Original Thread: http://www.steamgifts.com/discussion/w2vv4/the-best-person-on-steam-has-banned-me-from-his-group

Dear Indelacio,

I saw your recent video, where you named me several times, and where you made a huge rant below the video about me. You get some things ENTIRELY wrong, and I'm here to set the record straight.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1VB2MZwGzg (Here is the video.)

First of all, I'd like to address your concerns that I'm upselling keys. I'm not.

On Upselling Keys

First of all, if I have 3+ keys for a game, it's because Indiegala does these things called, "Happy Hour." in which they give you multiple copies of the games in a bundle. I paid for these keys, I'm absolutely allowed to trade them. I do not sell them. I trade them.

On asking for CS:GO or TF2 keys for a game

You got this ENTIRELY wrong. I have a copy of Enslaved: Journey to The West on my trade list, which was in a bundle a long time ago, but I have not seen it recently bundled. It was used as an example, and I also mentiond Pac-Man DX All You Can Eat Edition and Star Trek. These examples were used to ask if it was fair to ask for a higher trade value because they haven't been as bundled as other games. YOU jumped in with "those are worthless and blah blah blah" etc. I wasn't even talking to you specifically, but asking a general question to the Groupees chat.

In fact, I never said an unkind word to you. I did use the "Bomb" feature, which kicked you out of the room for a few minutes, which is when all this started.

On the link to the SteamGifts thread you posted in your video

You clearly didn't bother to read the thread. I quit OTG and the related groups as a result of the owner trying to extort keys from developers. It had nothing to do with me doing it, because I don't do that. This is where your idiotic rant gets truly insane and starts making EXTREMELY little sense.

To clarify my comments in the chat room.

A.) I don't approach devs for keys, but I've had SEVERAL devs contact me to offer free keys for a review of their product. Not a good review, but a review. This is because I have a large and very visible account. I have never reached out to dev and asked for keys, and there are PLENTY of people that can back up that statement truthfully. Sorry, man - nothing nefarious, there.
B.) I NEVER resell keys, okay? Ever. If a dev asks me if I would like more than one key, I tell them that there is no need, but SOMETIMES they insist on giving them to me, anyway. If they do this, I often ask them if I can trade them and do giveaways. To date, I think I've traded off exactly ONE extra game key, because a dev sent it to me after I already bought their game in a bundle. They said, "Don't worry about it, go ahead and trade it."
C.) I have given away WELL over 500 games in the past few years.

To clarify everything else

I actually liked your YouTube videos, and when I went to your group, I saw that you had only one member, and that was YOU and YOU only. Your youtube views were in the 5-6 range. Not 5-6 dozen, not 5-6 hundred, but 5-6 views. I immediately invited my entire friends list, and other people did the same. You got a fan base as a result of the free publicity that I gave to you. I bet your group has more people in it than any of mine do now.

I didn't set up the giveaways for your group, that was one of the other people. I literally had NOTHING to do with that, buddy. Why are you attacking me for it? And, why are you upset that someone else is making giveaways to promote YOUR group? That's what dedicated fans do, not buttholes.

I never claimed to be anything in your group. I joined it, and I invited people.

Some questions for you...

1.) Why would you outright LIE about our exchanges? Many of the things that you described, flat out, never happened.
2.) Why would you accuse me of nefarious things when it is quite obvious that NONE of them are true? This is moronic. It's also cheap.
3.) Why would you create a personal website, a Steam group, a Twitch streaming account, a Facebook account, take promotional pictures, and a YouTube account for your LP videos if you don't want fans? Seriously, WHY do it and then complain about free promotion? This is the most bass-ackwards way of doing things that I've ever seen.

