If you bought the key recently and think it is unused, I would try to get a replacement from whoever you bought it from. If it is a really cheap bundle game, you can try trading someone (not here on steamgifts) for a copy if you have other leftover bundle games to trade.
If you can't get a replacement key, there are a few things you can do. After 7 days, the giveaway winner can mark the giveaway as not received. This will just say that it was not received on your account and remove one of your giveaway slots, but you should have plenty of giveaway slots by now because you get one for every 3 giveaways that you send and are marked "received". If you are able to get a copy of the game to give to the winner in the future and they don't own it yet, you can send the game and they can change the feedback to received.
The giveaway winner doesn't have to mark it as received or not received if they don't want to. They can wait to leave feedback if they want to give you time to get a new key, but they will not be able to enter other giveaways for the same game on steamgifts while they are waiting because SG will say that they already won the game.
If you cannot get a key, you can also just explain what happened and ask the winner for permission to delete the giveaway. If they are nice and agree, click "delete giveaway" on the giveaway page to create a ticket and support will approve it. Then it will be like the giveaway was never created.
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I have never had to deal with that before. I would think deleting the giveaway would delete all the copies which would mean that you would need permission from all the winners to delete it. You will have to ask support or maybe a support member will see this thread and respond.
Maybe they could reduce the number of copies and just remove the winners that agree to delete, but I wouldn't think so. I would guess in that situation that you would have to keep the "not received" feedback and just try to get replacement keys if you don't want to have the "not received" shown on your profile.
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If the winner marked the game as received that means the key worked and is in their library. If that's not the case the winner is not supposed to mark it as received.
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Yes, when you delete a giveaway, you delete it entirely, whether it's 1 copy or 100.
However, you also need permission from all winners to do so.
You have a few solutions available:
Lastly, you can find replacements for the 2 dupes, just make sure you don't mention this site in the ticket.
Mind that Indie Gala is known for denying support for purchases older than 60 days, as well as deleting accounts in rare cases.
However, being a bundled game, it shouldn't be too difficult to trade for a few copies, if you're willing to put in the time and effort required to avoid being scammed.
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Permission for deletion from users which marked the key as received is not necessary (had this case once). Support is also able to reduce the number of copies. But I think they only do this in case of rerolls if there are no users left to reroll to.
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Huh, didn't know that permission from confirmed winners wasn't required.
Though I suppose it makes sense, since they did get something.
As for reducing the number of copies, as far as I know it requires manually editing the giveaway entry in the database, to which only cg has access (unless something changed recently).
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Just in case you weren't aware if it's from HB and you gave a key to someone you're in violation of their TOS and action can be taken on your HB account. There's a several things that can happen which includes these.. HB Support may choose not to help you anymore, they can revoke games/bundles you've purchased and refund payments, they can also close of your HB account where you won't be able to make further purchases. As HB Support will tell you, keys are for personal use only and HB takes this VERY seriously. If you're giving the game to someone you're supposed to use the giftlink option.
Ultimately it is up to you what you choose to do. I just wanted to make you aware of this with HB in case you weren't.
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GMG will revoke all support on an entire order, if you indicate any portion of it was used on any account other than your own, personal, primary account, regardless of whether the account in question is an alt account, family account, etc.
IndieGala has flat out deleted a few dozen accounts (my own included) as a response to support tickets, so (while the percentage is negligble to their overall userbase and thus presumably not especially high risk) it's important to back your keys up off of IG before contacting them.
Humble has the elements FateOfOne described. Technically, they should only be prohibiting commercial resale (G2A, for example), but common perception is that they seem to be rather overzealous in taking issue with any sort of key exchange these days.
I believe those are the only key providers commonly associated with the site who are known to have.. quirks.
General rule of thumb, though, don't ever mention the site. Even if you want to be forthright, just limit yourself to "I gifted the key".
Contrary to what Humble and GMG seem to believe, gifting* is our legal right (especially if you're in the EU). More simply, you can just limit yourself to something safely ambigious, like "When we attempted to activate the key, it didn't work." or "Activation of the key failed. Can I get a replacement?"
Let them figure out the proper context themselves, if they want to. :P
*That is, personal exchange. Not to be confused with commercial resale- though I've the understanding that the EU is okay with that, as well.
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If the key can't be replaced, I'd ask the winner that since the key is bad if they'd be ok with a deletion of the giveaway. If so they could leave a comment to that effect for the mods to facilitate the giveaway deletion. You might offer the winners something else if you have an extra key around if they agree to deletion. You can always just say sorry, I screwed up, bad key... and take the undelivered hit if it's not economically viable to replace the key.
I messed up and mixed up keys on a few giveaways (mixed up and sent wrong keys to winners)and luckily I was able to rebuy an extra copy of a bundle to straighten it out, but some of the stuff would've been fairly expensive at full price.
I understand some older bundles now might be voiding out keys after a period of time, so maybe that's the case here also. Hard to know.
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So i made a few GA's lately for no reason and 2 of the key i sent are being reported as duped, what i should be doing ?
I already wrote to IndieGala Support and SteamGift support but what is what usually happends in this kind of cases ?
Does anyone knows ?
(there is no GA for today becouse reasons)
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