Well, he marked it as received, so in conclusion he accepted your gift. If he did not activate the game in like 7 days since he won, he is the only one responsible for it, if you sent the key you shall not be held responsible and the winner risks suspension for not activating the prize.
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The extra one is a bit of a tricky question, we are trying here to mainly go on a trust based system, since it is hard with keys to prove if they are functional or not (unlike gifts which u can actually send), but, I suppose that with the proper proof, like receipts, good past record and an understanding mod things should be solved for the righteous person.
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These are all my personal opinions and based on what I saw for others in forums here, I can't say for certainty these are the only and the definitive ways to do stuff.
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"What should I do if a winner used the key on other accounts and then he claimed the key is not valid?"
You got the bundle yourself, not traded for it? If so then in such case you can ask Humble Support to revoke a key and provide you with a new one - they usually don't have problem with doing so, I did so myself deveral times ;)
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np, generally most of Official Bundle sites and all official retailers are ok with providing new keys - only problematic one I know about is Groupees, and you also gotta keep in mind that IndieGala provide support only for 60 days after purchase, so these keys arte best to be given asap. As for other websites - especially Humble and BundleStars they have unlimited support, I've requested recocation of almost 1 year old keys/gifts and had no problem with it.
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They may be winning the item from you to sell it on later - and that is why it is not in their steam account - as they may not be from the SEA region :) - just a thought of course, not sure that is the real reason and/or intention - But I am told there are some pretty unreputable people on the internet (never SG though, surely) :P (for people reading this later - I am having a heavy sarcasm day - please bear with me while I work through this)
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Even if rules say so, Support won't suspend him unless it's 7 Days after GA ended, so just not to waste support's time best course of action is to wait 7 days b4 report, otherwise you will send report twice and use twice as much Support's time.
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Should I just marked the key as sent on my site?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but if you don't click the circle to "Send Key" then the giveaway winner won't see it even if you have entered it into the system here, no?
And if they marked it received without you having done this then they don't know what they are doing...
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Well I submitted the key to the system when I create the giveaway. Can you take a look? I may not understand this step. http://imgur.com/nRdVC0S
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:points up one post:
If you don't click send, the game key.. well, doesn't send. As such, the winner can't actually receive it, and thus, can't activate it.
As far as their having marked it as Received.. well, some people fail at the basics.
On that note, you may want to make sure to check if they've broken any rules- see if they DO have an issue with not activating games, before you send yours out and risk the same [for real, this time].
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Well I submitted the key to the system when I create the giveaway. Can you take a look? I may not understand this step. http://imgur.com/nRdVC0S
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You need to click send.. and it will show a green circle with a little check... it's showing you didn't send it.
However the person marked it that he received it.
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Hmm.. I'm really confused by your picture though. Cause like I said you didn't click it but they marked it as received already.
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For the first one, the winner contacted me that he clicked Received but he haven't activate the key. He didn't mention that he did not see the key in steamgifts. Therefore, I manually sent the key thru his email. And I checked his Steam profile, that time he activated the key thru email, so I clicked "Send Key", assuming this button marked as sent on my side.
I was confused because it's my first time doing this. Till the third one comes, I'm stuck because he didn't activate it but marked as received.
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Glad you solved your problem :)
Also, as Sooth pointed out, you may want to check if your winner has broken any rules before clicking on Send Key. You can do so from this website by accessing the "Rules Checkers" menu.
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If you didn't click send then no they can't see the key.
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The person marked received but you don't have it checked. Did you send it and then removed that you sent it to them?
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He did claim yesterday afternoon but didn't add it to his steam profile which he should have done already. You could send in a support ticket now, or you could wait till later and check again, then if it's not there send in a ticket to support.
I do want to say that the key isn't showing up in your pick though.. just so ya know. Something weird seems to be going on.. but why would they mark received if they didn't see the key.
It's showing the person claimed it Clickteam Fusion 2.5 (Yesterday, 12:51pm)
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Some people may click received by phone. And wait for go back home to activate the key. I suggest that you wait for a week to report him.
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The pic is showing that they didn't send the key though.. however the winner marked it as received. I'm wondering if the winner accidentally hit received.
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It's showing the person claimed it Clickteam Fusion 2.5 (Yesterday, 12:51pm)
So yeah it looks like they didn't add it to their steam profile.
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On the other hand, he has 99 "clean" wins. I think user just mixed up something. Perhaps he wanted to mark an other winning and misclicked - chances are that not everyone knows that they can "unclick" these checkboxes without clicking another one (as the "Not received" option is disabled).
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Not only that but if you mark it received the notification is now gone and although it might seem a bit silly to some, it is possible to forget. Also, by marking as received you are basically saying to the giveaway creator that you have verified that the key works and that the game has been activated. To change this later for any reason other than the game was revoked seems kind of wrong.
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I tried checking FAQ and other old threads but lead no answers.
I just started to try doing some giveaways for Humble Bundle keys.Apparently, my winner marked as received, but when I checked his profile, the ClickTeam Fusion is not registered in his account. I don't use ClickTeam Fusion, so I can't test the key whether it is used or unused. Should I just marked the key as sent on my site?
Extra Question: What should I do if a winner used the key on other accounts and then he claimed the key is not valid?
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