This song always reminds of Dancer in the Dark. I know it's not from that movie, but it always seems like it is. Also, the tap at the beginning of the video instantly reminded me of Prodigy - Breathe.
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Wouldn't the cheapest spaghetti be cheaper than instant noodles? And you could use ketchup as sauce. Would also fit well with the insects.
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Not sure about the price, but spaghetti takes much longer to cook (yes, I know I could eat it uncooked, but I just don't like the sound it makes).
As for ketchup - a gourmet like me would never use ketchup. How dare you to even suggest this?
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Didn't think of that. Seems like you are a real master of cheapiniess. I have much to learn...and I'm sorry about the ketchup, I won't underestimate your exquisite taste a second time
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No worries. A single mistake is forgivable.
By the way, one of my nicknames is PIN. You wanna know why? Of course you do... Because just like with a PIN number, you can make a mistake with me 3 times. After that you are locked. Except with me there is no way to redeem yourself - it's forever.
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Except with me there is no way to redeem yourself - it's forever.
Unless you marry someone called PUK, that could help :P
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A16oz package of [store-brand or other cheap brand] spaghetti should run you between 50 cents and $1.
A bag of instant Ramen'll (typically 2.25 or 3oz) run you 30-50 cents [or about 23-28 if you get a 6 pack] for the made-of-plastic stuff, and $1+ [I most typically see singles for $1.50, expensive ones for $3, the cheapest 6 packs for about $5] for actually-edible imports (typically around 3.6 to 4.2 oz).
This puts spaghetti at between about 1.8x and 22x times more noodles relative to cost, and they're more likely to actually be recognizable as food, as well.
You're correct, however- Ramen can be made soft simply by running flowing water through it for maybe 10 - 20 minutes. Any public restroom sink could be utilized for this. Proper noodles, however, will remain firm in the center without proper cooking, meaning that spaghetti will be more challenging to consume. ..well, in fairness, Ramen is inherently quite hard for the body to digest, so maybe it just brings them to the point of being somewhat comparable. :P
If you're opposed to ketchup and other typically free condiments like mayo and mustard, many store delis have dipping sauce samples set out on the counter. Properly, you're supposed to only take them if you're a paying customer but, well, it's unlikely anyone'll call you out over it, especially if you're being circumspect.
If you go to a store like Wal-Mart, you can also get clearance packages of store brand bread for about 30 cents. They're about as low quality as the low-grade instant Ramen but, still, it gives you a bit of variety to your meal. Eggs in the US can be as cheap as 4-5 cents each, so you can in fact actually add something resembling real food to your meals while on a scavenger budget.
Contrary to a common belief, you should never eat grass. While grass is non-toxic, it has no nutritional value, it can act as a diuretic or cause vomiting or diarrhea, and it contains silica, which can not only wear down your teeth, but adds even more strain to your already failing struggles to digest the grass.
Conversely, many common trees have sap or inner bark that is edible and has some degree of nutrition, and most of the nuts dropped by urban-frequent trees that people readily dismiss are, in fact, edible (such as acorns or pinecones).
On a final note, I'm a bit dubious of your claim to be a gourmet, if you're eating instant Ramen.
I mean, I'm pretty sure you need to, at a bare minimum, be eating actual food, before being able to qualify as a gourmet.
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Direct price might be cheaper, but spaghetti take a lot more time to prepare and time is money and money is influence and influence is power.
I don't mind hard to digest things - I'm pretty tough and can take a punch to the stomach.
I won't be consuming mayonnaise though, because I'd like to stay in shape.
There is constant pressure from society to "go green", but turns out not all green is good for you. I will be wary of the grass.
Not really keen on pinecones as I don't like crunching sounds. Unless I would train myself to swallow them whole.
Thanks for all the advice!
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Wait, influence is power? But knowledge is power. So knowledge and influence are interchangable? So what you know and who you know are directly equatable? Facinating.. I wonder if that means you've got to pick between only having one of the two? I mean, it'd explain why politicians never seem to know anything..
You, uh. You need to take the pinecones apart or knock the nuts out of the cones, as the nuts are deep inside.. As with most foods, attempting to eat the container the food comes in isn't typically a good idea. Then again, you eat nothing but cheap Ramen, which tastes like plastic, so I can entirely see why you'd be confused about such matters. ^.^
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Knowledge alone doesn't give you power these days. And people with knowledge can be hired.
