I'm not sure if this is allowed on the forums, but I'm trying to get a game for my sister before steam sale ends as for her christmas present. I'm giving away $7 worth of CS:GO items if there is anyone out there that can get me the game. I'm just trying to get her a present since I don't have a job right now, so help is appreciated.
For anyone who reads this or comments on this about how I should find a job or not have a Merry Christmas non the less :)
Game: Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition

10 years ago*

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SteamTrades is what you want

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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what you're proposing is items worth XX money for game worh YY money. It is called trading and it is prohibited on SG. if you'd like you can try and find a trader on SteamTrades.com or any other trading-related site (google is your friend, there are many trading groups, sites and communities), but keep it out of SG. Close the topic before someone does it for you and suspend you in the process ;)

10 years ago

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oh okay thanks alot guys :)

10 years ago

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Closed 10 years ago by AdmiralShadow.