In closing, I made you fan art, gave you free promotion, and did nothing wrong, and yet you're accusing me of some pretty high charges. You even accused me of being a stalker. Dude, you have PUBLIC youtube channels, a PUBLIC group, and PUBLIC videos. I didn't look up your address, I didn't continually berate you with messages, I GENUINELY thought you were a unique and interesting person that also seemed somewhat lonely. We had kind of a negative exchange, which you COMPLETELY misinterpreted, and I was honestly interested in what you were doing. I compared you to the American artist Weird Paul, who you can look up on youTube at your convenience. I also compared you to gaming's Karl Pilkington. You are a singular entity that takes EVERY nerd/gamer stereotype and EMBRACES it fully. I wasn't making fun of you for it, I was saying, YES! HERE IS A GUY THAT'S PROUD OF WHO HE IS! You don't understand why you're funny, and that adds a purity that no one else shares with you. I wish you success, but don't lie about me, dude.


P.S. - if anyone here on the forums has any questions about the situation, feel free to ask me. I will tell you my perceptions, and I will even join in the jokes. Thanks!

9 years ago*

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I'm sooo(ooooo) confused.... wut

1st question: Who is this Indelacio guy?

9 years ago

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Check out his website, filled with Papyrus font, and his youtube videos, and you will learn. Today.

9 years ago

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You know by linking it to him you're giving him free publicity right?

9 years ago

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Hell yes, I do.

9 years ago

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Maybe he is Indelacio and all this drama is just an excuse to increase awareness of his existence. Who knows, my head hurts.
Send an open letter to your government representatives, try to solve an actual problem, and leave this Indelacio drama behind. That's the only thing I can say to you.

9 years ago

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But it's sooooooooooooo funny!

9 years ago

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That was my first thought tbh. But... I do agree that Indelacio guy is funny. He reminds me of that guy somehow:

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9 years ago

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He's just a very interesting dude.

9 years ago

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Fucking smurfberries must be goddamn crack rocks in fruit form.

9 years ago

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so.. who are you ? and what's going on ? lol

some youtube drama queens bitching about selling/trading keys bought legally ?

9 years ago

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nah, he's trying to drag my name through the mud and turnabout is fair play. He has made himself a public figure and has chosen to accuse me of some pretty scummy crap. Just figured I'd give him some extra YouTube views and fans along the way.

9 years ago

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and how exactly is he a public figure?
i know you are trying your best but he's not even remotely know on youtube
dude...one step at a time

9 years ago

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By putting himself out there like that, he's clearly trying to make himself a public figure.

9 years ago

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How much we care about it:

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9 years ago

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Excellent! :D

9 years ago

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Sorry but...

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9 years ago

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Nah, I know. This is all really, really funny.

9 years ago

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Is that the guy who actually wanted to live in Birmingham? Screw that guy...

9 years ago

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he wants assistance so that he can continue living in Birmingham, but wants to call me a thief. Dood get a job..

9 years ago

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The way I understood it Birmingham went to great lengths to get rid of him and doesn't want him back. I've lived in Birmingham. Birmingham will literally take anyone except that guy...

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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I.. I must know more o.0

Links? Story time?

9 years ago

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I, too, must know more.

9 years ago

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I noticed the previous thread about this person and foolishly clicked on the link to their site and top of that page is the saga of his dispute with Birmingham council over housing. And after my own issues with said council I initially felt sympathetic and began reading - but then swiftly lost all sympathy and realised that I should be doing something productive with my time.

I think the short version is that Birmingham council ignored his requests for housing benefit until he got evicted and he is now living with family outside Birmingham and is trying to apply to get back in but Birmingham council are wisely finding various excuses to keep him out.

Frankly I think the best thing for everyone to do is simply ignore this person until he goes away in the manner that Birmingham council are leading the way.

9 years ago

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The man is a professional model, thus it is hard for him to go away.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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To me or him? If it's to me. D'aw hug

If it's to him - YAY HE GOT A HUG :D

9 years ago

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To you, since everyone is posting they dont care posts.

But wow the guys video went from 3 views to 53 and 10 dislikes lol

9 years ago

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AND I KNOW! That's what I'm saying!

9 years ago

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Well I was gonna post one too but I felt everyone else had it covered

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Jesus this is awesome ahauahuahauhau

9 years ago

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It really ish.

