Well, as someone who is a bit into all that science thingies I was wondering how were experiments using animals regarded by the SG community. As you know, this site is full of a rather interesting bunch of people from everywhere around the globe and it's always nice to know the opinions of those who have been raised with different cultures and that.

So yeah, I wanted to know. What are your views on experiments using animals? Do you refuse to buy products that do so? Any kind of product? If you don't agree with said practice what alternatives might you suggest?

Also I would like to know some of your background, I mean what makes you think that way.

Go on, share your views.


11 years ago*

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I would allow genetic manipulation, for the sake of possibly being able to prevent certain diseases in the future.
What I do not like however, is seeing animals suffer for putting bad lipstick on them, since we can do that on humans.
I know the combination of the 2 statements above may sound strange to you, but the first one might be able to save lives and the second stops unnecessary suffering.

11 years ago

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Close this shit, I had a thread about Medical Cannabis that a mod closed, but this is ok to discuss?

Also, animal testing is necessary for safety and efficacy results. I work at a pharmaceutical company, so I know how important it is to getting a drug approved by the FDA. If you think there is a better alternative, you are wrong. I love animals but somethings are necessary for drug development

11 years ago

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Get out of here. There's ok to discuss everything, what is not ok is to try to adoctrinate people. If you want to impose your views on someone you better shut up. We're having a nice, light-hearted discussion here and if you don't like it, well, close the damm door upon leaving.

11 years ago

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Also you are rather naïve to work in anything related to science. And yes, I saw your thread, and yes I rebated everything you posted there.

11 years ago

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And finally, are you in need of attention or something? I couldn't fail to notify the urge you have of being noticed. You know, writing in bold and all that.

11 years ago

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You asked the community their views, as a member of this community I responded. Why one thread about medicine would be closed and another not is beyond me. Also, I use bold in almost all of my posts in general, its has nothing to do with attention. If I wanted attention I would triple post or something....

11 years ago

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Not taking sides or anything but '+1' on that triple post remark.

EDIT: Also MrCastiglia's reaction was expected because you did start your comment with calling his post shit which was absolutely unnecessary.

11 years ago

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Well, it's easier to post again than to edit my posts.

11 years ago

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I think animals should stop experimenting on us.

11 years ago

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"As long as it's not a cute animal" said 90% of Animal Rights "Activists"

I don't really care if it is an animal which is in no danger of becoming extinct.

11 years ago

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In a way i'm against it because i am an animal lover (2 cats,2 dogs and a pidgeon at home :) ),but on the other side...would you rather test the products on people?Some compromises have to be made in this life,and don't forget that the worst animal in the world remains the human if you think about it.

11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

11 years ago

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I'm perfectly ok with experimentation on rats. Anything bigger and I get uncomfortable for whatever reason.

11 years ago

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Do not support animal testing for anything. If animals could speak "our language" they wouldn't want to be tested on, nor would a human want to be. I don't see why a human can make decisions on this just like that...

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by MrCastiglia.