Do you think what I've done is right?
Wouldn't have notice if u said, your English wasn't great or something. My favorite part of the passage was the expression ' frolic in self pity'. Very nice!
About the BL stuff: Meh...don't care much, people who were BL-ed probably don't either. I only want to wish you a Happy Birthday in advance. If you don't want to celebrate, then don't. But please do not put yourself down. You add value here and IRL. If you realise that then that is enough, you need no validation from anyone.🤝
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I'm sorry you're going through a tough time. I can empathize, this year has been pretty rough.
I hope things improve for you.
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Here, language is used to communicate. You expressed your thoughts and feelings perfectly and there is nothing to criticize.
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Happy belated cakeday and soon-to-be birthday. Even if you don’t want to celebrate your birthday, maybe treat yourself to something small - a pastry on the way to work or a game you’ve been wanting for a while.
I hope things get better for you soon.
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Happy days still.
And i know your feeling, i had mine bday on sep 1, it's always that other people still want to do something for you.
At an early age i wasn't invited anymore to kids bday parties so my parents also didn't me let have one anymore, so at an early age i learned not to have a big deal about it anymore and i always find it it's just one more year closer to the end (with still not any set goals reached...and time is ticking). But also here no self pity.
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Well, I for one am celebrating this day and any other day for you being part of this community. And you can't do anything about that! 🥳
I hope here will not be anything but disappointment
I am not sure if you intended to write it like that, but I do fear that this hope will come true.
Since I am not a native speaker myself and I don't have a career and several masters in english philology, I can't in good conscience judge anything above an 8/10. The important thing is: can you get your points across and do we understand each other? That being said, there's always room for improvement. I am also totally not deflecting your attention from the fact, that I didn't actually rate your english. 😛
Happy days, JMM! 😁
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Happy cakeday JMM72. Have a hug!
Your English is pretty good. 8,5
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Your English is good. I hope you enjoy your birthday when it arrives!
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8/10 on English which honestly is much better than I'd give a lot of native speakers. Sorry to hear things have been rough lately, I hope they get better for you and happy birthday.
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Happy early birthday, buddy!
10/10 because my English isn't as good as yours, y sobre todo porque soy ferpecto. 🙃 The last word is a reference to a beloved Spanish movie
Un abrazo!
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As a not native speaker, I was able to understand everything perfectly. I was in your BL but never knew why. Never asked. But I appreciate your gesture, I'm sure other people will too. For what is worth I never forgot your help when I first started interacting in discussions. Cheers and good luck with everything.
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Happy Belated Cakeday and early Birthday.
And your command of the English language seems to better than mine and I'm a native English speaker.
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I've been mistaken as a british, told that I talk as a texan, and some varieties in the same vein. However, I do remember an english or british person I met in LOTRO that was really, really hard to understand. Worse english than if you did through Google translate, really.
Not bad for a person who only knows two languages: normal and clean.
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I wish you early happy birthday.
As for the question I'll leave the judgement to native speakers as English is not my mother tongue as well.
Still you're clearly not a novice. Judging by the question and the post itself I would like to wish you more self confidence as part of the birthday wishes. As you can see from other comments, you're a recognized member of the community. Bad things happen, but don't allow them to overshadow everything else.
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Your english is a 8/10 for me. Probably better than the majority of people living in England. 😆
I hope 284 people appreciate your kind gift and make the most of the chance they have been given.
It's hard having a glass half full mentality when your mood and feelings are the other way round so you've obviously thought about this.
Life can be very tough and those "bad" days will hopefully make the upcoming happier ones all the more sweeter.
Keep your chin up and best wishes to you!
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I don't really have many thoughts regarding the blacklist reset, every individual sees to their whitelist/blacklist management to their own needs and feels so if this works for you, that's the only thing that matters. 👍.
As to the command of English I easily rate a 9, if not a 10. I may be in a small minority here but I often feel that grammar & spelling are not as important as conveying the meaning & intent of one's thoughts. That is ultimately, the whole point of communication, yes? And besides, I went to school with people who, after 12 years of a so-called 1st world school system in an English speaking country, came out with a grasp & display of English that was mediocre at best and embarassing at worst. And 20 years after finishing school I still encounter them all the time in the the school leavers, and no, I'm afraid it can't all be blamed on technology 🫢.
Still, belated congrats on 5 years in the site and best wishes for the upcoming birthday regardless (another member of the ambivalent birthday crowd here) and like so many of us I imagine, hoping for better times ahead.
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I have to edit a lot of newsletters and content that goes on websites. I'm going to give you a 9 for having lyrical expressions, complex sentences with good uses of commas, and because it's early in the morning for me. The scrub jays urge me on.
As a person also plagued with many things, may your time become easier to bear, may small bits of enjoyment make things lighter, and maybe a baked good or warm beverage will be a spot of happiness.
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I left education at 16. Not with a high level of english, rather basic. But I was always good at languages, so I started to use it in my first job and I've been self-learning it since then (still learning, yes).
So, I can't be an A+ english student. A+ english dropout? A+ self-learnt englisher? A very good disguised alen entity sent to study your species that passes as an A+ english writer?
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Very mature and selfless of you.
As for your English from a professional standpoint 8/10. From a standpoint taking in that most native speakers are utterly reprehensible(ebonics for example) 9.5/10. I have a feeling it is not just like that in English speaking countries however and most people just sort of drivel out nonsense and make a mockery of their native tongue.
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Happy belated cakeday and soon-to-be birthday! Even if you don't feel like celebrating I wanted to wish you a happy one regardless.
I hope you manage to successfully deal with whatever you have going on right now, and I don't really have much of an opinion about the blacklist thing.
Your English is good, better than mine.
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I wish you happy days as well.
Having people in the blacklist feels like a burden, so I can relate that you wiped it.
Your English is pretty good, maybe 8.5/10?
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Today is no special day between my cake day (5th) and my birthday, both in October. However I have no will or reason to celebrate any of them. Today is not the day halfway between both dates, nor any specific day for some reason. It's just a saturday, between both dates. (I just realized today is 5th and it was my 5th cakeday - it was pure coincidence.)
I skipped intentionally my cakeday, without its customary giveaway(s) intentionally. I'll not do any other gibs for my birthday either, as I said I have zero motivation to celebrate any of those days. This year has been increasingly hard and complex, and is weighing down on me with
borderlinecruelty.But I'm not here to frolic in self pity, and I don't want to appear as a victim or asking for pity. We all have our troubles and obstacles to overcome. I can't do much for that, neither for you nor for me.
Instead, I'm going to do something I've been thinking about this year for 284 people. I've wiped my blacklist. While I'm very aware some of those people don't deserve it, I decided to not nitpick and just leave the slate clean. My only regret will be that the last times I've given a second chance to someone, I've received nothing but pain. A risk that, well, I hope here will not be anything but disappointment.
Probably most of those people will not even notice it. They will enter one of my giveaways (none running currently, but soon) and not remember that they weren't able before it. Most of them will not have learned why they were blacklisted and will not learn any lesson. I'm not responsible for that and I'll blacklist them again, not even remembering if they were blacklisted before or not. A few I'll remember, for sure. I don't expect to be removed from any blacklist either, and I'm not asking for that. There would be no reason to reset the blacklist as "gift", then.
With not much else to add, I wish you happy days.
P.S.: rate my english from 0 (I didn't understand anything) to 10 (I have career and several masters in english philology and you're perfect). Don't point errors, just rate if you're making a comment.
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