9 years ago

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This GIF.
I love this GIF.
I need this GIF in my life.
Here, have a basket of VirtualCookies™ for showing me this GIF. :)

9 years ago

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...Why are you posting this here?

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9 years ago

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Just because! :D

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This\ is an AWESOME post.

9 years ago

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I saw Bratty's post yesterday and dug into Indelacio's website from top to bottom. Watched some of his Youtube videos. Checked out his social media pages. Joined his Steam group and sent him an "add friend" request on Steam. I did all this because I was genuinely into this guy, what he was doing as himself, how he had made himself a product for consumption digitally. He's charming in a minor way, a sort of tame affability and presentation of himself that is entertaining to watch and very easy to listen. I immediately thought upon watching him that he doesn't realize he has talent - undeveloped maybe, definitely untapped - and a likeability that would generate a fanbase if people discovered him.

When I joined his Steam group, it had maybe 30 members. I posted in Bratty's thread that I was making two legitimate giveaways to promote his group. I was hoping Indelacio would accept my friend request on Steam so that I could tell him about the giveaways, prove their genuineness, explain why his group was getting new members, and ask him to talk with Bratty to clear up their misunderstanding.

About 20-30 minutes after I posted the giveaways in yesterday's thread, Bratty added me on Steam and we began talking about Indelacio, the group, the videos, and their chat problems over at Groupees. I understood Bratty's side, and explained what I thought might be Indelacio's side, ie, bad day woke up grouchy, misunderstanding out of context, bad experience with bundles/keys/something. Y'know, the type of things that could easily cause the sort of ire one person can lay on another on the internet without much more provocation than their name or avatar or coming in on the tail-end of a public conversation.

In any event, Bratty couldn't see the giveaways, since she'd been banned from the group, etc. I took it upon myself to create a group recruitment thread for Indelacio, linking his public offerings of videos, streaming, social media, and Steam group, and attempted to promote additional group membership with those two giveaways listed above. At this time around 40ish people had joined the group.

The Steam group has all commenting and discussion ability disabled, so there is no way to communicate, by the members to Indelacio or other members, on the group page. Fair enough, that's Indelacio's call. In the video he released today calling out Bratty, and by extension me, with his link to my group recruitment thread and inferring that all of this is some sort of elaborate scamming for keys by duping people, or something... Also, Indelacio uses the word "illegal" and "illegally" in his Youtube post today to describe actions which most certainly are not. It's not "illegal" for users to join his public group, which he says he created so he could curate Steam content. It's not "illegal" for users of that group to create giveaways for other users in the group through means available that are in accordance with Steam's own rules, licensing, and API, such as SteamGifts.

It would take Indelacio approximately 15 minutes, and that's being generous, to read for himself the rules he agreed to using Steam, the curation and public group requirement, how SteamGifts works, and to check my public inventory to see that, yes, there are actually one each Steam gift copies of the games I'm giving away to promote his group. He could have accepted my friend request on Steam yesterday and talked to me about any and all of this to clarify. He could have read that Reddit post he links in his Youtube video to see that, according to Bratty she wasn't involved in the shady side of OTG, and that without proof of his accusations it's ludicrous to assume that she was.

So, with all of that said, I'm done with this clown. I really wanted to see him reach some modicum of internet success, because I believe he is capable of it. He has a certain something, some sort of magic, that makes him ultimately watchable and listenable and he could use that to become a star to some degree of magnitude. But after today, after his continual insistence of believing that reality warped and his perception of it is clear, and after acting like he's being attacked for people joining his group and promoting it (his group membership stands at 89 as of this writing)... I just gotta walk away. No desire on my part for drama of any sort was held throughout this, and yet, it's become that.

Fuck it.

9 years ago

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Thank you! :D

9 years ago

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I love it when people get all high and mighty about digital media rights.

The law, at least in Europe, is crystal clear.

Bundlers, Devs, even Steam themselves, have no legally enforceable rights to prevent the resale / trading / giveaway of legitimately acquired keys.