As far as I know, apart from citizenship and age, there are no actual requirements for candidates to be elected to a quite lot of the important institutions that would at least partially ensure that they wouldn't unknowingly (or knowingly) make harmful decisions and serve in the best interest of all the people and not individuals/corporations.
Not all politicians "don't know anything", but there are too many whose main goal is either to stay in a "warm place" or make as much money as they can in short time by making decisions favorable to certain individuals/corporations while they are in position to do so.
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Exactly. Since there is no sea nearby and seaweed and it's health benefits aren't available to me, next best choice is pondweed. As well as salt from the sweat of people who swim in the pond.
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GTA is GTA for people too anti-social to deal with society properly, Saint's Row is GTA for people too weird to deal with society properly, and Witcher is GTA for people too tired of pretending they want to deal with reality to deal with society properly.
Bully is GTA for people who are too anti-social to deal with society properly and have childhood bullying traumas they want to work through [and possibly an obsessive fetish for rubber bands], Sleeping Dogs is GTA for people who are too anti-social to deal with society properly and feel the need to specifically express that anti-social sentiment as a Chinese man, and Red Dead Redemption is GTA for people who are too anti-social to deal with society properly and never grew out of playing cowboys & indians and are paranoid about being attacked by the undead.. And also for anti-social people who just really like Cowboy hats.
Finally, Just Cause is GTA for people who are too much like Michael Bay to deal with society properly, Morrowind is GTA for anti-social people who want to pathologically jump around forests and cities while pretending they can do magic, and Spider-Man is GTA for anti-social people who want to pathologically jump around cities in their underwear while punching people in the face. Or maybe while getting punched in the face?
I think I got all the important ones properly covered, yea? ^.^
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It's been a while since I visited Steamgifts. Or Steam. Or anywhere else.
Ooh you're back! It wasn't just a while, I remember seeing "last online 300something days ago" in your profile. So where were you, got any interesting story for us? :)
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Webpage doesn't load for me, but I don't think it's sustainable to feed fish bananas whole year round.
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That's pretty insensitive given I lost my right arm in Nam.
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3 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by CelticBatman
328 Comments - Last post 5 hours ago by medion
98 Comments - Last post 6 hours ago by jojo1241
16,722 Comments - Last post 7 hours ago by Vee79
391 Comments - Last post 8 hours ago by SeefKroy
29 Comments - Last post 16 hours ago by scap
914 Comments - Last post 18 hours ago by wigglenose
2,826 Comments - Last post 1 minute ago by CultofPersonalitea
127 Comments - Last post 9 minutes ago by moemustaine
1,378 Comments - Last post 17 minutes ago by Serebix
6,639 Comments - Last post 27 minutes ago by Oppenh4imer
169 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by UnknownEAK
60 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Deleted2137
995 Comments - Last post 3 hours ago by Arwiee
Europe only because regions shmegions. Also, read the description before entering.
It's been a while since I visited Steamgifts. Or Steam. Or anywhere else.
So I decided that I won't eat for 1,5 weeks and instead create a small giveaway with the money I would save. I need to lose some weight anyway. Before anyone asks "You spend so little on food?" - my diet consist of cheapest instant noodles (1 pack a day) and I use water from my local pond so I don't have to pay for utilities (to heat up the water I burn books. This brilliant idea came to me because I frequently visit libraries for free internet access. I use matches which are available for free in various places). Also, in the future humanity will have to rely on insects as food. Being an early adopter, I enrich my diet with various insects - lots of protein! Don't ask me for recipes - I eat them raw.
Some time ago I denounced my faith in black colour (I don't use Night or Dark mode anywhere. Don't @ me. I wish Steam wasn't such a dark place...). Therefore I cleared my blacklist (felt cute, might add you later). Which is not very relevant, since I don't create many or good giveaways. It's more for myself, for my growth as a person, because 185cm is not considered tall these days and I'd like to grow a little more.
All in all, even though the game is not new and most probably own it, it's a very good game. Currently there is an ongoing deal for it on Steam store.
Thank you all for coming. You are welcome to applaud (within acceptable limits - 4 slow claps or 7 fast claps).
EDIT: CONCLUSION: Someone won the giveaway. Also, I am really glad that more than half of people who voted picked either “sane” or “credible” – if you are one of those sane or/and credible people, then we have something in common!
No animals were harmed while filming this giveaway. Do not try this at home.
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