Oculus, and after that...
Again, I think I'm missing something here. Facebook bought them and what? You've now got the full Rift, Gear, Go, Quest and Rift S so far. That's all done in only 5 and a half years too. Or is the frequency of releases not the issue? If so, then I'm confused again since reviews for Rift, Quest and Rift S have been really good and while Gear was nothing great, it pioneered mid-end consumer VR tech. You need to point me in the right direction again.
Oculus made (and maybe still makes) a bunch of timed exclusivity deals, comparable to the Epic store
I thought it was mainly funding the games outright with the $500 million pool specifically given to Oculus VR for making games?
Oculus hasn't invested in connected VR tech since Oculus S (everything else has been standalone proprietary solutions)
How's that making things worse though? They're focusing on other things that you're not interested in, but how's a standalone system detrimental to the VR industry, especially while you still have competition with more and more companies popping up to give it a shot? Again, I think I'm missing something here.
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Let me clarify that I'm guessing at the perceptions of gamers who dont like FB who I presume are mostly hardcore or perhaps some non-casual gameplayers, whether I agree with them or not.
Can you bring an example or two? Do you mean stuff like Farmville and so on? If so, then that's not Facebook, that's different companies like Zynga, Miniclip, King and a ton of smaller developers.
Yes, that's what I was referring to.
Also, how did Facebook grow it?
It provided a platform and user base for it.
What stake has Facebook in mobile gaming?
I didnt say that, hence me saying "mobile-type gaming". Many non-casual gamers can frown upon or dislike any form of game that is not comparable to popular PC games or AAA games. Many FB games were not comparable to either.
Facebook bought them and what? You've now got the full Rift, Gear, Go, Quest and Rift S so far.
It is my understanding that the middle 3 are standalone, with only the first and last depending on computer hardware. For anyone who is a hardcore gamer, this can be perceived as a setback to advancing VR development, as they could've used their standalone VR efforts instead on making the S or some non-standalone model much better than they currently are.
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7 Comments - Last post 39 minutes ago by adam1224
As a big Beat Saber fan, and a harsh critic of anything Facebook, I am pretty bummed out about this news. Would refund at this point if I could, but of course I've played far too long for that. Hopefully, someone will make a clone version for when FB inevitably breaks modding, adds telemetry and tracking and tries to monetize the game in destructive ways. In the meantime, you can check this reddit comment on how to stop Steam from updating the game.
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