IG know that a huge proportion of them are going straight on to the grey market, and with bulk discounts and happy hours, they AND devs are enabling the resellers.

The guy would be better off looking for a job, rather than uploading youtube vids 'calling' people out.

9 years ago

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He just had a total misunderstanding about it. A very unfortunate, EXTREMELY hilarious misunderstanding about it. What I don't like is him telling people to report me and him calling me a stalker, etc etc. None of that is even remotely true, and accusing me of being involved in shady giveaways and resales is entirely false - and they're a shot to credibility.

Sure, I'm a total brat. I can be snarky, sarcastic, and bitchy. However, I am NOT a thief, and if people are decent to me I'm quite nice. In fact, I was gonna give the guy a bunch of games off of my tradelist JUST BECAUSE! But then he tries to publicly embarrass me.

I mean, he did it in the absolute dumbest possible way, which makes it even funnier, but still, he tried to.


9 years ago

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In his video, the one you linked to, he just rambles on uttering nonsense.

He accuses people of criminality for reselling keys they've purchased.

He also trots out the old discredited fallacy, that giveaways / piracy take away legit paying customers.

He's English, he lives in the UK.

It isn't illegal. It's neither a crime nor a civil offence.

I'm not questioning the morality of it, frankly I don't care too much, and I care even less when I see devs bundling their game on PC or giving it away on iOS / Android and then trying to charge $15~20 for the same game on Xbox Live or PSN.

It's not even illegal to sell your steam account, let alone alone Steam keys.

That's why Steam / Publishers won't / can't bring action against the grey market unless they can prove criminality, ie theft.

Before making a video displaying his ignorance, he could have took the 10 seconds or so to check it out rushing to Youtube to continue his 'crusade'

A very apt quote:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

9 years ago

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I just think it's hilarious.

9 years ago

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I prefer the phrase "Better to to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and shove your foot down your throat".

Bratty's been linking me to this guy's stuff for a couple of days, and I checked him out. Nothing in-depth or anything, just a "WTF is she raving about" curiosity kinda thing.

I don't see why she's so enamored with the guy but making a video response after her wanting to promote him and basically slandering her is a bit much. Good luck with getting him straightened out. Perhaps link him to the OTG thread and all the info in it to straighten him out on the accusation part?

9 years ago

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He actually put that thread in his video, totally missed the point of the thread.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Also, my name isn't "BrattyShnaksh" AND I never threatened bad reviews if they didn't give me free keys. This is really just....hilarious.

9 years ago

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Alright, I admit the first thread was funny, but now it's just getting silly, confusing, and spammy...

9 years ago

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lishen, jbondguy00sheven...

9 years ago

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Screw you all for making me watch that video. Okay, so I didn't finish it, but I will want those 20 seconds of my life back. That guy has a face that just screams, "Punch me. You will feel good."

9 years ago

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I'm sorry, you cannot have them back. However, I can give you a high five.

9 years ago

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both of you... make zero... sense.

9 years ago

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No fucking idea what's going on.

Saw the first thread, assumed it was some of meta or viral type advertising for Indelacio's group, now I'm not so sure.

Please stop, it's making my head hurt.

9 years ago

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I think (THINK) it's some sort of elaborate, nonsensical piss-take on OP's part.

9 years ago

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Bingo, Jabbergeisht.

9 years ago

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" leaves his steam group, ignores his website, drinks tea and moves on "

9 years ago

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I dont understand...

9 years ago

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Paul, I thought you were a GEP gun

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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No problem, Dyshkord

9 years ago

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He really was fussing about having more than one key up for trade?
Gods, what would I get when my current list can sometime let me do giveaways like this one (it's long expired, before someone gets their hope up): http://www.steamgifts.com/giveaway/wFfEV/grim-legends-the-forsaken-bride

9 years ago

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insanity post up in here

9 years ago

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Yesh, Shpiral. Inshanity!

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Pretty much my reaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulIOrQasR18.
Sorry :P

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

9 years ago

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It is. Quite abshurd.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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yesh, Cheeshe. Yesh.

9 years ago

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